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Now that Elsweyr was revealed, what do YOU want next?

Now that Elsweyr was revealed, what do YOU want next?

I remember an old poll in the forums with a similar title. Well, most requested area was Summerset. Second most requested area was Elsweyr. Most requested class was Necromancer. Most requested feature was trait change and Jewelry Crafting.

My point is: ZOS does listen! So what do YOU want next?

Me: a Bard’s College DLC. A full questline, similar to the Thieves Guild one, a passive skill tree, new emotes, mementos, personalities, repeatable quests, motifs, songs, bard NPC intetactions...

Also, my Chapter request takes place in an Oblivion realm. It can honestly be any. Cold Harbour is one of my favorite maps to date!

Let’s discuss!
-On my shoulder, Ms. Ahvine

Now that Elsweyr was revealed, what do YOU want next? 339 votes

A Oblivion realm (which?)
dcam86b14_ESOWuffyCeruleiKnootewootPhlatheadFischblutAjax_22mxxoMorgul667SshadowSscaleKeldheirmikemaconhelios777IlithyaniaChaos2088rumple9crancherryMatthrosJazzyNovahaeleneACaptiveMind 20 votes
Southern Elsweyr
Othniel327CyberOnEsoAlienSlofNebthet78HidesFromSunfeyiiRobo_HoboShanjijriSewerFairyCraziuxAliyavanaCloudlessArchMikemSpiderKnightsusmitdsTyharElwendrylltrowlkdovakiin5574Neyane 23 votes
Western Skyrim
Catsmoke14otis67AnelliumFaulgorixieSoupDragonTibMarrazzMistZunaRoathBergisMacBridelelink88Darkmage1337TitansteeleSmasherx74agegartonSergg007AetherderiusLoressiAdamskiAldersRebornV3x 55 votes
TabbycatCasdhaSuddwrathdaryl.rasmusenb14_ESOUntrustedExistenzamithAshamrayAmphithoeHand_BaconSosRuvaakpod88kkDovahmiimDorrowVeiledCriticismChilly-McFreezecoop500AngryOldManLasinagolLittlePinkDotCoggo 30 votes
Cyrodiil (PvE map)
StxSarousseAimoraaubrey.baconb16_ESOChili_Pepperbellatrixeddarkstar2084XarcpandoraderomanusOrthodoxamb10MaddPoweredmerpinsAlienatedGoatSFDBWraithlynsp_korshunMaisonNaeviusBigBadVolkjlmurra2 38 votes
A new Magicka Weapon Skill Line (which?)
CireousIzanagi.Xiiib16_ESORikumarudangutangolsborgSilverwillowAmylarjrgray93MgghoolAnhedonieMetamonMinnolillybitSibeniceRex-UmbraKr3doTheHsNDracan_Fontompsychotic13DPShiro 44 votes
Bard’s College
Nemesis7884j.greenmanb16_ESOTanis-StormbinderAhPook_Is_HereAndrewQ84SgtSilockBo0137TasearplaysforfunImmortalElf13Starlight_KnightflanmiDragneel1207SylvermynxKallykatArchangelIsraphelNachoProblemYsbrielRyvenMDR 19 votes
AtallantaEdaphonMashilleBlacknight841DMBCMLListerJMCEasily_LostCarl-lanLord_EomerLadyNalcaryaShadow_AkulaAnti_VirusKaraBela94A_SilveriusVanthras79YarguLyserusVapirkocarlyspiralvin 29 votes
Black Marsh (more of)
Zhoyzudanielclarkb16_ESOBam_BamAnkaridanLMarLupusdiabolusInhuman003commdtHappyLittleTreeKoronachKumba_YaArgelornMudcrabberRaptorRodeoGod 14 votes
Other (comment)
Doctor_ZeussEarrindoBowserDaveMoeDeeOsteosprofundidob16_ESOIruil_ESOBlackersR1ckyDaManLordTareqluen79rwb17_ESOAektannstojekarcub18_ESOczarIluvrienMornaBaineOwnRi_Khanxxthir13enxxVDoom1 67 votes
  • jpo
    Other (comment)
    Monk please.
    They fit the lore better as a player character than necro, yet here we are.
  • Ranthuk
    Western Skyrim
    Next Xpac.

    Rest of Skyrim
    DLC 1 (SIlver Hand sized) - Fort Dawnguard Dungeon - The original occupant should be there
    DLC 2 (Murkmire sized) - Atmora. Story telling of the last gasps of the Atmorans (Still some people there for 300 more years) Probably not worth an entire xpac since the Frostfall should have pushed everything right against the coasts
  • Iluvrien
    Other (comment)
    Go back and fill in the areas in existing zones that are either inaccessible (chained/locked doors) or have been left in a unsustainable state (Bleakrock has been on fire for 5 years).

    ...either that or make the game classless.
    ...or create an endgame server to keep endgame PvE/PvP balance passes from touching overland PvE.
  • VaranisArano
    Bug fixes, working PVP, and a brightly lit character creation screen. meant what zone I want. A return to Battlespire would be cool.

