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Forgot answer to my Security Question

Soul Shriven
As the title says, I have forgotten the answer to my Security Question. I do have access to my account, but the problem is that in order to change my Account Info I need that.
I eventually found the Support page where I can find help on the issue and should be able to make a ticket:

The problem is that when I click on Submit ticket, select my Platform (PC) and then select my issue, all it does is give me two blurps of text with suggestions but no way to make a ticket. Neither blurb is something I have much use of.
The second blurb does say I should use the form found at and choose the option "No longer have access / can't remember email on account.". The problem is that this option isn't listed on that form, so that's not an option either.

With those two blurbs being useless to me, I expected to find a button below that to create an actual ticket, but there's nothing there.

Am I doing something wrong? Is there any other way I can go about this?
Edited by Nathriel on February 21, 2019 6:21PM
  • Elsterchen
    @Nathriel ... ask the very same question about 9 month ago vis help ticket. Never got an answer.

    sry for lurking ;-)
  • ZOS_Bill

    When using the link to start a ticket, choose the option "I can't login" from the drop down menu. This will bring up a form you can fill out to get a ticket started to help with your security question.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Nathriel
    Soul Shriven
    I am not sure how that is going to help me as one of the required fields in that form IS the answer to my security question.
    Even if that wasn't the case there are two other required fields, "Date Account Created" and "City of Original Login", that I am unable to fill in as I don't remember for certain what the case is here and I don't have the e-mail anymore that I'd gotten when my account was created.
  • ZOS_Bill

    Fill out the required fields you're not sure of with the closest answer you can think of. Once a ticket is started with support, you will receive a follow-up response to assist with your security question.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • MalumMulier
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »

    Fill out the required fields you're not sure of with the closest answer you can think of. Once a ticket is started with support, you will receive a follow-up response to assist with your security question.

    Im trying to recover my account after a long time of not playing and when I got to make a ticket, the date box stays in red and it wont let me submit. When I hit the "I" to see what it says, it tells me to "Provide the Month / Day / Year when you created the ESO account you are attempting to recover."

    Ive tried every different combination of feb 5th 2014 I can possibly think of and the box stays red and wont let me submit. I assume I am doing something wrong but I guess not smart to figure out what it is. Any help?

  • Taleof2Cities
    Try a different browser, @MalumMulier.

    Sometimes that works to start the ticket.

    Also, posting screenshots of your issues on the Support website are a lot better than you trying to describe it in words.
  • M_Volsung
    If you're running an adblocker on your browser try whitelisting the support site, that fixed a few problems I was having with it.
    "In the Deep Halls, Far from Men;
    Forsaken Red Mountain, Twisted Kin;
    Hail the Mind, Hail the Stone;
    Dwarven Pride, Stronger than Bone"

    —Dwemer Inquiries I-III, Thelwe Ghelein
  • MalumMulier
    Try a different browser, @MalumMulier.

    Sometimes that works to start the ticket.

    Also, posting screenshots of your issues on the Support website are a lot better than you trying to describe it in words.
    Thank you for your help! I switched browsers and the date box worked

  • Nathriel
    Soul Shriven
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »

    Fill out the required fields you're not sure of with the closest answer you can think of. Once a ticket is started with support, you will receive a follow-up response to assist with your security question.

    Thank you. That advice helped and a day or two later I got an answer.
    Ironically, as I was gathering the information required in the follow-up, I ended up guessing my secret question correct. It was not something I expected to have used there, but I guess that happens over time.

    Regardless, thanks again for the help that was given, even though it wasn't needed anymore in the end. I'd still wish there was a dedicated ticket for this though, instead of having to repurpose another form for this.
    Edited by Nathriel on February 27, 2019 6:21PM
  • BatmanNoodles
    ZOS_BillE wrote: »

    Fill out the required fields you're not sure of with the closest answer you can think of. Once a ticket is started with support, you will receive a follow-up response to assist with your security question.

    Hey Bille I hope your having a wonderful day! I wanted to ask if you could help me! I submitted 3 tickets already and no one has replied yet! I want to change my eso user ID but I cant because I have forgotten the answer to the security question. They told me to verify my account and I sent every detaiil I could but I still have not gotten a reply! Could you help me please? Thi is
    [Incident: 200323-008681]
    The warrior of darkness
  • BatmanNoodles
    Hello Zos I just Sent my 4th submit ticket to get my secret question back and I still havent gotten a response yet! Can someone help me please?
    The warrior of darkness
  • Taleof2Cities
    Don’t submit multiple tickets on the same issue, @BatmanNoodles ... a new ticket puts you to the back of the queue.
  • BatmanNoodles
    Don’t submit multiple tickets on the same issue, @BatmanNoodles ... a new ticket puts you to the back of the queue.

    ok sorry about that! Should I just wait then?
    The warrior of darkness
  • BatmanNoodles
    Don’t submit multiple tickets on the same issue, @BatmanNoodles ... a new ticket puts you to the back of the queue.

    ok sorry about that! Should I just wait then?

    @Taleof2Cities im not sure what to do because i sent everything to them and im still not getting a reply they needed information to verify that its my account and i did.
    The warrior of darkness
  • Taleof2Cities
    Sit tight.

    A friendly forums mod (usually @ZOS_BillE) hopefully can send you an update on your ticket.
  • BatmanNoodles
    Sit tight.

    A friendly forums mod (usually @ZOS_BillE) hopefully can send you an update on your ticket.

    @Taleof2Cities thank you so much very appreciated!!!
    The warrior of darkness
  • BatmanNoodles
    Sit tight.

    A friendly forums mod (usually @ZOS_BillE) hopefully can send you an update on your ticket.

    This is [Incident: 200323-008681] btw

    -thanks again!
    The warrior of darkness
  • ZOS_Bill
    With this thread being over a year old we are closing the discussion. Please use the search feature to find more recent discussions or simply start a thread of your own for help.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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This discussion has been closed.