Sixsixsix161 wrote: »Hi,
About 16 months ago, I saw a player that looked like he was surrounded by lighting. I saw him attacking a group of enemies, wading right in with spells/abilities that killed all of them.
I found a guide that had that setup and tried it but didn't like it. So, now I'm back and want to try it again, but from the beginning with a new character.
However, I cannot find a guide with that setup.
Does anyone know where I can get it? I Googled for a guide and spent hours on the net yesterday, but to no avail. I did find some abilities that sound like what I'm looking for, and wonder if those are the abilities I need, i.e., Lighting Form/Lightning Splash, Mages Fury (in the Mages tree, not the standard magsorc with pet tree). I have the pet that fights with lightning skills.
Thanks for any help.
Sixsixsix161 wrote: »Thanks all.
I'm doing ok, level 17. Tried a public dungeon the other day and died 11 times (glad I had a load of gems with me). Problem was that it seemed that every 25-30 feet there was a fight, and each time it was a group of 6 enemies. I just can't take that many enemies. I can do 4, with a little luck, but that's it.
I don't do melee, but with this setup I have to get on top of a group (the spell that electrifies me has to be 5 meters or less from the enemy), and the ability that puts down an electrified wall (later morphed to Blockade, I think), is put down right at your feet, instead of being able to put it in front of me.
I'm going to keep up with it, but I sure wish that we had room for 7 abilities and 1 ultimate. Right now, I have 3 offensive abilities, one with the pet, and one still empty. I could use another 3-4 slots easily lol.
Thanks again.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »Do be aware that magicka sorcerers are much weaker than they used to be.
So I just made a new character and I want to play him as an evil caster who only uses lightning. Like straight up emperor palpatine.
So I'll be using a lightning staff, with mages fury, liquid lightning, lightning form, and possibly the instant morph of crystal frags if I think the aesthetics match enough.
Does anyone have any other advice on lightning skills to use in my rotation? For aoe burst and sustain I think I'll be set but for single target I might need some help.
So I just made a new character and I want to play him as an evil caster who only uses lightning. Like straight up emperor palpatine.
So I'll be using a lightning staff, with mages fury, liquid lightning, lightning form, and possibly the instant morph of crystal frags if I think the aesthetics match enough.
Does anyone have any other advice on lightning skills to use in my rotation? For aoe burst and sustain I think I'll be set but for single target I might need some help.