Good is a realities term but question is how, who or what taught you how to dps in ESO?
Good is a realities term but question is how, who or what taught you how to dps in ESO?
One thing is 100% sure: not by following ANY official ESO tutorial, documentation or video.
Whereas every other MMO I have played had a fairly intuitive tutorial, video or post (something) teaching how to be decent, ESO does not.
ESO slaps "weaving" and "animation cancelling" on top of DPS rotations and by default you get told nothing about how to do well with them.
I had two very nice guys, ApochryphaESO (the person making videos about how to DPS / do arena with 1 bar setup) and a guildie (Quake) patiently sit down with me in game and show me how it's done.
Thanks to them I increased my DPS by at least 12k. Just thanks to decent, basic advice, it took all of 20 minutes, basic explanations and little practice.
Now, I wonder why we don't get a proper, official tutorial providing such information.
Good is a realities term but question is how, who or what taught you how to dps in ESO?
Old MMOer, animation canceling and 'waving' is normal in any MMO. You just gotta adapt the knowlage to ESO. Was what I did atleast.
Trained alot of new trial players also. Usually by giving them a specific builds to aim for that can be crafted or bought. Then by explaining roations, animation canceling and weaving. Give them a few examples on how it looks once your rotation is good. Then leave them be to practise rotation a houre or two.
Good is a realities term but question is how, who or what taught you how to dps in ESO?
Old MMOer, animation canceling and 'waving' is normal in any MMO. You just gotta adapt the knowlage to ESO. Was what I did atleast.
Trained alot of new trial players also. Usually by giving them a specific builds to aim for that can be crafted or bought. Then by explaining roations, animation canceling and weaving. Give them a few examples on how it looks once your rotation is good. Then leave them be to practise rotation a houre or two.
This just isn’t true, there’s no animation cancelling or light attack weaving in other games. The closest game that came to it was EQ2 where some people would time their abilities to let their auto attacks hit.