I would just like to know from you all longtime PvPers on what is it that keeps you guys going and staying in PvP in Cyrodiil; what is it so appealing about PvP to you all? (and nevermind discussing about all the crapshoots that have been plaguing PvP for years now with no sense of PvP bugs ever getting fixed or patch anytime soon; and dammit, why the hell loading screen keeps popping up while we're in the middle of combat.. goodness) To me, I have been struggling to enjoy PvP going on 4 years now into this game. Hell, my one toon that I use for PvP has been stuck on the rank of Colonel for 3 years; which, I only go into PvP sporadically. Well, I'm going to take it into this Midyear Mayhem thing and probably make the next rank; but, that's probably it. I took a new stam toon in this current Mayhem and after getting the 6th rank of Assault and unlocking Caltrops, that is it for me for awhile; probably won't take another toon into it for another few days. I still need Vigor and Caltrops for another new stam toon.
I'm not hating on PvP. Apparently, it is appealing to a lot of peeps. There are plenty of peeps in the higher ranks General and above to Grand Overlord rolling around. However, it doesn't matter what ranks or title you are, everybody dies the same in one way, shape, or form in PvP. Ok, to each their own, I rarely drink alcoholic beverages, and I have tried wine several times, and to me wine and any other alcoholic beverages are an acquired taste. To me, it is just bitter and doesn't taste good. Thus, I have never acquired the taste for wine or whatnot. Comparatively, I view PvP as an acquired taste as wine and so on. Going on four years now into ESO, and I still haven't acquire the taste for PvP. To me, it is just too damn repetitive, going sacking keeps, outposts, whatever and losing same and having to re-attack over and over again. All the while, you're killing other players and getting killed, smashing zergs and getting trampled by zergs all the same over and over again. Ok, sure, PvE is repetitive as well, but not as much as PvP. PvP is just so repetitive consecutively and continuously; this is what is not so enjoyable or appealing to me.
I'm not looking for a "maybe you should do this, do that.." No, the several years I have been in this game, I already known what I should do and shouldn't do. This is also not a rant or hating on PvP. This is me still trying to understand what the heck is so appealing about PvP for many peeps who enjoy it. Maybe you all can somehow influence me or change my view of PvP; maybe not.. Anyways, keep this civil, please..
Edited by GreenhaloX on January 11, 2019 3:42PM