We are a quirky bunch trying very hard to create the best guild we can, and sometimes we struggle - if you are looking for an always-on-point, never forget anything, steady and rigid guild, with lots of resources and perfection in every detail - we are not it.
We aim to create a wholesome environment in which new or returning players find themselves able to grow at their own pace, without judgement or constant outside pressure to "be better". We want to support you, no matter your playstyle (min/max or snail-speed).
We have a large number of parents, thus it is understood that sometimes plans fall through or that you have to leave in the middle of a dungeon/trial. We try to accommodate for those situations.
We have an active discord server, in which we offer channels in which "bad words / crude language" are discouraged. We relaxed our rules a bit since we started on this... Other channels are available for training, hanging out ("Tavern"), crafting requests, general guidance, and finding dungeon buddies.
We have a well-stocked guild bank with recipes and furniture documents, and other goodies - which are free to each guildmate. We craft training gear for newbies for free as well. ... and furniture for all those empty houses!
We do other stuff, too - zone clears, PVP, one-on-one lessons, gear farming (vet dungeons), fishing, novelty and serious trials ... Pretty much if one person shouts "Help" we create an impromptu event around it.

And some of us speak German. Ja, wir sprechen Deutsch - das hast Du richtig gelesen. Wir freuen uns auf Dich. Hoffentlich bis bald?
If this peaked your interest, contact us through in-game mail (
@primordialsquid or
@vilahelm), check out our latest video on Twitch, and/or join our discord for more information (
With best wishes,