This is a thread for positive discussion, not ZOS bashing, in an effort to persuade the devs to change/fix the stuck in combat bug. If you have something new to add please do so in a detailed and positive way, describing specifics. Try and read through and make sure you’re not double posting, agrees or insightfuls do a great job of indicating support so we don’t get too many pages. The stuck in combat bug can last for many minutes or sometimes until you die which often times heavily limits contribution to fights.
Here’s a few reasons it should be looked at that I’ve thought up/seen posted. Stuck in combat shall be denoted as SiC:
1. Coming to defend a keep or participate in siege and being SiC by an NPC, animal or player can result in the inability to effectively contribute if you don’t have the right siege in Q slot or need to buy more, or slot a different type as the battle dynamic changes. This can also include FCs and different types of potions.
2. The ability to get to a defense or offense can also be hindered for the same reasons. Being SiC can often last well after a successful defense and I’ve been prevented from riding to another by this bug.
3. SiC obviously also prevents swapping out gear after combat or at any time you’re SiC. The argument can be made that people shouldn’t be allowed to switch to optimal gear in the middle of a fight and I can agree, but you shouldn’t be prevented from switching gear while sitting inside your own keep waiting for the enemy to break in just because someone hit you with a LA on your way in.
4. SiC can heavily impact your abilty to adequately chase a scroll runner. If you are attacked by the scroll group and manage to fight them off you should absolutely be able to mount again and resume chase.
These are just a few instances to get started. I’m sure others have more ideas. ZOS has already said they’re looking at the abilty to at least change quick slots which shouldn’t be an issue, and we definitely need to be able to mount or have some way of forcing a combat exit after a certain amount of time.
Edited by Vapirko on February 4, 2019 6:45AM