Over the past few months I've really been getting to BG's. I've always been a PvP player but never really considered BG's till around November last year where I gave up on Cyrodiil. I've been having a lot of fun and thought I'd try a new spec by creating a Tank, Support, Healer, Dragonknight.
It works really well, keeping team mates alive, locking down enemies and providing debuffs and heals. But my score at the end of each match pales in comparison ti my score whenever I just play a flat out damage dealer and that almost all comes down to the "Assist" system.
The way you get assists seems to purely depend on whether you do "enough" damage, whether that be a % of all damage done to that player, or just a flat minimum you need in order to get an assist I don't know, but either way it just makes playing a support feel less gratifying. It's very discouraging to win a team fight, know you contributed towards getting all those kills as much as your other team mates, by guarding, healing, rooting and debuffing then getting maybe only 1 assist for it. Purely because you didn't deal enough damage to them?
I know there are medals for things such as healing but they are capped at 500 points etc, and when you've been denied up of 20 assists in a game it just seems insignificant to get a "you did good at healing, here's a tiny amount of points." when a lot of the time without your presence the team wouldn't have been able to win the fight at all.
Apologies if I'm being ignorant and missing something, this is just what I took from my time in BG's
House Baratheon: 'Ours Is The Fury'