ok if everyone finished mocking off their empty heads, I advise you to read this:
and visit these:
I doubt you could understand much in such a gentle age, this info is more likely for adults, but still.
@AMeanOne, @Emma_Overload, @Ashanne
Facepalm... You do realize that 30% reduction is a 15% in pvp, right? It's not even worth wearing with 50% chance.
1, the assumption that this set always procs on cooldown is too generous. The proc rate heavily depends on who you are fighting. If it is a DOT/bleed build, the proc rate is significantly higher than when you are fighting a burst build, like a stamwarden (shalks+dawnbreaker+execute and dead) or a magsorc (curse+fury+cage+meteor+frag and dead).
2, when evaluating the set, you have to take into account the opportunity cost of not using some other set. While pirate skeleton is indeed a very good defensive set, it does not help you kill your opponent any faster, like for example skoria or selene would, nor does it give high sustain like engine guardian etc. You may well find yourself unable to kill that templar who just heals himself to full everytime you damage him because you sacrificed burst for tankiness, and eventually he will run you out of resources and wear you down.
3, the best measure of whether something is truly overpowered or not is answering the question: does everyone in PvP wear it? Now this is just anecdotal evidence of course, but personally i haven't seen a pirate skeleton proc in quite some time(nor have i used it in quite some time, i prefer bloodspawn myself). YMMW of course, but all i see nowadays is earthgore
Your third point is exactly what kept going through my head as I read this thread - does anyone actually use this set any longer? I feel like it’s been about a year since I can recall anyone that I run with wearing it. I run with a large PvP guild and I play daily. It seems to me like everyone is in Cyrodiil is in Blood Spawn, Earthgore, Balorgh, Troll King, Selene’s, or Veli...
Everyone will have their own experience about this, but among the PvP groups i frequent, Pirate Skeleton is considered Top tier, on par with Blood Spawn, TK, Balorgh, etc..
Top tier does not necessarily mean nerf-worthy though.
(~10% overall benefit compared to skelly's 15%)
Never said Pirate Skeleton is superior to Blood Spawn in all situations, but i don't think the opposite is true either.
Major Protection is 30%. (Then you can take Minor Defile into account for sustained staying power, but for burst protection vs multiple targets, not many things comes close to Pirate Skeleton)
but for burst protection vs multiple targets, not many things comes close to Pirate Skeleton
By "overall benefit" i mean how the set helps you. The proc of pirate skeleton provides 30% incoming damage reduction, but also 15% incoming heal reduction, so when you continually heal yourself while being continually damaged, the set causes you to lose health 15% slower. Thus, 15% benefit. Bloodspawn proc in the same circumstances causes you to lose health ~10% slower so ~10% benefit.
The problem with burst protection is that the sets work best when you are subjected to many small hits over (relatively) long period of time, which is the opposite of burst. If you get hit by shalks/dawnbreaker/executioner, you would have to be very lucky for pirate skeleton to protect you, unless it was already procced by someone else tickling you with small attacks.
So in the end, it is not significantly better than bloodspawn against pressure damage(as opposed to burst), and it also is not very good against burst coming from a focused damage source - basically, the best case scenario is one dangerous bursty opponent attacking you alongside someone who does no meaningful damage but continually procs PS. That's a bit too narrow for me giving up stam regen/ult gain for it. But, YMMV.
Lets be real here, this set is completely overperforming.
I suggest the following changes, to make it more on par with other defensive monster sets.
1. remove the defile, remove the proc chance but instead give it Minor Protection at all times instead of major.
2. Add an extra line of max health to the 2 piece, similair to Mighty Chudan.
this way chudan and skelly offer roughly the same mitigation. Chudan being for the ones who dont have a spot on the skillbar for major ward/resolve, and skelly for those that do.
Expecting some backlash because this monster set is widely used (for obvious being OP reasons) but lets be nice and discuss this