CatchMeTrolling wrote: »Stalemated fights is competitive to you ? Completely dominating a team is competitive to you ?
Sure add the option but let’s not ignore the fact the only time you die at times in matches filled with good players is because of the 3rd team coming in.
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »Stalemated fights is competitive to you ? Completely dominating a team is competitive to you ?
Sure add the option but let’s not ignore the fact the only time you die at times in matches filled with good players is because of the 3rd team coming in.
That's just simply not true. Ask anyone who's actively participating in the GvG's / 3v3's @Irylia has been hosting. People die in group fights pretty reliably and it can usually be attributed to superior group comp or group coordination. And those are in CP.
NonCP simply does not allow for all these blanketed "stalemated fights" with good players the way you claim. Sure, it'll happen occasionally if people are built to be tankier, but I'd be incredibly shocked if that was an issue every single match. There's not the overabundance of survivability or sustain that CP offers. It's much easier to coordinate ultis and eliminate an opponent very quickly with little time for reaction. And, with it being two teams instead of three, there's a lot more potential to actually focus down your opponent without all the chaos and variability that we have now.
Two teams is far more competitive than three because it narrows everything down to which group outplayed the other. With three teams there's always an added wildcard potential of it being a 2v1 as well as kill stealing.
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »CatchMeTrolling wrote: »Stalemated fights is competitive to you ? Completely dominating a team is competitive to you ?
Sure add the option but let’s not ignore the fact the only time you die at times in matches filled with good players is because of the 3rd team coming in.
That's just simply not true. Ask anyone who's actively participating in the GvG's / 3v3's @Irylia has been hosting. People die in group fights pretty reliably and it can usually be attributed to superior group comp or group coordination. And those are in CP.
NonCP simply does not allow for all these blanketed "stalemated fights" with good players the way you claim. Sure, it'll happen occasionally if people are built to be tankier, but I'd be incredibly shocked if that was an issue every single match. There's not the overabundance of survivability or sustain that CP offers. It's much easier to coordinate ultis and eliminate an opponent very quickly with little time for reaction. And, with it being two teams instead of three, there's a lot more potential to actually focus down your opponent without all the chaos and variability that we have now.
Two teams is far more competitive than three because it narrows everything down to which group outplayed the other. With three teams there's always an added wildcard potential of it being a 2v1 as well as kill stealing.
Lol okay let’s just dismiss the actual experience in bgs. I’m pretty sure I have more bg experience than the average person on here. If anything I’d like to see everyone’s wins in bgs before they even post about them. Not to be elitist but to see if their opinions can actually be considered because at least you can get an idea of how many matches they played. Plus, I’ve already said all of this before this thread was even a thing. High mmr bgs are filled with stalemated sluggish fights. The dev vs reps fight is a great example of it and some of them wasn’t even regular bg players.
There’s plenty of sustain and there’s plenty of survivability in no cp bgs. Why do you think bg players loathe dedicated healers ? Because they mess up the flow of combat (there’s a few players that will regularly pump out a mill in heals) and you’re pretty much guaranteed to come across one at higher levels. That combined with off heals and a sense of knowing what you’re doing leads to drawn out fights. A dps magwarden alone can pump out 500k plus heals and they’re the fotm.
Like I said they can add the option if they want but I know sluggish fights will just become more sluggish. And one sided matches will become more one sided.
Not necessarily. I've seen a lot of BGs where my group of random solo queued players would start to get the upper hand on a premade, only to have it ruined by the third team targeting us, presumably thinking that it was the best way for them to get kills. 'Course there are also the "feeder" teams that keep rushing the premade one by one, inflating their score ever higher.CatchMeTrolling wrote: »And one sided matches will become more one sided.
Not necessarily. I've seen a lot of BGs where my group of random solo queued players would start to get the upper hand on a premade, only to have it ruined by the third team targeting us, presumably thinking that it was the best way for them to get kills. 'Course there are also the "feeder" teams that keep rushing the premade one by one, inflating their score ever higher.CatchMeTrolling wrote: »And one sided matches will become more one sided.
The whole premade-vs-solo thing needs to be changed no matter how many teams there are, but the idea that having 3 always helps "counter" premades just isn't accurate in my experience.
montiferus wrote: »CatchMeTrolling wrote: »CatchMeTrolling wrote: »Stalemated fights is competitive to you ? Completely dominating a team is competitive to you ?
Sure add the option but let’s not ignore the fact the only time you die at times in matches filled with good players is because of the 3rd team coming in.
That's just simply not true. Ask anyone who's actively participating in the GvG's / 3v3's @Irylia has been hosting. People die in group fights pretty reliably and it can usually be attributed to superior group comp or group coordination. And those are in CP.
NonCP simply does not allow for all these blanketed "stalemated fights" with good players the way you claim. Sure, it'll happen occasionally if people are built to be tankier, but I'd be incredibly shocked if that was an issue every single match. There's not the overabundance of survivability or sustain that CP offers. It's much easier to coordinate ultis and eliminate an opponent very quickly with little time for reaction. And, with it being two teams instead of three, there's a lot more potential to actually focus down your opponent without all the chaos and variability that we have now.
Two teams is far more competitive than three because it narrows everything down to which group outplayed the other. With three teams there's always an added wildcard potential of it being a 2v1 as well as kill stealing.
Lol okay let’s just dismiss the actual experience in bgs. I’m pretty sure I have more bg experience than the average person on here. If anything I’d like to see everyone’s wins in bgs before they even post about them. Not to be elitist but to see if their opinions can actually be considered because at least you can get an idea of how many matches they played. Plus, I’ve already said all of this before this thread was even a thing. High mmr bgs are filled with stalemated sluggish fights. The dev vs reps fight is a great example of it and some of them wasn’t even regular bg players.
There’s plenty of sustain and there’s plenty of survivability in no cp bgs. Why do you think bg players loathe dedicated healers ? Because they mess up the flow of combat (there’s a few players that will regularly pump out a mill in heals) and you’re pretty much guaranteed to come across one at higher levels. That combined with off heals and a sense of knowing what you’re doing leads to drawn out fights. A dps magwarden alone can pump out 500k plus heals and they’re the fotm.
Like I said they can add the option if they want but I know sluggish fights will just become more sluggish. And one sided matches will become more one sided.
sounds like your experience is in 3 way fights and not gvg so maybe you should get more experience in 3v3 or 4v4 before you make assumptions. our group has never had a stalemate in a straight up fight in cyro. not ever.
I thought it was obvious; sometimes premades are dominant because the "third wheel" team consistently causes issues for a decent team of randoms.CatchMeTrolling wrote: »Not necessarily. I've seen a lot of BGs where my group of random solo queued players would start to get the upper hand on a premade, only to have it ruined by the third team targeting us, presumably thinking that it was the best way for them to get kills. 'Course there are also the "feeder" teams that keep rushing the premade one by one, inflating their score ever higher.CatchMeTrolling wrote: »And one sided matches will become more one sided.
