kinguardian wrote: »I needed to do a master writ.
It asked me to craft a cuirass fron the kagrenac's hope set in morag tong style.
Should be no problem as I know both motiff sets. But when I tried to select the style it said learn style.
I dont understand I know the complete morag tong motiff so why does it say learn the style?
I tried it by different crafting stations. I logged in and out. I got the style material plus I got a lot of mimic stones.
I went all over google but I just cant figure it out. I clearly misunderstand something.
I also looked if the morag tong was the only one it did it with but it was not. There were more whom I have learned the complete motif off and it says I need to learn the style to unlock.
Has annyone any idea what to do?
kinguardian wrote: »@Grimm yes I have a special character for crafting. So she knows the motifs and she has all the traits learned.
And I was also at the correct crafting station.
kinguardian wrote: »So I turned the addons off and that didnt help.
I only have 1 crafting character and I double checked If she knows both motiffs and she does.
I see it does it with other styles as well by2way.
I had the same issue with Imperial style until I realized I only had the conversion from buying the Imperial edition. It might apply the same way with pre-ordering Morrowind or Summerset with Morag Tong and Divine Prosecution, respectively. I actually had to buy the Imperial motif in game to craft it for a Master Writ. The nice thing is that Morag Tong drops from doing WBs in Vvardenfell. Good luck!
I had the same issue with Imperial style until I realized I only had the conversion from buying the Imperial edition. It might apply the same way with pre-ordering Morrowind or Summerset with Morag Tong and Divine Prosecution, respectively. I actually had to buy the Imperial motif in game to craft it for a Master Writ. The nice thing is that Morag Tong drops from doing WBs in Vvardenfell. Good luck!
driosketch wrote: »I had the same issue with Imperial style until I realized I only had the conversion from buying the Imperial edition. It might apply the same way with pre-ordering Morrowind or Summerset with Morag Tong and Divine Prosecution, respectively. I actually had to buy the Imperial motif in game to craft it for a Master Writ. The nice thing is that Morag Tong drops from doing WBs in Vvardenfell. Good luck!
This would be my guess. It used to be you could craft in another style and then convert the item. After outfit update, you can only change your style to one of those in outfiter free of cost.