I honestly don't think the "lack of build variety" can be blamed on Zos, at all.
The claim that there is a lack of variety usually comes from pedantic min/maxers who insist on whining about a 2% dps loss if people refuse to use whatever happens to be META during the current patch.
If you can overlook a 2%-5% difference in dps, then there a metric ton of builds to play with. A huge amount of variety.
Heard zos throw this statement that they want us to make more interesting build choices. Now personally im just gunna call it like i see it, this sounds like corporate bs at its finest. Ya know, when somebody is outraged about something and pr puts out a "we are also very concerned and are looking further into the situation" type phrase. Something to calm the angry sheepeople thats fake af. But lets take zos at their word, whats wrong with how we are building? How are the choices not impactful or interesting.
End game pve: Not alot of variety here. Thing is there isnt alot zos can do about it. Each role has a specific job and there is a best way to do that job no matter how fast they change meta. As soon as they have a patch go live there is now a best way to do something for that patch. We might have to figure it out but from the time a patch goes live there is an optimized setup that will result in giving every group the maximized dps, sustain and survivability that is attainable at that time for any group. Any build diversity that comes from here is based on class and role. Generally we also have guidelines we set for the roles. Tbh i just dont think there is an option for increasing diversity here. No matter what zos does there will always be a new best and any divergent from that best is really just subject to your group. Tanks and healers probably have the least amount of choices there allowed to make. Dps has more freedom but its still do more dps and die less than your competition. Still gotta crank out as much dps as possible with just barely enough survivability. So really even there build choices are made for them based on there skill level. If you cant survive or sustain ya you have to make adjustments. Theres no choice in the trade off. There no meaningful choice of well I can have higher crit but lower damage. Its already decided based on numbers. Health vers resources, health will only ever be desirable up until the point you can reliable survive. Your not making choices, your just adapting the best set up to meet your skill lvl
general pve, same as above players have just made fewer rules for it. Tanks still want to survive while being useful to group. dps still want to kill things the fastest they can while reasonable surviving, healer wants to stay alive while keeping group healed and buffed. no dps is going to invest in more survivability than they need at the cost of dps slower. Its all based on your skill. zos is never going to do anything to make dps want more health than they need to reasonably survive unless health starts doing dmg.
pvp, you got the most diversity buildwise here. you can make a build that specializes in a certain area, can tailor survuvability and dps and utility to your desire. Really though this is just more freedom to choose your destination rather than how you get there. If im trying to be a dps magsorc that can live though a back and forth with my team against another team of players and kill them theres still things I want to prioritize and things i am only going to tailor enough into until i have what i need. example they made shields need health. There still no choice in the matter. At no point am i like god i think investing more into my health is a good idea. im like ok, what is the lowest health a can possibly go to survive. If i had a dps magsorc buddy that wanted to be alittle more tanky than me. ya he might invest in 2k more health, now granted if this is real bro would need to invest like 8k into health to actually see a difference but whatever. bro invest 2k health to be tankier, hes still not going to invest more into that at the cost of damage. Once you have what you need your only going to invest in what you want. Its not a trade off there making, its something they need to there build to be viable for them. there not choosing it.
Really the only build options to choose are what thy of build you want but how you get there is all predetermined, ya you can have a variety of sets to pick from but it still falls as get what you need then invest in what you want. if you want to be a high dps your never going to choose a set like pariah. Really if we only get to make choices regarding what we build i think we have less interesting choices than before. Mid dps mid survivability magsorc or magblade are gone, your either an tank or a glass cannon, high rolldodge chance builds are gone. overload builds gone. Going way back here but blazeplar is gone. Now if zos thought these builds were doing to much damage or had to much survivability fine make fine tuning adjustments. its not giving us interesting choices or even uninteresting choices to pick from. The game as a whole doesnt really have interesting trade offs or again even uninteresting ones. You have the core needs the game forces you to have and then you invest in the area you building for. Everything is either a need or something you want to invest as much as you can in or something you dont want to invest in. I mean theres an argument to me made for things in the same area like spell damage spell crit and spell pen or recovery vs reduced cost but even there a best option exists to give you the most bang for your buck you just have to find it. Ya they can switch around the requirements for a build to be viable but its still not anything we choose and is decided for us by viability and our skill, its not a choice.
i think if zos really wants to increase the interesting choices in our builds they need to give us more types of builds, mag ice dps a thing, i sure there will be alot of players that start building those.
idk, just thinking out loud, thanks for wasting your time reading a lunatics ramblings. What are your thoughts
I honestly don't think the "lack of build variety" can be blamed on Zos, at all.
