Why is Aldmeri Dominion so bad?

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Xbox one na server why is Aldmeri Dominion.
always bad vivec I played for a few hours yesterday for first time. Are we really that lazy. Step up your game yellow. We had no emperor for a while. Just got one over night.

Edit: so I took the time to change the name from yellow to the Aldmeri Dominion. Just to lazy to put it in it first.
Edited by Dovahkiin804 on February 13, 2019 11:39PM
  • Defilted
    I play in XBOX NA Shor as AD. I can tell you that the issue at least in shor is the fact that there are very few organized AD PVP guilds and there are several DC and EP PVP guilds.

    When I step in Vivec which is not often becasue of the performance I find that AD is at least talking in zone but always opposing the person who is suggesting where to go and defend/attack. I am not sure if this happens on DC or EP as I have never created a character outside of AD. I assume it does to a degree.

    Another thing that I find that happens in Shor and Vivec is I will see a large AD pop but I never find AD in great numbers. I am very interested to see what happens once IC is decoupled from the population of Cyro.
    XBOX Series X

  • Dovahkiin804
    I am thinking of creating a new character and doing the DC because they seem to be the best , I got the any race any alliance upgrade I am level cp 385 now just wondering if it’s worrh making a new character to join a better alliance. I would say yes since AD is so Horrible at what they do.
  • yodased
    So many people swap does faction even matter anymore
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Dovahkiin804
    I’ve created a new character just now and doing DC but once I it cp level I go to cp 385 just AD is crap in my opinion. I just got into the pvp but I go for someone who’s winning. But someone said losing is fun because w
    Keeping the same forts for weeks can get boring but maybe I agree slightly with that
  • Sanctum74
    I think the race choices play a big part. The majority of AD are bow builds and healers. You can't heal people to death and you can't take or defend anything when you're in stealth or only playing at range.

  • Dovahkiin804
    I just made a khajiit night blade and I do have 385 cp points on my new character and I use staffs so I’m hoping that’s a good character for pvp
  • Enkil
    Ad players are super friendly but tend to Zerg... when u Zerg u learn nothing.
  • Defilted
    I have played any race any alliance from the beginning of the game on console and most people that I PVP with have the same. So there is no reason AD would just have healers and Bow builds, though I do see a lot of those builds on every alliance.

    I don't faction swap. I play for my team. I want to win for my team. Faction swapping is just not something I do. I am not in PVP to just grind AP. If AP and emp is your only focus I am sure that person would not care what alliance they played on. My focus is to win the campaign which is fun for me.

    Back on topic though I do agree that AD is not very organized as a whole and this hurts our chances of winning the campaign, at least this is my experience on XBOX NA Shor.
    XBOX Series X

  • jaime1982
    What Is an xbox?
  • Telel
    Khajiit has one bit of advise for those who ask why others aren't as good as some think they are.

    If you want them to do better. Lead them, educate them, show them how good you truly are. Or, just stop standing behind them while mooing about how you're to good to be in front.
    Character: Telel
    Class: Night Blade-Werewolf-viking-ninja-catgirl-mallet wielder
    Past times: Refusing to go full magika spec, hitting things with a big hammer, sniping, and speaking in khajiit
    Also: Gelel the Derp Knight, Altsel the streaker, and Filafel the temp temp.

    Khajiit has a twitch stream! https://twitch.tv/telel_khajiit feel free to come see how truly unskilled Telel is.
  • Dovahkiin804
    I like my khajiit race I hope he does good in pvp getting to level 10 quickly but I wonder if he do good at level 10 but with 385 cp points or I might just jump in on dc when I hit level 50 and back to cp 385
  • Lucky28
    not sure about anything other than PC, but..... do all the AD happen to have bows?.
  • zyk
    PC/NA/AD was overflowing with meta builds before a significant number of players who play builds like that switched to communities in other factions.

    Only the most ultra-casual players are bound by faction. It's not like 2014 when rerolling took a lot of effort. For players capable of making an impact on the battlefield, rerolling is almost always extremely easy.

    When one faction does become weak, it's a difficult climb back up because in all online games there is a bias against the weak team. The traits that make strong factions successful also attract players to them.

    That's the real reason why factions struggle.
    Edited by zyk on February 13, 2019 12:09AM
  • Dovahkiin804
    Just got on to dc Xbox na server we are still dominating vivec I’m only level 10 with 385cp points but I think you still really playing at cp level 385 even if it says you level 10 I’m guessing could be wrong ?
  • Liww
    join the winning team and become the unbalance B)
  • Zer0oo
    what do you expect from a alliance, which has 2 races for sneaky bow builds?
    Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
    - Update 23
  • KhajiitFelix
    It seems that people don't even know alliance names.....
  • Dovahkiin804
    I just joined dc with my new khajiit character
  • oXI_Viper_IXo
    AD used to dominate for years and now it switches between EP and DC winning campaigns with AD very rarely winning. A lot of the better AD players and leaders left the game or went to other alliances. We are a shell of our former selves and most of the so-called "leaders" just bicker at each other in zone chat and never actually accomplish anything.

    Because of this, I've learned to completely stop caring about the campaign score and just go to where the big fights are. DC has their tight, coordinated ball groups, EP has their massive zergs, and AD has mostly pugs running around like a chicken with their head cut off.
  • Dovahkiin804
    In update 21 there gonna have big changes in pvp and alliance war if I’m not mistaken I really don’t feel like going and reading everything lol. I’m a lazy gamer.
  • OtarTheMad
    You what is funny? This seems to be true about most platforms
  • Dovahkiin804
    To me people seem more nicer on Xbox and pc haven’t played ps4 yet I don’t feel like paying for eso plus on 3 platforms just to see what’s different
  • Ahtu
    Very few people looking for group in zone as people are trying to play the game like a single-player game.
    Edited by Ahtu on February 13, 2019 10:01PM
  • Dovahkiin804
    I like playing with other players in dungeons and pvp but I don’t really like using headsets I use the chat box if it’s necessary for a reply
  • Ender1310
    On Comp it is DC that is bad. Mostly lack of big pvp guilds/ a few large pvp guilds on the other factions drive players away from D.C. as if they can't beat them they join them.

    Allowing faction swapping was bad design. Faction should be for life!

  • Dovahkiin804
    Yea but if you get bored with your alliance and want out but still want to play in the alliance war that’s the thing to do lol
  • Basbor
    Yellow is so bad because bananas are nowadays eaten when they're green... ;)
  • Dovahkiin804
    Finally changed the title of the forum so people can understand it better.
  • heng14rwb17_ESO
  • Dovahkiin804
    So basically it don’t matter what platform you playing on Aldmeri Dominion is a really crappy alliance.
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