Sanctuary_Reaper wrote: »My main is a healer, and been in groups where ive been told to stop dps and concentrate on healing, then called a noob for not dps'ing, cant really win.
Was kicked from a group for adding 10k dps, but no one died before i was kicked.
I'm specced for healing, my dps is pants, but my heals are strong, (orbs, spears, combat pray all go out) depends on the team your with i guess.
a healer hastto heal first and foremost. the tank is usually debuffing.
As a PUG healer, I do pure heal and shields quite often, and I throw EleDrain and Mushrooms (Warden's sustain buff for a group). Sometimes I use Deep Fissure or Wall of Elements to help with DPS a bit when I see the group DPS is not good.
And other time I just feel like I'm an empty slot, because those people in my group can do great damage, and they don't die and they have self-heal. See, in bad groups I see my HPS is around 15-25K, and in good groups I see that my HPS is like 6K and it's just a half of overall group HPS. It's like "Hey guys, I'm a healer, let me heal you a bit, please!", "What? Healer? Who even needs a healer in this game?"
PS: I never use Orbs. Sometimes I feel bad for that, but I just don't like them, they look ugly and they don't fit in my nature/elements shaman style. I never use WarHorn/Barrier because I suck in ESO's PvP (as well as I suck in ESO's DPS - 710CP with 20K DPS lol) so I just haven't unlocked them yet.
Wants to be healer but refuses to run orbs/shards or war horn or barrier. And to top it off, you’re also a warden, a terrible healer for vet dlc dungeons. It may be harsh, but I would vote to kick you as fake healer.
Prof_Bawbag wrote: »For all but those dungeons that require a healer, and there aren't many, basically just want the healer to be another dps. I see little or no point to a healer in most dungeons. Most healers I've picked up in pugs just swap their heals out for dps. Think most healers are sensible.
I think everyone should have a single heal ability and if they haven't they become a larger burden than the lack of having an actual designated healer.
Unfortunately, outside of trials healers aren't needed (and I'm a healer), and that's including all HMs and arenas. I've advocated for a dungeon mechanic where healers would be mandatory e.g. continuous oblivion damage from start to finish, however as of yet, nothing. Honestly, what's the point of the healer role in dungeon finder? If your a "healer" then just slot an emergency heal and become a DD, it will benefit you more in the long run.
Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
Wants to be healer but refuses to run orbs/shards or war horn or barrier. And to top it off, you’re also a warden, a terrible healer for vet dlc dungeons. It may be harsh, but I would vote to kick you as fake healer.