The claim that there is a lack of variety usually comes from pedantic min/maxers who insist on whining about a 2% dps loss if people refuse to use whatever happens to be META during the current patch.
If you can overlook a 2%-5% difference in dps, then there a metric ton of builds to play with. A huge amount of variety.
I honestly don't think the "lack of build variety" can be blamed on Zos, at all.
The claim that there is a lack of variety usually comes from pedantic min/maxers who insist on whining about a 2% dps loss if people refuse to use whatever happens to be META during the current patch.
If you can overlook a 2%-5% difference in dps, then there a metric ton of builds to play with. A huge amount of variety.
Exactly ^
There is a lot of room for diversity if you don’t have to have BiS stuff and the absolute best dps. And as far as I’m concerned unless you are in a guild that is routinely at the top of the leaderboards just play the way you want to. Let me clarify though that your build needs to work for the content you intend to do. If you are going to be that special snowflake, make sure you are a snowflake that knows what you’re doing.
Some punctuation would help with readability next time...
But I mostly agree. Softcaps and different scaling would help this. Also, I think many people conflate “best” and “viable”. There are a plethora of viable combinations that will complete any content, but people tunnel vision on what’s considered the best.
alexj4596b14_ESO wrote: »You know, let's look at more interesting. Today I am like "hey let's see if I can't make Druid Stamina Build with a Pet!"
So first I chose warden for obvious reasons. So I've got my bear double barred. Alright so now let's chose my weapons! I was like alright Dual Weapons and Bow! Makes sense so far. Alright I put together my bar. A stun, some sustain, a damage buff and some defensive buff. So I've got, lotus flower stamina Morph Cor crit and sustain, green Betty for some weapon power and regin. And of course Ice Fortress. 3 buffs to maintain bit horrid but what can you do.
So then I go look at my bow passives "with bow abilities" is attached to Every Passive, so rip my ranged damage boost with the bird. Alright let's see posion nope nothing in the class kit compliments this so this ain't gonna work nothing is working together.
So while I'm awaiting amazing ideas I'm looking at stamina sets that boost weapon power and there is only one that applies to everything and it's hundings. Which is eh..nah doesn't quite feel right.
The bow sets are very nesh and two hand set is Eh. There simply nothing that meshes well with the idea. So I go back through without the warden in my head and I realized NONE of the stamina sets and mean none mesh well with any other set.
Like bow sets don't mesh with other bow sets, two hands sets don't mesh with anything, and dual wield sets are a pipe dream. Posion sets don't mesh with anything but DKs. Posion sets don't even mesh with Bow which is largely posion damage and dots. You have to be a DK for any of those sets to synergize well.
So I gave up on that idea and was like alright what about a magkica version. By the time I finished building the it I realized I just rebuilt the same warden magkica build without the frost ult and put the bear in there instead.
If they want different builds the sets really need to encourage that, because as far as stamina goes excluding 2 sets hundings and the pentration set nothing meshes with anything but dk. Which is dumb.
I honestly don't think the "lack of build variety" can be blamed on Zos, at all.
The claim that there is a lack of variety usually comes from pedantic min/maxers who insist on whining about a 2% dps loss if people refuse to use whatever happens to be META during the current patch.
If you can overlook a 2%-5% difference in dps, then there a metric ton of builds to play with. A huge amount of variety.
alexj4596b14_ESO wrote: »You know, let's look at more interesting. Today I am like "hey let's see if I can't make Druid Stamina Build with a Pet!"
So first I chose warden for obvious reasons. So I've got my bear double barred. Alright so now let's chose my weapons! I was like alright Dual Weapons and Bow! Makes sense so far. Alright I put together my bar. A stun, some sustain, a damage buff and some defensive buff. So I've got, lotus flower stamina Morph Cor crit and sustain, green Betty for some weapon power and regin. And of course Ice Fortress. 3 buffs to maintain bit horrid but what can you do.
So then I go look at my bow passives "with bow abilities" is attached to Every Passive, so rip my ranged damage boost with the bird. Alright let's see posion nope nothing in the class kit compliments this so this ain't gonna work nothing is working together.
So while I'm awaiting amazing ideas I'm looking at stamina sets that boost weapon power and there is only one that applies to everything and it's hundings. Which is eh..nah doesn't quite feel right.
