The rules of Midyear Mayhem:
- No bar swapping
- If you're a templar forget about jabs
- Getting out of combat might happen sometime before the end of the event
- Synergies... what are those?
- Destro, Sleet, and Nova on a group of 80 opponents might do damage 2 minutes later
- Other abilities might go after you're dead
- Potions will be consumed but not give you the benefits of using them
- CC immunity.... isn't
- Crash / desync when you get close to a keep, get the "Can't connect to server" message for 10 minutes after crashing, log back in to PvE land and wait for an hour in the queue
- Load screens will take 9.5 minutes, only 30 seconds less than what it takes to time out and be force logged off and kicked to PvE land
@ZOS_GinaBruno Please let the right people know that we are extremely displeased.
Edited by Crown on January 10, 2019 4:33PM