Maybe you should ask yourself why your commenting on this post when your exploiting and apparent still bad?I'll still use torugs on my ww after it's fixed too. Even when I'm not a ww it squishes tanks and shield dependent classes with the oblivion proc and helps counter the damage offset of running blood craze instead of rending slashes.
Strangely enough there are players who kill my wolf too. So maybe it's not as OP as you think and you should just get better.
Maybe you should ask yourself why your commenting on this post when your exploiting and apparent still bad?I'll still use torugs on my ww after it's fixed too. Even when I'm not a ww it squishes tanks and shield dependent classes with the oblivion proc and helps counter the damage offset of running blood craze instead of rending slashes.
Strangely enough there are players who kill my wolf too. So maybe it's not as OP as you think and you should just get better.
Knootewoot wrote: »What goes best with torugs? I was thinking elegance set for 20% light/heavy damage, although it's a magicka set with magi is recovery.
I'll still use torugs on my ww after it's fixed too. Even when I'm not a ww it squishes tanks and shield dependent classes with the oblivion proc and helps counter the damage offset of running blood craze instead of rending slashes.
Strangely enough there are players who kill my wolf too. So maybe it's not as OP as you think and you should just get better.
I'll still use torugs on my ww after it's fixed too. Even when I'm not a ww it squishes tanks and shield dependent classes with the oblivion proc and helps counter the damage offset of running blood craze instead of rending slashes.
Strangely enough there are players who kill my wolf too. So maybe it's not as OP as you think and you should just get better.
Maybe you're getting carried by your set-up and that's why you still die to players.
I'll still use torugs on my ww after it's fixed too. Even when I'm not a ww it squishes tanks and shield dependent classes with the oblivion proc and helps counter the damage offset of running blood craze instead of rending slashes.
Strangely enough there are players who kill my wolf too. So maybe it's not as OP as you think and you should just get better.
Maybe you're getting carried by your set-up and that's why you still die to players.
Nah just some builds hard counter the wolf well. Master dw dk for example. This game is still rock paper scissors, every build has a counter.
I think maybe your just bad idk. your setup supposedly shreds tank so... Seems like maybe a l2p issue. If it shreds a tank should be pretty easy to shred a regular ole DK. Especially since you literally don't have to cast any damaging skills. Can use all your GCDs on defense and still do an incredible amount of unmitigatable damage. My personal opinion is that your own lowskill level makes your playstyle appear balanced.
I think maybe your just bad idk. your setup supposedly shreds tank so... Seems like maybe a l2p issue. If it shreds a tank should be pretty easy to shred a regular ole DK. Especially since you literally don't have to cast any damaging skills. Can use all your GCDs on defense and still do an incredible amount of unmitigatable damage. My personal opinion is that your own lowskill level makes your playstyle appear balanced.
Lol. Again you are the one who made a thread about torugs ww complaining about it. Have you ever played ww?
The skills are super expensive, you aren't going to just light attack weave howl on a torug ww build, you don't have the sustain. Oh, that howl can be reflected by wings too.
You have no defense, other than an extremely expensive magicka based heal on ww. Or a pot if it's available. Other than that, you have block and dodge roll.
DKs do poison damage which does even more damage to ww. WW biggest defense is the 10k extra resists they get which the master bleed bypasses.
So basically you rely on light attack to keep your bleed up and your primary source of damage. Infectious claws dot kept up full time, fear when their cc immunity breaks and howl if their wings aren't up while they are feared to try an execute. If they are tanky they are mitigating your light attack and howl damage. Yes I use the fracture based roar. And don't forget that the DK is root spamming you the entire time.
Maybe instead of making posts whining about what kills you, suggesting people get banned because you can't figure out how to win, you should try to play it yourself.