I mean, why should High Elves have a monopoly on the worst utility passive in the game?
When you're conducting the post-mortem on Wrathstone, trying to explain the sudden wave of unsubs, this is why: absolutely awful decisions that should've never made it to PTS in the first place look like they're actually going to make it to live servers. If 4.3.4 is the end, then Wrathstone racial changes are an abject failure that cast the company's intentions in the worst possible light.
Orc - Orc is stupidly OP, with 2k Max Stam, 258 WD, 1k Health, and several universally useful utility passives. Completely overshadows Redguard.
Altmer - Altmer's Magicka generalist identity is destroyed by niche passives. All other mag races pull nearly identical DPS, but all of them offer superior universal utility. Off-stat regen is trash, and does not fairly compensate for what was taken away. "Increased chance to apply status effects" or a dozen other clearly superior alternatives have been suggested. The only explanation for refusing to offer better utility is an actual dev intent to drive players away from Altmer characters, a change that would give many of them actual utility with no statistical change in DPS.
Argonian - These guys got hit way too hard with the nerf hammer. Now they're not really good for anything. I guess that's one way of ending the Murkmire era, but damn though. Kinda brutal.
Bosmer - Penetration after dodge roll is awkward and pointless. Penetration based on range is just one of 1000 obvious alternatives that would actually suit the archer playstyle better. The stealth bonus nerf is senseless and should be reverted.
Frankly, these changes should not go live. If there's anything that can be done internally to remedy this cluster$#%^ before launch it is in the company's best interests to do it. I've already unsubbed and I'm sure many, many more will follow when they find out that >3 characters are affected and you want to charge people money if they want to fix >3 characters you've messed up. There's no surprise here that video games have to make updates and change things. Cool. But it is an unethical business practice to change things in such a way that intentionally dissatisfies customers so that you can profit on selling them fixes. It is absolutely transparent that this is happening here. All mag DPS parse nearly identical, yet you gimped the most popular Magicka DD race with no utility in PvE content to sell race change tokens. And there's a similar situation for Argonian tanks and Redguard DPS. You didn't just create equal alternatives - you created superior alternatives and nerfed the old meta. Players are smart enough to see that and are not going to keep paying your bills. I don't blame anyone in particular because I have no idea what internal factors cause companies to do stupid things like this, but somebody needs to take note and fix it. Many existing characters are being disadvantaged in this update in ways that are easily avoidable if ZOS would only put a little effort into ensuring that our concerns are given a serious look before going live.
Edited by Gnortranermara on February 21, 2019 1:58PM