They just changed mending right? It's the "healer mage" set? I might be off but I think that's right.
I know the old mending was just 8% healing which is outclassed by sanctuary. This new mending set the "healer mage" looks like a decent pvp healer set. But I think op is talking about specifically pve.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
You are thinking of "healers habit". Mending, or healing mage, which both names are on the items, kind of like the berzerking warrior set is called advancing yokuda, see here-
Since pve mobs only have one stat for damage, 5 piece lowers damage from all mobs and bosses by 15-30%. Absolutely insane.
Ahh thanks for clearing that yeah the 8% healing one is a joke.
That set though is very interesting. How do you come to 15-30% damage reduction? I do not know the numbers for most of the mobs damage and for bosses with 1shot mechanics and like the aoe mechanics would it effect those? I think we need a numbers guy for some clarity.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
I tested on mobs and checked the before and after damage.
Most of the AOE and mechanics based damage in the game are based on the bosses damage coefficient, meaning you lower the damage the boss does , the lower damage almost everything related to the boss does, this is part of why minor maim is so good.
The bad part of this set is that you have to be within 10 meters of a mob and only 6 can be debuffed at a time. The good part is that pretty much all the heals a temp uses proc it, including breath of life and most importantly, combat prayer, which has a 20 meter range, so you have to be in closer the normal, though sanctuary has the same size and people recommend that left and right (I see that set as a tank set).
ApostateHobo wrote: »My healer is getting close to champion level, so I'm going to have to start farming gear for her (fuuuunnnn) and was wondering what some of the better sets are? Preferably ones that don't require doing trials haha. I know spell power cure is decent and not too difficult to get, and I already have earthgore tucked away.
Thanks everyone for the suggestions! Won't be touching anything trial related though as I have never done one, and likely never will as I'm really not interested in them so no olorime or asylum for me. If I ever actually meet some friends or something I'd enjoy running trials with I'll definitely look into those though. For now I'll mostly be doing my healing in dungeons and bgs, so I don't need the literal best setup possible haha. Thanks again!