The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
Bring out her dead!!!
Seriously - who cares about such minuscule deviations? I really hope that ZOS don’t read these posts.
Khajiit was very good in 4.3.2, pretty well tied with Dunmer.Good grief! Can you guys make up your mind. Khajiit is bis, Khajiit is garbo, Altmer is dead, the age of Bretons has begun, Dark Elves are stam now rip, Dark Elves and Khajiit are tied, Altmer are bis and Bretons stink. Did I miss anything?
Agree, here the sustain and tanky races start to work better, This hit Dunmer and Altmer most. it hurt Khajiit a bit less but they are not that you will call tanky or sustain.When it goes to trials environment that's correct, because when we talk about situations where you don't have anyone to take care of your sustain or survivability things would look different a bit that's why talking about race balance just in terms of trials is pretty bad.
When it goes to trials environment that's correct, because when we talk about situations where you don't have anyone to take care of your sustain or survivability things would look different a bit that's why talking about race balance just in terms of trials is pretty bad.