The whole premade-vs-solo thing needs to be changed no matter how many teams there are, but the idea that having 3 always helps "counter" premades just isn't accurate in my experience.
What? What does that have to do with one team completing dominating the other which can happen with 2 or 3 teams...
I thought it was obvious; sometimes premades are dominant because the "third wheel" team consistently causes issues for a decent team of randoms.CatchMeTrolling wrote: »Not necessarily. I've seen a lot of BGs where my group of random solo queued players would start to get the upper hand on a premade, only to have it ruined by the third team targeting us, presumably thinking that it was the best way for them to get kills. 'Course there are also the "feeder" teams that keep rushing the premade one by one, inflating their score ever higher.CatchMeTrolling wrote: »And one sided matches will become more one sided.
The whole premade-vs-solo thing needs to be changed no matter how many teams there are, but the idea that having 3 always helps "counter" premades just isn't accurate in my experience.
What? What does that have to do with one team completing dominating the other which can happen with 2 or 3 teams...
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »
Lol okay let’s just dismiss the actual experience in bgs. I’m pretty sure I have more bg experience than the average person on here. If anything I’d like to see everyone’s wins in bgs before they even post about them. Not to be elitist but to see if their opinions can actually be considered because at least you can get an idea of how many matches they played. Plus, I’ve already said all of this before this thread was even a thing. High mmr bgs are filled with stalemated sluggish fights. The dev vs reps fight is a great example of it and some of them wasn’t even regular bg players.
There’s plenty of sustain and there’s plenty of survivability in no cp bgs. Why do you think bg players loathe dedicated healers ? Because they mess up the flow of combat (there’s a few players that will regularly pump out a mill in heals) and you’re pretty much guaranteed to come across one at higher levels. That combined with off heals and a sense of knowing what you’re doing leads to drawn out fights. A dps magwarden alone can pump out 500k plus heals and they’re the fotm.
Like I said they can add the option if they want but I know sluggish fights will just become more sluggish. And one sided matches will become more one sided.
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »
Lol okay let’s just dismiss the actual experience in bgs. I’m pretty sure I have more bg experience than the average person on here. If anything I’d like to see everyone’s wins in bgs before they even post about them. Not to be elitist but to see if their opinions can actually be considered because at least you can get an idea of how many matches they played. Plus, I’ve already said all of this before this thread was even a thing. High mmr bgs are filled with stalemated sluggish fights. The dev vs reps fight is a great example of it and some of them wasn’t even regular bg players.
There’s plenty of sustain and there’s plenty of survivability in no cp bgs. Why do you think bg players loathe dedicated healers ? Because they mess up the flow of combat (there’s a few players that will regularly pump out a mill in heals) and you’re pretty much guaranteed to come across one at higher levels. That combined with off heals and a sense of knowing what you’re doing leads to drawn out fights. A dps magwarden alone can pump out 500k plus heals and they’re the fotm.
Like I said they can add the option if they want but I know sluggish fights will just become more sluggish. And one sided matches will become more one sided.
First and foremost, your concept that your BG win rate equates to your increased worthiness to have an opinion is deeply misguided. Being mechanically good at this game is one skill set, and the more conceptual aspect of understanding design and theory is a completely different one. Some players have both, but that does not make these skill sets an automatic paired package. So to assert that somehow your BG win rate is a direct conversion to your opinion on game design being more right is just honestly, kindof silly and based on a complete fallacy.
In addition, your argument that noncp has "plenty of survivability and sustain" isn't inherently wrong, but it completely neglects the fact that this is artificially elevated by the presence of three teams. A three team system emboldens both sustain and survivability because it allows the use of LOS and damage avoidance. If there is a third team present, your team will sometimes not be the target. You will be able to recover much easier, you will be able to position easier, you will be able to layer your damage on top of others to kill steal, requiring less resource output in every situation. It just makes 0 sense that fights would become more sluggish when the incoming and outgoing damage would have one team as the sole targets rather than being dispersed throughout two teams. This would logically increase incoming and outgoing damage to each team as it doesn't need to be split between 8 other people, only 4.
There is a reason that nearly every competitive pvp game on the market is a team v team. Not to mention every major sport. A third team is literally just an added variable to the combat. This variable detracts from competition because it creates weird opportunities to play off of the third team and earn wins based on artificial combat mechanics and not just superior play.
Overall, the reality is that there is a wealth of evidence to prove that a two team system would be worlds more competitive than three. A two team system increases the strain on resources and survivability and demands more engaging damage output to win. In a two team system, your group can't win simply because you have some sorcs KS'ing. You'd need the initial damage to back that up and get those people into execute prior. In a two team system, you can't sandwich a third team and dominate them in an 8v4. In a two team system, you can't avoid incoming damage as much as you are the only targets, so you'd need to up your survivability and your sustain. You can believe that two teams would be less fun all you want, and that's fine. But at the end of the day, the argument that two teams would be more sluggish or less competitive is not one based in reality.
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »CatchMeTrolling wrote: »
Lol okay let’s just dismiss the actual experience in bgs. I’m pretty sure I have more bg experience than the average person on here. If anything I’d like to see everyone’s wins in bgs before they even post about them. Not to be elitist but to see if their opinions can actually be considered because at least you can get an idea of how many matches they played. Plus, I’ve already said all of this before this thread was even a thing. High mmr bgs are filled with stalemated sluggish fights. The dev vs reps fight is a great example of it and some of them wasn’t even regular bg players.
There’s plenty of sustain and there’s plenty of survivability in no cp bgs. Why do you think bg players loathe dedicated healers ? Because they mess up the flow of combat (there’s a few players that will regularly pump out a mill in heals) and you’re pretty much guaranteed to come across one at higher levels. That combined with off heals and a sense of knowing what you’re doing leads to drawn out fights. A dps magwarden alone can pump out 500k plus heals and they’re the fotm.
Like I said they can add the option if they want but I know sluggish fights will just become more sluggish. And one sided matches will become more one sided.
First and foremost, your concept that your BG win rate equates to your increased worthiness to have an opinion is deeply misguided. Being mechanically good at this game is one skill set, and the more conceptual aspect of understanding design and theory is a completely different one. Some players have both, but that does not make these skill sets an automatic paired package. So to assert that somehow your BG win rate is a direct conversion to your opinion on game design being more right is just honestly, kindof silly and based on a complete fallacy.
In addition, your argument that noncp has "plenty of survivability and sustain" isn't inherently wrong, but it completely neglects the fact that this is artificially elevated by the presence of three teams. A three team system emboldens both sustain and survivability because it allows the use of LOS and damage avoidance. If there is a third team present, your team will sometimes not be the target. You will be able to recover much easier, you will be able to position easier, you will be able to layer your damage on top of others to kill steal, requiring less resource output in every situation. It just makes 0 sense that fights would become more sluggish when the incoming and outgoing damage would have one team as the sole targets rather than being dispersed throughout two teams. This would logically increase incoming and outgoing damage to each team as it doesn't need to be split between 8 other people, only 4.
There is a reason that nearly every competitive pvp game on the market is a team v team. Not to mention every major sport. A third team is literally just an added variable to the combat. This variable detracts from competition because it creates weird opportunities to play off of the third team and earn wins based on artificial combat mechanics and not just superior play.
Overall, the reality is that there is a wealth of evidence to prove that a two team system would be worlds more competitive than three. A two team system increases the strain on resources and survivability and demands more engaging damage output to win. In a two team system, your group can't win simply because you have some sorcs KS'ing. You'd need the initial damage to back that up and get those people into execute prior. In a two team system, you can't sandwich a third team and dominate them in an 8v4. In a two team system, you can't avoid incoming damage as much as you are the only targets, so you'd need to up your survivability and your sustain. You can believe that two teams would be less fun all you want, and that's fine. But at the end of the day, the argument that two teams would be more sluggish or less competitive is not one based in reality.
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »CatchMeTrolling wrote: »
Lol okay let’s just dismiss the actual experience in bgs. I’m pretty sure I have more bg experience than the average person on here. If anything I’d like to see everyone’s wins in bgs before they even post about them. Not to be elitist but to see if their opinions can actually be considered because at least you can get an idea of how many matches they played. Plus, I’ve already said all of this before this thread was even a thing. High mmr bgs are filled with stalemated sluggish fights. The dev vs reps fight is a great example of it and some of them wasn’t even regular bg players.
There’s plenty of sustain and there’s plenty of survivability in no cp bgs. Why do you think bg players loathe dedicated healers ? Because they mess up the flow of combat (there’s a few players that will regularly pump out a mill in heals) and you’re pretty much guaranteed to come across one at higher levels. That combined with off heals and a sense of knowing what you’re doing leads to drawn out fights. A dps magwarden alone can pump out 500k plus heals and they’re the fotm.
Like I said they can add the option if they want but I know sluggish fights will just become more sluggish. And one sided matches will become more one sided.
First and foremost, your concept that your BG win rate equates to your increased worthiness to have an opinion is deeply misguided. Being mechanically good at this game is one skill set, and the more conceptual aspect of understanding design and theory is a completely different one. Some players have both, but that does not make these skill sets an automatic paired package. So to assert that somehow your BG win rate is a direct conversion to your opinion on game design being more right is just honestly, kindof silly and based on a complete fallacy.
In addition, your argument that noncp has "plenty of survivability and sustain" isn't inherently wrong, but it completely neglects the fact that this is artificially elevated by the presence of three teams. A three team system emboldens both sustain and survivability because it allows the use of LOS and damage avoidance. If there is a third team present, your team will sometimes not be the target. You will be able to recover much easier, you will be able to position easier, you will be able to layer your damage on top of others to kill steal, requiring less resource output in every situation. It just makes 0 sense that fights would become more sluggish when the incoming and outgoing damage would have one team as the sole targets rather than being dispersed throughout two teams. This would logically increase incoming and outgoing damage to each team as it doesn't need to be split between 8 other people, only 4.
There is a reason that nearly every competitive pvp game on the market is a team v team. Not to mention every major sport. A third team is literally just an added variable to the combat. This variable detracts from competition because it creates weird opportunities to play off of the third team and earn wins based on artificial combat mechanics and not just superior play.
Overall, the reality is that there is a wealth of evidence to prove that a two team system would be worlds more competitive than three. A two team system increases the strain on resources and survivability and demands more engaging damage output to win. In a two team system, your group can't win simply because you have some sorcs KS'ing. You'd need the initial damage to back that up and get those people into execute prior. In a two team system, you can't sandwich a third team and dominate them in an 8v4. In a two team system, you can't avoid incoming damage as much as you are the only targets, so you'd need to up your survivability and your sustain. You can believe that two teams would be less fun all you want, and that's fine. But at the end of the day, the argument that two teams would be more sluggish or less competitive is not one based in reality.
That’s what I thought.
I feel like 2 team matches will be too easy to steamroll.
Or one team gets a lucky proc burst on the healer and it’s gg.
I’ve been in many matches where my team was last place and getting severely outplayed and can back and win due to the three faction mechanics.
There is a reason no other game has three teams. I wish zos would give up on their failed experiment and just implement two team matches like every other game, but they're doubling down on it and releasing maps which encourage even more chaotic play, like the newest BG map. Teleporters that place teams on top of each other isn't interesting, it just creates even more chaotic gameplay than we had before.
It isn't fun, it isn't interesting, it isn't fair, it isn't balanced, and the only people who like it are people who have never pvp'd in any other MMO.vamp_emily wrote: »If BGs were only 2 teams, then the losing team would never leave the base and let winners sit there till the time ran out.
I'm not sure if you realize, but every other game in existence has only two teams, and this does not happen.Imagine premade teams if there was only two teams each match. Imo having 3 teams makes more unexpected events to occur than if there was only two teams. But I do think there should be a queue for a two teams gamemode.
In an 8v8 scenario premades would not be allowed to make up an entire team. A premade of four would queue in with pugs, so it would be more balanced than it is now, not less. RIght now we have ice blockade spamming permafrost rotating spin to win premades who just clean up over and over again after or during the fight between the pug teams. Giving one team the ability to queue as a full premade in a system where a more organized team has the chance to use a third team to create a numbers advantage for themselves is one of the most short-sighted balance decisions I've ever encountered.
Gameplay where you're constantly outnumbered, constantly outnumbering your opponents, or getting attacked from behind half the time just isn't interesting no matter how you try to spin it.
You've never played a high mmr bg in your life, have you?
Yup, I’m pretty sure I have. It’s impossible to tell because your MMR rank isn’t public, but I’m fairly certain it’s high.
Being aggressive and knowing when to be aggressive is what separates good pvpers from the best. That’s how some pvp guilds dominate and some never reach that level.
I have never, ever seen anyone, anywhere, ask for a third team in games with instanced small-scale matches. I played Rift for years and there was never a suggestion or mention of a possible third team
I played DaoC and Rift too. The pvp guilds left Rift within a year and a bit after release. The BGs were okay there but they also had larger maps and more players.
I remember lots of spawn camping, with the goal of BGs to see if you could shut out the other team. At least that doesn’t happen in ESO.
It does happen sometimes in ESO, and the matchmaking in Rift was good enough to make sure it didn't happen very often. I'm not entirely sure you played Rift very much if you didn't mention their ELO system, which worked well enough to keep the vast majority of players around a 50% win rate. You can suggest people got camped at their spawn all you want, but the success of their matchmaking system at keeping people at a mostly even win/loss rate speaks for itself. I'm not sure what you mean about the "Goal of BGs to see if you could shut out the other team". All maps had multiple exit points from the spawn, and all maps were objective based with no deathmatch mode at all.
