Mattock_Romulus wrote: »Quit nerfing PVE because of PVP please.
Rather healer has an new bis set.SteveCampsOut wrote: »Facefister wrote: »It combats the power creep while making 2h a viable choice for PvE.
I'd rather they reduce the swing time on 2h than cut the dw damage in half!
That would only give us 2 op weapons instead of solving the problems
Won't know until I see actual hard numbers on how it performs.
SteveCampsOut wrote: »Facefister wrote: »It combats the power creep while making 2h a viable choice for PvE.
I'd rather they reduce the swing time on 2h than cut the dw damage in half!
That would only give us 2 op weapons instead of solving the problems
Girl_Number8 wrote: »I just see Zos's usual lazy approach to every game issue. Amazing how they don't take game performance as the most crucial issue with the game. The performance has been the worst ever and yet they continue to help deteriorate it.
Please just fix the performance first, stop the events, and take one new content break so you can make the game run more smoothly, Zos
DW is already too strong and still has the best heavy attacks in the game
They should reclassify shields as weapons that can proc enchants when bashing.MartiniDaniels wrote: »Though change looks logical, but they must give something in return. As for now it is just direct nerf of DW and nothing more.
Could have been the intent, after they changed how enchants apply on DW. They were relatively op and now they were brought down to, seemingly, regular levels. Poor SnB though will miss even more of their lacking damage. Delves will become a challenge. 😂
I can appreciate the reason behind it but they really need to reduce the number of tempers required now to gold out DW weapons as they erode any other reasons to use them. Should not be costing 16 tempers for DW vs 8 for 2 handers / staves.
itscompton wrote: »They should reclassify shields as weapons that can proc enchants when bashing.MartiniDaniels wrote: »Though change looks logical, but they must give something in return. As for now it is just direct nerf of DW and nothing more.
Could have been the intent, after they changed how enchants apply on DW. They were relatively op and now they were brought down to, seemingly, regular levels. Poor SnB though will miss even more of their lacking damage. Delves will become a challenge. 😂
I get why they do it, but considering the enchantment of the offhand does not trigger equally as often as the main hand. its in practice not equal.
Bad Idea, because you can't compensate numbers with melee power enchants.
If I want to have as much melee power as a 2H enchant procs with dual wield, I can't. 2x the same enchant doesn't work.