I believe this still is bugged, or at least it’s functionality makes it terrible. I was playing around with it in cyrodiil the other day and here’s what I noticed:
- cast time seems longer than 1.5 seconds
- if someone exceeds the range or the skill any time during the cast, the spell doesn’t fire
- If someone line of sights at any time during the cast, the ability doesn’t fire
- Hard to test this, but if you lose your target during the cast it doesn’t fire
If it does fire you see a beam afterwards linking you to your target, forcing you to animation cancel to fire another ability essentially extending the cast time. In the same amount of time you could cast 3 pulsars.
So here are some suggestions to improve the ability to make it usable:
- reduce cast time to 1 second, or make it instant and tone down the damage
- get rid of the animation
Right now ESO I feel is weighted in favour of melee classes, and especially brawler groups who cluster together for healing/defence. I feel like the poor functionality of this ability is one of the largest reasons why. There is no counter except time stop.
I’ve played enough pvp games to see what happens without some advantage for melee; huge no man lands between each side that mean death to whom ever enters, and I don’t think that’s good for the game. I don’t think this will impact melee too much and will mainly counter stacking brawler groups.
Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
Havoc Warhammer - Alair
LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten