I'll be the 1st to admit going into this PTS that ZOS was going to flub up racials even worse than before in spectacular form only they can do. However, I was surprised to find most of the racials to be fairly well balanced when looked at a broader spectrum with one another that I could find very few flaws with them. Of course, I wouldn't be making this topic if everything was perfect, no matter how close ZOS has made it out to be. As such, I do have some minor adjustments to some of the more problematic racials that still trouble me, either from a balance perspective, lore perspective, or some combination of the 2.
Firstly, Imperials. As I'm sure pretty much everyone has already pointed out, Imperial is in a bad spot. Going from 2nd best Tank race as well as a solid Stamina DPS race to the absolute bottom of both, Imperial is in need of a lot of love in practically every way, especially considering this is a race that is locked behind a paywall that making it this horrid is nothing short of inexcusable. While it does have the largest stat total of all the races, this doesn't save it from mediocrity in the slightest when everything is said and done so I suggest the following adjustment for Imperial to make them more worthwhile.
Toughness: 2k Health ---> Unchanged
Conditioning: 2k Stamina --> Changed into Imperial Mettle: 1k Stamina + Magic
Red Diamond When you deal Direct Damage you have a 15% chance to heal for 1750. Reduces the cost of your Block and Bash abilities by 5%. ---> Restore 300 Health, Stamina and Magic upon activation of a Weapon Ability. 5 second CD. Reduce the cost of Block and Bash abilities by 5%
What this change would do is give Imperial an well leveled footing into any role it so desired without being the most powerful race in said role. The split into Max Stamina and Magic is lore friendly as Imperials do have lore as Battle Mages and gives some much needed flexibility to the race as a whole but coupled with a fairly powerful Tri-Stat restore effect, the race goes from being bad at everything to being decent at everything with an extra pension for Tanking to put it in a fairly useful spot overall.
Next up, we have Argonians. While people have complained that Argonians were OP before (I disagree but whatever), that alone didn't justify them receiving nothing but nerfs this patch. Admittedly, the potion passive was fairly overtuned and due for a nerf but coupled with the complete removal of poison resistance+healing received and the small decrease in healing done, the race was overnerfed in all the areas it once excelled at while also hurting its already lack luster DPS numbers. I don't feel some slight adjustment to the race is uncalled for after all that so here's my suggestions for them
Resourceful: 1k Magic. Restore 3600 Health, Magicka, and Stamina when you drink a potion. ---> 500 Magic + Stamina. Restore 3600 Health, Magic and Stamina when you drink a potion
Argonian Resistance: 1k Health. 2310 Disease Resistance + Disease Status Immunity ----> 750 Health. 2310 Disease Resistance + Disease Status Immunity
Life Mender: 4% Healing Done. ----> 3% Healing Done. Upon being healed, increase Weapon + Spell Damage by 129 for 6 seconds. Just to clarify, this Weapon+Spell Damage applies to the Argonian only, not to people that they heal; We got enough damage boosting from Healers and Tanks as is without a racial passive giving into that mindset as well.
I've always felt that Argonians were probably the most lore unfriendly in terms of their racial passives. In practically every ES game leading up to Skyrim, Argonians have always been gimped in terms of their Health stat in relation to other races, with them merely being able to recover it faster than other races, much like the original Quick to Mend passive hinted too. It never payed any heed to their prowess as Assassins, their mastery of Guerilla Warfare or any of the lore that had been established over the years that I'm honestly tired of it all and felt the need to make these suggestions, at least to help Argonians truly be more than just this race that is always being more and more shoehorned into support roles only. Similar to Imperials, I split their max resources down the middle to help them out on both Stamina and Magic fronts with a situational DPS buff, at the cost of some of their Health and another nerf to their Healing done to try and make these changes as well balanced as possible. While Argonian Tanks might be a bit weaker as a result (its up for debate if the 129 Weapon/Spell damage will help a Tank out much considering their low damage numbers anyways, on top of even fewer total stats but I digress), their Healers shouldn't be largely affected, if at all, by the change while Argonian DPS get some needed buff to their numbers without overshadowing other races in either role.
Onto Nords now. While I do feel that Nord is in a relatively decent spot in terms of Tanks overall, that doesn't mean its not open to some level of criticism. Their racials are admittedly, fairly solid and let them excel more in the Tank role than any other race but I hate that despite these changes, it's still just a Tank race. It's legitimately the hardest race for me to suggest any sort of adjustment to that wouldn't push its performance into OP territory but I'm giving it a shot anyways to that it's not left in the dark either.
Stalwart: 1500 Stamina. When you take damage, gain 5 ultimate. 10 second CD ----> Unchanged
Resist Frost: 1k Health. 2310 Frost Resistance + Chilled Status Immunity. ---> 1500 Health. 2310 Frost Resistance + Chilled Status Immunity
Rugged: 3960 Physical+Spell Resistance ----> 2750 Physical+Spell Resistance. Restore 350 Stamina upon using a Class ability. 5 Second CD.
As I stated, this was probably my hardest suggestions in terms of giving a Race something to branch it out more but I really didn't have much to work with here so bare with me. I wanted to maintain Nords currently great Tanking abilities mostly in take but I had to make some adjustments. By reducing their resistance passive, it allowed for a small stamina restore to be added to them upon using a Class ability. I tried to make up for this nerf to resistance by increasing Nords Health by 500 and while I know that won't make up for over a 1k loss in resistances, it was to try and help out Nord DPS just a bit without breaking the bank. I'm sure some of you may disagree with the adjustment and I'm open to feedback on it since it's not my greatest suggestion at all but one that I felt I needed to try anyways.
That's it for my more large scale adjustment but I do have 1 final nitpick, namely with Bosmer's Hunter's Eye. While I'm totally fine with Khajiit and Bosmer finally getting their own unique passives, this passive just rubs me the wrong way on so many levels that I just had to mention it as well. After the catastrophe that was the Swift Meta, I cannot even begin to rationalize the thought process in giving Woodelves back that power but even worse; This is the very definition of going 1 step forward and 2 steps back. It's illogical, it's idiotic and I can't keep quiet about it. It NEEDS to be changed.
Hunter's Eye: Increases your Stealth detection radius by 3m. After you use Roll Dodge you gain 20% Movement Speed for 3 seconds. ----> Ignore the Movement Speed penalty while in Crouch.
Increase the range of your Bow abilities by 2m. Increase your Stealth Detection radius by 3m.
This is a much more lore friendly, balanced and universally useful passive than the current form of the passive. It gives credit to Bosmer's advance skill with the bow, their thieving nature and has uses in both PvP and PvE, whereas the current form is highly restricted in PvE and largely favors PvP.
Edit: If the movement speed adjustment for Hunter's Eye is a bit much, then a speed buff akin to Concealed Weapon would also work.
Edited by Silver_Strider on February 1, 2019 3:34PM Argonian forever