Instanced PVP in Rift was worlds ahead of what we have in ESO right now. It was good enough that a large portion of the playerbase stuck around only for that part of the game, even if there were only ever a handful of maps. Guess how many teams they had? Believe it or not, only two, just like instanced pvp in every other game.
I'm still kind of confused as to why people are insisting that three teams is better. It obviously isn't working well in ESO, and clearly has never been implemented in other games for reasons that should be obvious by now, so what's the real draw for people who like it? Do you enjoy most fights you win or lose being unfair? Do you like every fair fight being interrupted by a third team? What's interesting about that? It should be pretty obvious why most players don't like it--most players prefer fair fights, or fights that feel fair. Winning a fair fight feels like an accomplishment, and losing one often means you just got outplayed, not just outnumbered. 4v4v4 BGs never seem fair, and winning never feels like an accomplishment, because to win you have to fight as unfair as you possibly can. Is that what people like about it?
There is a reason no other game has three teams. I wish zos would give up on their failed experiment and just implement two team matches like every other game, but they're doubling down on it and releasing maps which encourage even more chaotic play, like the newest BG map. Teleporters that place teams on top of each other isn't interesting, it just creates even more chaotic gameplay than we had before.
It isn't fun, it isn't interesting, it isn't fair, it isn't balanced, and the only people who like it are people who have never pvp'd in any other MMO.vamp_emily wrote: »If BGs were only 2 teams, then the losing team would never leave the base and let winners sit there till the time ran out.
I'm not sure if you realize, but every other game in existence has only two teams, and this does not happen.Imagine premade teams if there was only two teams each match. Imo having 3 teams makes more unexpected events to occur than if there was only two teams. But I do think there should be a queue for a two teams gamemode.
In an 8v8 scenario premades would not be allowed to make up an entire team. A premade of four would queue in with pugs, so it would be more balanced than it is now, not less. RIght now we have ice blockade spamming permafrost rotating spin to win premades who just clean up over and over again after or during the fight between the pug teams. Giving one team the ability to queue as a full premade in a system where a more organized team has the chance to use a third team to create a numbers advantage for themselves is one of the most short-sighted balance decisions I've ever encountered.
Gameplay where you're constantly outnumbered, constantly outnumbering your opponents, or getting attacked from behind half the time just isn't interesting no matter how you try to spin it.
I’m sorry, did you just say spawn camping didn’t happen in any other game with bgs? Because it’s happened in every single mmo I’ve played that has had bgs and two teams. In fact I did it all the time I every single game.
You've never played a high mmr bg in your life, have you?
Yup, I’m pretty sure I have. It’s impossible to tell because your MMR rank isn’t public, but I’m fairly certain it’s high.
Being aggressive and knowing when to be aggressive is what separates good pvpers from the best. That’s how some pvp guilds dominate and some never reach that level.
I have never, ever seen anyone, anywhere, ask for a third team in games with instanced small-scale matches. I played Rift for years and there was never a suggestion or mention of a possible third team
I played DaoC and Rift too. The pvp guilds left Rift within a year and a bit after release. The BGs were okay there but they also had larger maps and more players.
I remember lots of spawn camping, with the goal of BGs to see if you could shut out the other team. At least that doesn’t happen in ESO.
It does happen sometimes in ESO, and the matchmaking in Rift was good enough to make sure it didn't happen very often. I'm not entirely sure you played Rift very much if you didn't mention their ELO system, which worked well enough to keep the vast majority of players around a 50% win rate. You can suggest people got camped at their spawn all you want, but the success of their matchmaking system at keeping people at a mostly even win/loss rate speaks for itself. I'm not sure what you mean about the "Goal of BGs to see if you could shut out the other team". All maps had multiple exit points from the spawn, and all maps were objective based with no deathmatch mode at all.
Instanced PVP in Rift was worlds ahead of what we have in ESO right now. It was good enough that a large portion of the playerbase stuck around only for that part of the game, even if there were only ever a handful of maps. Guess how many teams they had? Believe it or not, only two, just like instanced pvp in every other game.
I'm still kind of confused as to why people are insisting that three teams is better. It obviously isn't working well in ESO, and clearly has never been implemented in other games for reasons that should be obvious by now, so what's the real draw for people who like it? Do you enjoy most fights you win or lose being unfair? Do you like every fair fight being interrupted by a third team? What's interesting about that? It should be pretty obvious why most players don't like it--most players prefer fair fights, or fights that feel fair. Winning a fair fight feels like an accomplishment, and losing one often means you just got outplayed, not just outnumbered. 4v4v4 BGs never seem fair, and winning never feels like an accomplishment, because to win you have to fight as unfair as you possibly can. Is that what people like about it?
As someone who played the crap out of Rift, the top pvp players in that game all left after they introduced their queue system for their Warfronts because people cried about premades. Before that my guild absolutely dominated our server and regularly spawned camped the other side. Hell as someone who ran a Warcaller and pyromancer a lot I could single handily wipe the whole other side of given a chance, after the change... you still had spawn camping if one side was stacked heavily or one side had healers or a damn tank who ran the pvp taunt line before it was nerfed.
But don’t let you think it was just rift, in Warhammer online, world of Warcraft and SWTOR you still ended up with spawn camping, and for those that think 8v8 wouldn’t result in spawn camping.. you clearly didn’t play Swtor... because I ran in a 4 pyrotech group... and our group alone could kill the entire team so fast that it ended up with us spawn camping them at the huttball spawn entrance.
2 team bgs always will have spawn camping if one side is stomping the other side.
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »
I have experience in every aspect of the game.
The fact is it’s silly to even compare gvgs to bgs.
montiferus wrote: »CatchMeTrolling wrote: »
I have experience in every aspect of the game.
The fact is it’s silly to even compare gvgs to bgs.
Really? When was the last time you did small scale open world PVP? How about end game trials?
Also the whole point people are trying to make is that it would be nice for the option to have a premade v premade deathmatch. Thats essentially a GvG.
There is a reason no other game has three teams. I wish zos would give up on their failed experiment and just implement two team matches like every other game, but they're doubling down on it and releasing maps which encourage even more chaotic play, like the newest BG map. Teleporters that place teams on top of each other isn't interesting, it just creates even more chaotic gameplay than we had before.
It isn't fun, it isn't interesting, it isn't fair, it isn't balanced, and the only people who like it are people who have never pvp'd in any other MMO.vamp_emily wrote: »If BGs were only 2 teams, then the losing team would never leave the base and let winners sit there till the time ran out.
I'm not sure if you realize, but every other game in existence has only two teams, and this does not happen.Imagine premade teams if there was only two teams each match. Imo having 3 teams makes more unexpected events to occur than if there was only two teams. But I do think there should be a queue for a two teams gamemode.
In an 8v8 scenario premades would not be allowed to make up an entire team. A premade of four would queue in with pugs, so it would be more balanced than it is now, not less. RIght now we have ice blockade spamming permafrost rotating spin to win premades who just clean up over and over again after or during the fight between the pug teams. Giving one team the ability to queue as a full premade in a system where a more organized team has the chance to use a third team to create a numbers advantage for themselves is one of the most short-sighted balance decisions I've ever encountered.
