Ragnarock41 wrote: »Well you're right Its too much and both abilities are too dumb-proof to use , but get ready to be attacked by warden mains anyways.
What if they swapped the snare of Sleetstorm and Impaling Shards? A mobile snare with 70% reduction is potent and a stationary snare with 30% is lacklustre.
Or evaluate the % of all snares as well.
Ragnarock41 wrote: »Well you're right Its too much and both abilities are too dumb-proof to use , but get ready to be attacked by warden mains anyways.
Im always ready to be attacked by warden mains on the forums and on the battlefield.What if they swapped the snare of Sleetstorm and Impaling Shards? A mobile snare with 70% reduction is potent and a stationary snare with 30% is lacklustre.
Or evaluate the % of all snares as well.
Hmm. Interesting suggestion though Im not sure if its an ideal solution and not sure it would change much in terms of PvP gameplay seeing as its just so easy to snare. The issue I am having with both Time Stop and Permafrost is that you're getting two of the most deadly effects in PvP rn (snare and CC) rolled into both skills. I think a lot of the time there are so many snares on you that you're pretty much maxed out not matter what. That change would make Permafrost less deadly 1v1 but wouldn't change much for groups play I don't think, and 1v1 isn't so much the issue.
Ragnarock41 wrote: »Well you're right Its too much and both abilities are too dumb-proof to use , but get ready to be attacked by warden mains anyways.
Im always ready to be attacked by warden mains on the forums and on the battlefield.What if they swapped the snare of Sleetstorm and Impaling Shards? A mobile snare with 70% reduction is potent and a stationary snare with 30% is lacklustre.
Or evaluate the % of all snares as well.
Hmm. Interesting suggestion though Im not sure if its an ideal solution and not sure it would change much in terms of PvP gameplay seeing as its just so easy to snare. The issue I am having with both Time Stop and Permafrost is that you're getting two of the most deadly effects in PvP rn (snare and CC) rolled into both skills. I think a lot of the time there are so many snares on you that you're pretty much maxed out not matter what. That change would make Permafrost less deadly 1v1 but wouldn't change much for groups play I don't think, and 1v1 isn't so much the issue.
I feel that they could take the Snare off of Permafrost but leave it on Northern Storm, that way your are choosing snare or stun.
But there definitely needs to be more options for Immunity.
Flat out removing the stun would be really painful though as that would leave us with arctic blast only... dear y’ffre that ability sucks
Flat out removing the stun would be really painful though as that would leave us with arctic blast only... dear y’ffre that ability sucks
Isn’t that kind of an issue with the warden class though? Too much power focused into a few abilties and a lot of them are jsut kind of useless. This is less about nerfing wardens and time stop (in my mind) than bringing a thought process back into the game. Let’s have fun, powerful abilties, but let’s not keep making this one button does all type abilties
TheBonesXXX wrote: »It's amusing to watch big groups who all individually press one button die to permafrost, time stop, and negate.
I mean, I understand that some people really do not like Time Stop but can't you guys at least be honest and just ask for the skill to be deleted at this point? Time Stop without snare will be a... what the hell will it even be? An area stun that takes 4 seconds to happen, has a giant and very obvious telegprah and costs 8100 magicka? This will easily be up there with the most useless skills in the game.
CatchMeTrolling wrote: »As far as permafrost it didn’t become an issue until the speed nerf. It suddenly became “op” after the speed nerf. You can’t kill anyone with it by yourself if they have basic pvp common sense. What’s going to happen is zos is going to hit the ult without fixing the actual issue like usual. Then players will spend the next 6 months complaining about that change. Cycle never ends. And it’s the reason why balance is subpar. Devs don’t play the game enough to understand the issues and players don’t offer actual solutions and end up just as responsible for the terrible metas.
Ragnarock41 wrote: »TheBonesXXX wrote: »It's amusing to watch big groups who all individually press one button die to permafrost, time stop, and negate.
Its also amusing to watch big groups spam permafrost, time stop and negate to completely crush the outnumbered opponents without chance because you literally can't fight back or stand your ground against such tools.
MinarasLaure wrote: »IMHO no.
Permafrost dmg is ridiculous and I've never seen anybody dying or running out of stamina because of it.
The only reason why magdens use it is because it does stun. Remove it, and it will turn in another unused warden skill.
As for timestop...it costs/will cost alot of magicka already, it's a fair trade.
Permafrost is a : ULTIMATE
Time stop is a : Skill (spamable and primary skill for most people...)
If you do not understand my post: compare skills with skills and utlmates with ultimates
Example: Shadow cloak 3780 mana / strike 3780 mana Casting again within 4 seconds cost 50% more Magicka
Permafrost is a : ULTIMATE
Time stop is a : Skill (spamable and primary skill for most people...)
If you do not understand my post: compare skills with skills and utlmates with ultimates
Example: Shadow cloak 3780 mana / strike 3780 mana Casting again within 4 seconds cost 50% more Magicka
Permafrost is super abusive. I spent 4 or 5 games last night getting rolled over by a Permatard stack. It's not just the fact that they it's the most overloaded ult in the entire game, it's also a huge problem that Warden generates enough ult to basically spam it back to back to back.
I think these both would be ok of roots and snares were not so powerful.
Roots you can at least dodge roll and get 2 second immunity but purging them should do the same since purging total dark/unstable core gives you CC immunity (or at least has at one point in the game)
Snares I would rather not have drop people much below normal running speed and be limited somewhat that way but rather be a counter to minor expedition, major expedition, and other speed boosts. Maybe they would just flat out be "reduces your opponent to 10% below normal running speed" as a max and a hard set movement speed value and then the counter to the counter could be sprinting. If they did that, both these abilities would not be so bad.