Maintenance for the week of July 1:
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Might need a look at Vigor?

  • Jaxaxo
    Vigor is useful even for PVE contents,

    It should not be nerfed, Stam NB are culprits who abuses Vigor by combining Dodge Roll + Vigor + Cloak

    If you heal half amount while cloaking then this will solve issue

    Learn something new everyday. I thought cloak suspended ALL DOTS on you when cloaked. Now I'm hearing only the negative DOTS. Sigh, a Vigor + Cloak means they stop taking DOT damage but enjoy DOT heals. So broken ...

    I'm not completely agaisnt idea of supressing heals while in cloak, but u know. DOT. Damage over time... DAMAGE... Seems pretty clear for me :trollface:
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  • Rake
    Muskrap wrote: »
    My point isnt to nerf it overall. I can see it getting a single target healing buff. My point is that there should be 2 different vigors. Not just the anti-meta Hypo zergling version.

    Why do you even play?
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