Gameplay where you're constantly outnumbered, constantly outnumbering your opponents, or getting attacked from behind half the time just isn't interesting no matter how you try to spin it.
I’m sorry, did you just say spawn camping didn’t happen in any other game with bgs? Because it’s happened in every single mmo I’ve played that has had bgs and two teams. In fact I did it all the time I every single game.
Sure you did.You've never played a high mmr bg in your life, have you?
Yup, I’m pretty sure I have. It’s impossible to tell because your MMR rank isn’t public, but I’m fairly certain it’s high.
Being aggressive and knowing when to be aggressive is what separates good pvpers from the best. That’s how some pvp guilds dominate and some never reach that level.
I have never, ever seen anyone, anywhere, ask for a third team in games with instanced small-scale matches. I played Rift for years and there was never a suggestion or mention of a possible third team
I played DaoC and Rift too. The pvp guilds left Rift within a year and a bit after release. The BGs were okay there but they also had larger maps and more players.
I remember lots of spawn camping, with the goal of BGs to see if you could shut out the other team. At least that doesn’t happen in ESO.
It does happen sometimes in ESO, and the matchmaking in Rift was good enough to make sure it didn't happen very often. I'm not entirely sure you played Rift very much if you didn't mention their ELO system, which worked well enough to keep the vast majority of players around a 50% win rate. You can suggest people got camped at their spawn all you want, but the success of their matchmaking system at keeping people at a mostly even win/loss rate speaks for itself. I'm not sure what you mean about the "Goal of BGs to see if you could shut out the other team". All maps had multiple exit points from the spawn, and all maps were objective based with no deathmatch mode at all.
Instanced PVP in Rift was worlds ahead of what we have in ESO right now. It was good enough that a large portion of the playerbase stuck around only for that part of the game, even if there were only ever a handful of maps. Guess how many teams they had? Believe it or not, only two, just like instanced pvp in every other game.
I'm still kind of confused as to why people are insisting that three teams is better. It obviously isn't working well in ESO, and clearly has never been implemented in other games for reasons that should be obvious by now, so what's the real draw for people who like it? Do you enjoy most fights you win or lose being unfair? Do you like every fair fight being interrupted by a third team? What's interesting about that? It should be pretty obvious why most players don't like it--most players prefer fair fights, or fights that feel fair. Winning a fair fight feels like an accomplishment, and losing one often means you just got outplayed, not just outnumbered. 4v4v4 BGs never seem fair, and winning never feels like an accomplishment, because to win you have to fight as unfair as you possibly can. Is that what people like about it?
As someone who played the crap out of Rift, the top pvp players in that game all left after they introduced their queue system for their Warfronts because people cried about premades. Before that my guild absolutely dominated our server and regularly spawned camped the other side. Hell as someone who ran a Warcaller and pyromancer a lot I could single handily wipe the whole other side of given a chance, after the change... you still had spawn camping if one side was stacked heavily or one side had healers or a damn tank who ran the pvp taunt line before it was nerfed.
But don’t let you think it was just rift, in Warhammer online, world of Warcraft and SWTOR you still ended up with spawn camping, and for those that think 8v8 wouldn’t result in spawn camping.. you clearly didn’t play Swtor... because I ran in a 4 pyrotech group... and our group alone could kill the entire team so fast that it ended up with us spawn camping them at the huttball spawn entrance.
2 team bgs always will have spawn camping if one side is stomping the other side.
I sincerely doubt you played a whole lot of Rift, or you were very good at all, if you don't recognize who you're replying to.
There is a reason no other game has three teams. I wish zos would give up on their failed experiment and just implement two team matches like every other game, but they're doubling down on it and releasing maps which encourage even more chaotic play, like the newest BG map. Teleporters that place teams on top of each other isn't interesting, it just creates even more chaotic gameplay than we had before.
It isn't fun, it isn't interesting, it isn't fair, it isn't balanced, and the only people who like it are people who have never pvp'd in any other MMO.vamp_emily wrote: »If BGs were only 2 teams, then the losing team would never leave the base and let winners sit there till the time ran out.
I'm not sure if you realize, but every other game in existence has only two teams, and this does not happen.Imagine premade teams if there was only two teams each match. Imo having 3 teams makes more unexpected events to occur than if there was only two teams. But I do think there should be a queue for a two teams gamemode.
In an 8v8 scenario premades would not be allowed to make up an entire team. A premade of four would queue in with pugs, so it would be more balanced than it is now, not less. RIght now we have ice blockade spamming permafrost rotating spin to win premades who just clean up over and over again after or during the fight between the pug teams. Giving one team the ability to queue as a full premade in a system where a more organized team has the chance to use a third team to create a numbers advantage for themselves is one of the most short-sighted balance decisions I've ever encountered.
Gameplay where you're constantly outnumbered, constantly outnumbering your opponents, or getting attacked from behind half the time just isn't interesting no matter how you try to spin it.
I’m sorry, did you just say spawn camping didn’t happen in any other game with bgs? Because it’s happened in every single mmo I’ve played that has had bgs and two teams. In fact I did it all the time I every single game.
Sure you did.You've never played a high mmr bg in your life, have you?
Yup, I’m pretty sure I have. It’s impossible to tell because your MMR rank isn’t public, but I’m fairly certain it’s high.
Being aggressive and knowing when to be aggressive is what separates good pvpers from the best. That’s how some pvp guilds dominate and some never reach that level.
I have never, ever seen anyone, anywhere, ask for a third team in games with instanced small-scale matches. I played Rift for years and there was never a suggestion or mention of a possible third team
I played DaoC and Rift too. The pvp guilds left Rift within a year and a bit after release. The BGs were okay there but they also had larger maps and more players.
I remember lots of spawn camping, with the goal of BGs to see if you could shut out the other team. At least that doesn’t happen in ESO.
It does happen sometimes in ESO, and the matchmaking in Rift was good enough to make sure it didn't happen very often. I'm not entirely sure you played Rift very much if you didn't mention their ELO system, which worked well enough to keep the vast majority of players around a 50% win rate. You can suggest people got camped at their spawn all you want, but the success of their matchmaking system at keeping people at a mostly even win/loss rate speaks for itself. I'm not sure what you mean about the "Goal of BGs to see if you could shut out the other team". All maps had multiple exit points from the spawn, and all maps were objective based with no deathmatch mode at all.
Instanced PVP in Rift was worlds ahead of what we have in ESO right now. It was good enough that a large portion of the playerbase stuck around only for that part of the game, even if there were only ever a handful of maps. Guess how many teams they had? Believe it or not, only two, just like instanced pvp in every other game.
