Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

Great Odin's Ravens recruiting Xbox NA

(Xbox NA)
Great Odin's Ravens is recruiting! Adult social guild.
We are a small dedicated group looking to expand a bit and maybe do some casual trials on weekends. We're mostly on later in the day and weekends and are focused on both PVE and some PVP as well as helping each other.
Chat can get rowdy from time to time so bring a sense of humor😉.
Everyone is welcome, from fresh noob to seasoned veteran.
Alliance is no issue but in Cyrodiil we're mainly DC(Blue).
We have experienced players to help everyone, from running dungeons to crafting your favorite set.
Guild house has target dummy and transmute station!
Every Sunday we offer a social event for everyone to join, every week something different and is up to the group to change.
  • nofsimus
    Hey guys can you throw me an invite? I should be on around 6 p.m. Eastern
    Are you guys pretty active with voice chatting with headsets or only in raids?
    GT Nofseratu
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