    And Spears.
    And One Hand and Rune.
    Edited by VaranisArano on February 21, 2019 12:40AM
  • Sylvermynx
    Bard’s College
    Bard's College! No monks.... don't fit the game at all really. No classes works too.
  • AlboMalefica
    Other (comment)
    Just what they’ve already got planned, I remain optimistic 😊
  • lolli42
    Other (comment)
    jpo wrote: »
    Monk please.
    They fit the lore better as a player character than necro, yet here we are.

    i second that
    monks and coming with that, pole weapons :p
  • flanmi
    Bard’s College
    Solitude bard's colege and skilline, even if its pure cosmetic skills
  • Chronocidal
    +1 monk/unarmed (class/weapon skill)

    +1 akavari
  • luen79rwb17_ESO
    Other (comment)
    ESO: The Reach

    V16 sorc - V16 temp - V16 dk - V1 nb - V1 temp - V1 dk
  • kpittsniperb14_ESO
    Working servers
    Magicka DK-Rowsdowerr
    Tertiary Meat GM
    "they're going to say, there's Daniel and he has 20 people with him, I want to kill him and there's
    40 more behind me."
    "I'm tired of the BS excuses, if you're going to do what you do at least admit what you're doing"
  • TrinityBreaker
    Other (comment)
    Monk and for (STAM)DK to no longer be trash. To have more than 2 pitiful stam morphs with bad breath being abysmal.
    Ebonheart for life.
    Xbox NA
    I am Dog Star.

    Khajiit Stam Sorc - Ji'saad Ranajiradh AR 30
    Khajiit Mag DK - Kesjhad
    Khajiit Magblade - Ji'sava Ak'nir
    Fat Khajiit Stamplar - Dro'haniAk'nir - AR 36
    Khajiit Stam Dk - Diego Ri'jhad - AR 49
    Khajiit Magplar - Dro'nara Ak'nir
    Khajiit StamBlade - Ri'artharr Ak'nir
    Fat Khajiit Stamden - Dro'hani Warbreaker
    Argonian Stam DK - Tiberius Demetros
    Khajiit Stamplar - Diëgo Ri'jhad
    Fat Khajiit Stam DK - Drö'hani Ak'nir/Dances-With-Alkosh
    Khajiit Magden - Arctic Mayhem

  • lolli42
    Other (comment)
    if there was a monk class, my stam dk would probably change class :v
  • Robo_Hobo
    Southern Elsweyr
    My hope is that whenever they do add the southern part of Elsweyr that's when the Monk class will be introduced since Khajiit are known for their martial arts of Goutfang, Whispering Claw and Rawlith Khaj.

    In the meantime, I like to just not use weapons and armor when doing quests on maxed characters. Everything still dies fast, and I get to pretend to be a monk punching everything lol.

  • Ertosi
    Other (comment)
    Spell crafting
    PC NA @Ertosi
    ♠♦ My Team ♥♣
    GoanJabsplar [Grand Master Crafter, Master Angler, Tamriel Hero, Explorer]
    FigsStamblade Sneakthief [Master Thief]
    Sir PriceStamblade Bow Ganker [Daedric Lord Slayer]
    MayaStamblade Speedster
    AhmedMagblade Bomber
    BalzarStamSorc Blitzer
    WinniePetSorc Thunder Mage
    TanksStamDK Tank
    MonaMagDK Fire Mage
    BearlyStamden Tank
    IvanaMagden Ice Mage

    CP 950+
    ♌ DC Loyalist ♌
    ✄ Grand Master Crafter
    No new crafting or game systems for 2019? "Season of the Dragon" would be better named "The Year of no New Major Features" to see major features of the last few years compared. to see a detailed comparison of this year's Q1 to the last two Q1s. to see a detailed comparison of each years' first two quarters combined. to see a projected comparison of the full years and what 2019's Q4 will need to catch up.
    Unsubbed January 15th, 2019 due to the lack of any new substantial features shown to be coming in 2019.
  • Ashamray
    I'm almost sure Western Skyrim will be on the 10th birthday of TES V. What year will it be, 2021?
    Edited by Ashamray on February 21, 2019 1:43AM
    Boadrig, EU PC

    Very Balanced
    Battleground Beta Testers
    Cite's Legacy

    Imperial City frequenter
    Imperial City feedback and suggestions
  • Intextio
    All of the provinces have been added on to except for Skyrim. It's time the Nords get some love. <3
  • rexagamemnon
    Akavir(which will never happen), the next i would want is skyrim, then more of cyrodill
  • DaveMoeDee
    Other (comment)
    I need to fix my inventory clutter.
  • MaxJrFTW
    Other (comment)
    "I don't know you, and I don't care to know you."
    ―Ulrich Leland, 3E 433
  • ArchMikem
    Southern Elsweyr
    We we're promised Elsweyr. We're only getting northern Elsweyr.

    I want my kitty fix!
    CP2,000 Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • moses1763
    Other (comment)
    I would love to see some game love thrown at this awesome game; bugs squashing, pvp fixes, EU server issues, and just an all around 'Spring Cleaning'.

    Ty ESO having a blast.....
    Live, Laugh, and Hope!
  • Tasear
    Bard’s College
    With new support skills!
  • stojekarcub18_ESO
    Other (comment)
    That whole other side of the world...
  • Eiagra
    Spears would be nice. As would improvements and refinements to the engine, work on efficiency and stability. Bug fixes, asset fixes, etc.
          In verity.
  • zvavi
    Other (comment)
    I want them to stop nerfing things. Especially tanks
  • Tensar
    Other (comment)
    Maormer, new weapons, new skill line
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    If we do Skyrim I want Blackreach. Or maybe Whiterun. Though climbing the Throat of the World to potentially meet Paarthurnax is going to feel a LOT less special after dragons, dragons everywhere in Elsweyr. :unamused:
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works
    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
    What would be nice is if the healing skills did damage to undead classes/mobs. Healing them lets them go to heaven and they are grateful.
  • Siohwenoeht
    Cyrodiil (PvE map)
    Fill-in the rest of cyrodiil before going to Skyrim. I know lots of folks want it but I was severely disappointed at eso's version of the rift and eastmarch. I spend as little time as possible there.
    "It is a lovely language, but it takes a very long time saying anything in it, because we do not say anything in it, unless it is worth taking a long time to say, and to listen to." - Treebeard
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