I'm still kind of confused as to why people are insisting that three teams is better. It obviously isn't working well in ESO, and clearly has never been implemented in other games for reasons that should be obvious by now, so what's the real draw for people who like it? Do you enjoy most fights you win or lose being unfair? Do you like every fair fight being interrupted by a third team? What's interesting about that? It should be pretty obvious why most players don't like it--most players prefer fair fights, or fights that feel fair. Winning a fair fight feels like an accomplishment, and losing one often means you just got outplayed, not just outnumbered. 4v4v4 BGs never seem fair, and winning never feels like an accomplishment, because to win you have to fight as unfair as you possibly can. Is that what people like about it?
As someone who played the crap out of Rift, the top pvp players in that game all left after they introduced their queue system for their Warfronts because people cried about premades. Before that my guild absolutely dominated our server and regularly spawned camped the other side. Hell as someone who ran a Warcaller and pyromancer a lot I could single handily wipe the whole other side of given a chance, after the change... you still had spawn camping if one side was stacked heavily or one side had healers or a damn tank who ran the pvp taunt line before it was nerfed.
But don’t let you think it was just rift, in Warhammer online, world of Warcraft and SWTOR you still ended up with spawn camping, and for those that think 8v8 wouldn’t result in spawn camping.. you clearly didn’t play Swtor... because I ran in a 4 pyrotech group... and our group alone could kill the entire team so fast that it ended up with us spawn camping them at the huttball spawn entrance.
2 team bgs always will have spawn camping if one side is stomping the other side.
I sincerely doubt you played a whole lot of Rift, or you were very good at all, if you don't recognize who you're replying to.
I could care less who I’m replying to; you think that spawn camping hasn’t existed in multiple games with two team battlegrounds... that tells me everything I have to know about the quality of the player I’m talking to.
There is a reason no other game has three teams. I wish zos would give up on their failed experiment and just implement two team matches like every other game, but they're doubling down on it and releasing maps which encourage even more chaotic play, like the newest BG map. Teleporters that place teams on top of each other isn't interesting, it just creates even more chaotic gameplay than we had before.
It isn't fun, it isn't interesting, it isn't fair, it isn't balanced, and the only people who like it are people who have never pvp'd in any other MMO.vamp_emily wrote: »If BGs were only 2 teams, then the losing team would never leave the base and let winners sit there till the time ran out.
I'm not sure if you realize, but every other game in existence has only two teams, and this does not happen.Imagine premade teams if there was only two teams each match. Imo having 3 teams makes more unexpected events to occur than if there was only two teams. But I do think there should be a queue for a two teams gamemode.
In an 8v8 scenario premades would not be allowed to make up an entire team. A premade of four would queue in with pugs, so it would be more balanced than it is now, not less. RIght now we have ice blockade spamming permafrost rotating spin to win premades who just clean up over and over again after or during the fight between the pug teams. Giving one team the ability to queue as a full premade in a system where a more organized team has the chance to use a third team to create a numbers advantage for themselves is one of the most short-sighted balance decisions I've ever encountered.
Gameplay where you're constantly outnumbered, constantly outnumbering your opponents, or getting attacked from behind half the time just isn't interesting no matter how you try to spin it.
I’m sorry, did you just say spawn camping didn’t happen in any other game with bgs? Because it’s happened in every single mmo I’ve played that has had bgs and two teams. In fact I did it all the time I every single game.
Sure you did.You've never played a high mmr bg in your life, have you?
Yup, I’m pretty sure I have. It’s impossible to tell because your MMR rank isn’t public, but I’m fairly certain it’s high.
Being aggressive and knowing when to be aggressive is what separates good pvpers from the best. That’s how some pvp guilds dominate and some never reach that level.
I have never, ever seen anyone, anywhere, ask for a third team in games with instanced small-scale matches. I played Rift for years and there was never a suggestion or mention of a possible third team
I played DaoC and Rift too. The pvp guilds left Rift within a year and a bit after release. The BGs were okay there but they also had larger maps and more players.
I remember lots of spawn camping, with the goal of BGs to see if you could shut out the other team. At least that doesn’t happen in ESO.
It does happen sometimes in ESO, and the matchmaking in Rift was good enough to make sure it didn't happen very often. I'm not entirely sure you played Rift very much if you didn't mention their ELO system, which worked well enough to keep the vast majority of players around a 50% win rate. You can suggest people got camped at their spawn all you want, but the success of their matchmaking system at keeping people at a mostly even win/loss rate speaks for itself. I'm not sure what you mean about the "Goal of BGs to see if you could shut out the other team". All maps had multiple exit points from the spawn, and all maps were objective based with no deathmatch mode at all.
Instanced PVP in Rift was worlds ahead of what we have in ESO right now. It was good enough that a large portion of the playerbase stuck around only for that part of the game, even if there were only ever a handful of maps. Guess how many teams they had? Believe it or not, only two, just like instanced pvp in every other game.
I'm still kind of confused as to why people are insisting that three teams is better. It obviously isn't working well in ESO, and clearly has never been implemented in other games for reasons that should be obvious by now, so what's the real draw for people who like it? Do you enjoy most fights you win or lose being unfair? Do you like every fair fight being interrupted by a third team? What's interesting about that? It should be pretty obvious why most players don't like it--most players prefer fair fights, or fights that feel fair. Winning a fair fight feels like an accomplishment, and losing one often means you just got outplayed, not just outnumbered. 4v4v4 BGs never seem fair, and winning never feels like an accomplishment, because to win you have to fight as unfair as you possibly can. Is that what people like about it?
As someone who played the crap out of Rift, the top pvp players in that game all left after they introduced their queue system for their Warfronts because people cried about premades. Before that my guild absolutely dominated our server and regularly spawned camped the other side. Hell as someone who ran a Warcaller and pyromancer a lot I could single handily wipe the whole other side of given a chance, after the change... you still had spawn camping if one side was stacked heavily or one side had healers or a damn tank who ran the pvp taunt line before it was nerfed.
But don’t let you think it was just rift, in Warhammer online, world of Warcraft and SWTOR you still ended up with spawn camping, and for those that think 8v8 wouldn’t result in spawn camping.. you clearly didn’t play Swtor... because I ran in a 4 pyrotech group... and our group alone could kill the entire team so fast that it ended up with us spawn camping them at the huttball spawn entrance.
2 team bgs always will have spawn camping if one side is stomping the other side.
I sincerely doubt you played a whole lot of Rift, or you were very good at all, if you don't recognize who you're replying to.
I could care less who I’m replying to; you think that spawn camping hasn’t existed in multiple games with two team battlegrounds... that tells me everything I have to know about the quality of the player I’m talking to.
I never said it doesn't exist. I said it doesn't happen in every single match like people (including you, who "spawn camped every game in Rift", which you didn't) insist it would. A whole lot of games have matchmaking systems that work just fine and don't lead to spawn camping every single game just because there are two teams.
Rift had a solid matchmaking system that lead to most players having around a 50% win rate. Extremely high ELO outliers (like myself) were barely over 60% because the system worked quite well. There's no need to make things up to prove your point.