The bow sets are very nesh and two hand set is Eh. There simply nothing that meshes well with the idea. So I go back through without the warden in my head and I realized NONE of the stamina sets and mean none mesh well with any other set.
Like bow sets don't mesh with other bow sets, two hands sets don't mesh with anything, and dual wield sets are a pipe dream. Posion sets don't mesh with anything but DKs. Posion sets don't even mesh with Bow which is largely posion damage and dots. You have to be a DK for any of those sets to synergize well.
So I gave up on that idea and was like alright what about a magkica version. By the time I finished building the it I realized I just rebuilt the same warden magkica build without the frost ult and put the bear in there instead.
If they want different builds the sets really need to encourage that, because as far as stamina goes excluding 2 sets hundings and the pentration set nothing meshes with anything but dk. Which is dumb.
You were doing fine on your text, until you showed how hyperbolic it was when you set out to build Stam and you built the same Magicka you had before. Bad representation of the game, good representation of how bad people are at getting creative and free. If you want a set that synerges well with both class, race and attribute of choice, you're adding way too many filters, so of course you'll be more limited. If you let go of this, you can have a set for your poison, a set for your DW, and a monster set that suits your style. Or you can have one set for your bow, one for your pet, and a monster set that does whatever.
Be. Free.
If you wanted a "druid" which is a concept this game doesn't have, you will necessarily have to make trade offs. Take it or leave it, the deal is that you want to build something that doesn't currently exist in the game for RP reasons. RP means accepting your build will be suboptimal. Once you accept that, you'll be able to build viable fun builds for your Stam druid. Go on the extralife wiki page and read one by one, all the sets in the game.
And there's nothing wrong with using hunding's if you don't have anything better, this set is well balanced and neutral, suits everything to a great degree, even if it's not always optimal.
This, note that lots of the meta trial gear is also designed to long burns on high health bosses.I honestly don't think the "lack of build variety" can be blamed on Zos, at all.
The claim that there is a lack of variety usually comes from pedantic min/maxers who insist on whining about a 2% dps loss if people refuse to use whatever happens to be META during the current patch.
If you can overlook a 2%-5% difference in dps, then there a metric ton of builds to play with. A huge amount of variety.
Exactly ^
There is a lot of room for diversity if you don’t have to have BiS stuff and the absolute best dps. And as far as I’m concerned unless you are in a guild that is routinely at the top of the leaderboards just play the way you want to. Let me clarify though that your build needs to work for the content you intend to do. If you are going to be that special snowflake, make sure you are a snowflake that knows what you’re doing.
Marshall1289 wrote: »@alexj4596b14_ESO Stop trying to build that way. There are interesting sets that don't pull top dps but can fit the theme your looking for. If you feel like sets like Hundings Rage and Spriggan's are boring and your trying to build a druid, my suggestion would be to go for more proc sets to be honest. They add more animations and flavour and can really make a build stand out instead of straight statistics which you seem to be frustrated with, you still get stats from jewelry, food and 2-4 pc bonuses.
Google: "In role-playing games, a druid is a character class that is generally portrayed as using nature-based magical abilities and striving to protect nature from civilized intrusion. Druid characters tend to have abilities that involve healing, weather or plant related spells, summoning animal allies, and shapeshifting."
That description completely fits warden so check. Now sets.
Don't forget. You can pair heavy armor sets as jewelry/weapons on a medium armor stamina build.
Some set's I'd use if I were you.
Unfathomable Darkness, summons crows that do single target dmg. Pretty cool animation and it's not weak either. (animal summoning/shapeshifting)
Plague Slinger, shoots out balls of poison from a dead skeever body. (poison-nature/animal)
Defiler (Infector Set), chance to summon a pretty big mob every 5 seconds to spew poison in a cone, stuns. (poison-nature/monster summoning)
Morkuldin, chance to summon animated swords to fight with you for 15 seconds (summoning/shapeshifting)
Monster sets: Selene's summons a primal spirit bear to attack for you. Velidreth spawns poison spores that do very high dmg. Maw of the Infernal summons a daedra to fight with you for 15sec. There are many "weather" related or elemental sets although the 1pc doesn't match a sta DD setup.
I won't argue that class abilities need more stamina morphs, I agree. The same can be said about magicka builds needing more weapons. The thing is their class abilities are unique enough that the weapon because less obviously boring as it is for stamina builds.