There is a reason no other game has three teams. I wish zos would give up on their failed experiment and just implement two team matches like every other game, but they're doubling down on it and releasing maps which encourage even more chaotic play, like the newest BG map. Teleporters that place teams on top of each other isn't interesting, it just creates even more chaotic gameplay than we had before.
It isn't fun, it isn't interesting, it isn't fair, it isn't balanced, and the only people who like it are people who have never pvp'd in any other MMO.vamp_emily wrote: »If BGs were only 2 teams, then the losing team would never leave the base and let winners sit there till the time ran out.
I'm not sure if you realize, but every other game in existence has only two teams, and this does not happen.Imagine premade teams if there was only two teams each match. Imo having 3 teams makes more unexpected events to occur than if there was only two teams. But I do think there should be a queue for a two teams gamemode.
In an 8v8 scenario premades would not be allowed to make up an entire team. A premade of four would queue in with pugs, so it would be more balanced than it is now, not less. RIght now we have ice blockade spamming permafrost rotating spin to win premades who just clean up over and over again after or during the fight between the pug teams. Giving one team the ability to queue as a full premade in a system where a more organized team has the chance to use a third team to create a numbers advantage for themselves is one of the most short-sighted balance decisions I've ever encountered.
Gameplay where you're constantly outnumbered, constantly outnumbering your opponents, or getting attacked from behind half the time just isn't interesting no matter how you try to spin it.
I’m sorry, did you just say spawn camping didn’t happen in any other game with bgs? Because it’s happened in every single mmo I’ve played that has had bgs and two teams. In fact I did it all the time I every single game.
Sure you did.You've never played a high mmr bg in your life, have you?
Yup, I’m pretty sure I have. It’s impossible to tell because your MMR rank isn’t public, but I’m fairly certain it’s high.
Being aggressive and knowing when to be aggressive is what separates good pvpers from the best. That’s how some pvp guilds dominate and some never reach that level.
I have never, ever seen anyone, anywhere, ask for a third team in games with instanced small-scale matches. I played Rift for years and there was never a suggestion or mention of a possible third team
I played DaoC and Rift too. The pvp guilds left Rift within a year and a bit after release. The BGs were okay there but they also had larger maps and more players.
I remember lots of spawn camping, with the goal of BGs to see if you could shut out the other team. At least that doesn’t happen in ESO.
It does happen sometimes in ESO, and the matchmaking in Rift was good enough to make sure it didn't happen very often. I'm not entirely sure you played Rift very much if you didn't mention their ELO system, which worked well enough to keep the vast majority of players around a 50% win rate. You can suggest people got camped at their spawn all you want, but the success of their matchmaking system at keeping people at a mostly even win/loss rate speaks for itself. I'm not sure what you mean about the "Goal of BGs to see if you could shut out the other team". All maps had multiple exit points from the spawn, and all maps were objective based with no deathmatch mode at all.
Instanced PVP in Rift was worlds ahead of what we have in ESO right now. It was good enough that a large portion of the playerbase stuck around only for that part of the game, even if there were only ever a handful of maps. Guess how many teams they had? Believe it or not, only two, just like instanced pvp in every other game.
I'm still kind of confused as to why people are insisting that three teams is better. It obviously isn't working well in ESO, and clearly has never been implemented in other games for reasons that should be obvious by now, so what's the real draw for people who like it? Do you enjoy most fights you win or lose being unfair? Do you like every fair fight being interrupted by a third team? What's interesting about that? It should be pretty obvious why most players don't like it--most players prefer fair fights, or fights that feel fair. Winning a fair fight feels like an accomplishment, and losing one often means you just got outplayed, not just outnumbered. 4v4v4 BGs never seem fair, and winning never feels like an accomplishment, because to win you have to fight as unfair as you possibly can. Is that what people like about it?
As someone who played the crap out of Rift, the top pvp players in that game all left after they introduced their queue system for their Warfronts because people cried about premades. Before that my guild absolutely dominated our server and regularly spawned camped the other side. Hell as someone who ran a Warcaller and pyromancer a lot I could single handily wipe the whole other side of given a chance, after the change... you still had spawn camping if one side was stacked heavily or one side had healers or a damn tank who ran the pvp taunt line before it was nerfed.
But don’t let you think it was just rift, in Warhammer online, world of Warcraft and SWTOR you still ended up with spawn camping, and for those that think 8v8 wouldn’t result in spawn camping.. you clearly didn’t play Swtor... because I ran in a 4 pyrotech group... and our group alone could kill the entire team so fast that it ended up with us spawn camping them at the huttball spawn entrance.
2 team bgs always will have spawn camping if one side is stomping the other side.
I sincerely doubt you played a whole lot of Rift, or you were very good at all, if you don't recognize who you're replying to.
I could care less who I’m replying to; you think that spawn camping hasn’t existed in multiple games with two team battlegrounds... that tells me everything I have to know about the quality of the player I’m talking to.
I never said it doesn't exist. I said it doesn't happen in every single match like people (including you, who "spawn camped every game in Rift", which you didn't) insist it would. A whole lot of games have matchmaking systems that work just fine and don't lead to spawn camping every single game just because there are two teams.
Rift had a solid matchmaking system that lead to most players having around a 50% win rate. Extremely high ELO outliers (like myself) were barely over 60% because the system worked quite well. There's no need to make things up to prove your point.
I would say 80% of the matches my guild was in ended up in us spawncamping the other side, 100% if we had a warrior running the vindicator soul line.
Maybe you didn’t run in a guild group like I did, but I can tell you a 60% win rate would be laughable.
Hell the fact that subdue existed in that game at all should tell you how much spawn camping happened... cause if one side had that and the other side did not.. someone was getting spawn camped. If one side had a last gasp necro or god help you two and the other side had a Bard... you were getting spawn camped, you ran behind that tree with your group in black garden and you let a warcaller get the red bauble... guess what... spawn camped... oh you have a bunch of warriors and rogues and the other side had a pyro\necro back when they could chain stun you to death with aoes... spawn camped...
Hell the only reason sub rank 8 players had a chance in pvp at all in that game was because I pointed out to the devs that having different valor levels on the pvp gear was moronic because valor was designed around separating pvp and pve gear not pvp with other pvp gear...
If none of this sounds familiar to you, congrats you played rift after everyone left and it sucked.
There is a reason no other game has three teams. I wish zos would give up on their failed experiment and just implement two team matches like every other game, but they're doubling down on it and releasing maps which encourage even more chaotic play, like the newest BG map. Teleporters that place teams on top of each other isn't interesting, it just creates even more chaotic gameplay than we had before.
It isn't fun, it isn't interesting, it isn't fair, it isn't balanced, and the only people who like it are people who have never pvp'd in any other MMO.vamp_emily wrote: »If BGs were only 2 teams, then the losing team would never leave the base and let winners sit there till the time ran out.
I'm not sure if you realize, but every other game in existence has only two teams, and this does not happen.Imagine premade teams if there was only two teams each match. Imo having 3 teams makes more unexpected events to occur than if there was only two teams. But I do think there should be a queue for a two teams gamemode.
In an 8v8 scenario premades would not be allowed to make up an entire team. A premade of four would queue in with pugs, so it would be more balanced than it is now, not less. RIght now we have ice blockade spamming permafrost rotating spin to win premades who just clean up over and over again after or during the fight between the pug teams. Giving one team the ability to queue as a full premade in a system where a more organized team has the chance to use a third team to create a numbers advantage for themselves is one of the most short-sighted balance decisions I've ever encountered.
Gameplay where you're constantly outnumbered, constantly outnumbering your opponents, or getting attacked from behind half the time just isn't interesting no matter how you try to spin it.
I’m sorry, did you just say spawn camping didn’t happen in any other game with bgs? Because it’s happened in every single mmo I’ve played that has had bgs and two teams. In fact I did it all the time I every single game.
Sure you did.You've never played a high mmr bg in your life, have you?
Yup, I’m pretty sure I have. It’s impossible to tell because your MMR rank isn’t public, but I’m fairly certain it’s high.
Being aggressive and knowing when to be aggressive is what separates good pvpers from the best. That’s how some pvp guilds dominate and some never reach that level.
I have never, ever seen anyone, anywhere, ask for a third team in games with instanced small-scale matches. I played Rift for years and there was never a suggestion or mention of a possible third team
I played DaoC and Rift too. The pvp guilds left Rift within a year and a bit after release. The BGs were okay there but they also had larger maps and more players.
I remember lots of spawn camping, with the goal of BGs to see if you could shut out the other team. At least that doesn’t happen in ESO.
It does happen sometimes in ESO, and the matchmaking in Rift was good enough to make sure it didn't happen very often. I'm not entirely sure you played Rift very much if you didn't mention their ELO system, which worked well enough to keep the vast majority of players around a 50% win rate. You can suggest people got camped at their spawn all you want, but the success of their matchmaking system at keeping people at a mostly even win/loss rate speaks for itself. I'm not sure what you mean about the "Goal of BGs to see if you could shut out the other team". All maps had multiple exit points from the spawn, and all maps were objective based with no deathmatch mode at all.
Instanced PVP in Rift was worlds ahead of what we have in ESO right now. It was good enough that a large portion of the playerbase stuck around only for that part of the game, even if there were only ever a handful of maps. Guess how many teams they had? Believe it or not, only two, just like instanced pvp in every other game.
I'm still kind of confused as to why people are insisting that three teams is better. It obviously isn't working well in ESO, and clearly has never been implemented in other games for reasons that should be obvious by now, so what's the real draw for people who like it? Do you enjoy most fights you win or lose being unfair? Do you like every fair fight being interrupted by a third team? What's interesting about that? It should be pretty obvious why most players don't like it--most players prefer fair fights, or fights that feel fair. Winning a fair fight feels like an accomplishment, and losing one often means you just got outplayed, not just outnumbered. 4v4v4 BGs never seem fair, and winning never feels like an accomplishment, because to win you have to fight as unfair as you possibly can. Is that what people like about it?
As someone who played the crap out of Rift, the top pvp players in that game all left after they introduced their queue system for their Warfronts because people cried about premades. Before that my guild absolutely dominated our server and regularly spawned camped the other side. Hell as someone who ran a Warcaller and pyromancer a lot I could single handily wipe the whole other side of given a chance, after the change... you still had spawn camping if one side was stacked heavily or one side had healers or a damn tank who ran the pvp taunt line before it was nerfed.
But don’t let you think it was just rift, in Warhammer online, world of Warcraft and SWTOR you still ended up with spawn camping, and for those that think 8v8 wouldn’t result in spawn camping.. you clearly didn’t play Swtor... because I ran in a 4 pyrotech group... and our group alone could kill the entire team so fast that it ended up with us spawn camping them at the huttball spawn entrance.
2 team bgs always will have spawn camping if one side is stomping the other side.
I sincerely doubt you played a whole lot of Rift, or you were very good at all, if you don't recognize who you're replying to.
I could care less who I’m replying to; you think that spawn camping hasn’t existed in multiple games with two team battlegrounds... that tells me everything I have to know about the quality of the player I’m talking to.
I never said it doesn't exist. I said it doesn't happen in every single match like people (including you, who "spawn camped every game in Rift", which you didn't) insist it would. A whole lot of games have matchmaking systems that work just fine and don't lead to spawn camping every single game just because there are two teams.
Rift had a solid matchmaking system that lead to most players having around a 50% win rate. Extremely high ELO outliers (like myself) were barely over 60% because the system worked quite well. There's no need to make things up to prove your point.
I would say 80% of the matches my guild was in ended up in us spawncamping the other side, 100% if we had a warrior running the vindicator soul line.
Maybe you didn’t run in a guild group like I did, but I can tell you a 60% win rate would be laughable.
Hell the fact that subdue existed in that game at all should tell you how much spawn camping happened... cause if one side had that and the other side did not.. someone was getting spawn camped. If one side had a last gasp necro or god help you two and the other side had a Bard... you were getting spawn camped, you ran behind that tree with your group in black garden and you let a warcaller get the red bauble... guess what... spawn camped... oh you have a bunch of warriors and rogues and the other side had a pyro\necro back when they could chain stun you to death with aoes... spawn camped...
Hell the only reason sub rank 8 players had a chance in pvp at all in that game was because I pointed out to the devs that having different valor levels on the pvp gear was moronic because valor was designed around separating pvp and pve gear not pvp with other pvp gear...
If none of this sounds familiar to you, congrats you played rift after everyone left and it sucked.
Rift had no matchmaking for most of Vanilla, but when Storm Legion came out, we had solid matchmaking for the next five years which worked quite well. If your argument is that you played a game in it's first year that had imbalanced instanced pvp due to no matchmaking, that isn't a very convincing argument. A lot of games aren't particularly balanced at release, especially games with no matchmaking. There were players here on the forums with win rates over 96% in BGs when they had zero matchmaking, which should tell you what happens when there is no matchmaking whatsoever. Using a period of time in a game with no matchmaking is probably the worst example I can think of to prove that two teams leads to spawn camping.
Also, if you think over 60% isn't good, you've never played a game with proper matchmaking. I had the highest Cleric ELO and second highest overall ELO in the entire game for a number of years because my win rate was well over 60%. Winning over 60% of your games means that the system fails to settle you in a bracket where opponents are equally skilled because it cannot match you up with opponents good enough to provide a challenge to you/beat you. You will not find players with well over a 60% win rate in games like Overwatch, League, DOTA, etc etc unless they are the top 1% of the 1%. For example, if you played Overwatch and had a consistent 65% win rate you would hit the Masters bracket and be top 500 in a very short period of time.
All of this information is probably wasted on someone who thinks pug stomping with a guild group is something to brag about or relevant to this discussion though.