El_Borracho wrote: »Got to go with @qbit. I'm assuming this is a PVE thing. For vet trials, 2H DDs are somewhere between serviceable to frowned-upon, as they just can't hit as hard as a DW/Bow build. But to combine that with a stamina/magic hybrid, I don't know what you hoped to accomplish. For end game content, pick a skill line and stick with that.
Poke around on Tamriel Foundry, Alcast, or search the boards here for ideas and examples. You don't have to go meta, but I have yet to see or hear of a hybrid matching a min/max type build. Hybrids are just not very good at anything in this game, especially vet DLCs and trials.
kronoso1979b14_ESO wrote: »
I haven’t played thus game that long. I started playing a couple years back and quit because people were pretty nasty to me. Then I picked it up again a few months back. I quit again because I got busy with work. So I really don’t know that much about it to be honest. It seems like the skill trees are kinda messy and thrown around.
Kidgangster101 wrote: »
What platform do you play on? I'm a templar main and I have played all roles of it. So depending on what you would like to do I could help you out.
This highlights the poor character design system. I've called for more attributes, but people say, "this isnt DnD". As if DnD was the first or only game to have more attributes.It feels like a lazy decision to try simplifying so many attributes into only three. Combine this with overused "mechanics" such as colored circles and one shots and it leads to experiences like the OP is having. There is no reason such a massive game should force people into putting most or all points into a single attribute. Its sloppy and lazy. Entire combat system needs to be redone, but let's not hold our breathes.
This highlights the poor character design system. I've called for more attributes, but people say, "this isnt DnD". As if DnD was the first or only game to have more attributes.It feels like a lazy decision to try simplifying so many attributes into only three. Combine this with overused "mechanics" such as colored circles and one shots and it leads to experiences like the OP is having. There is no reason such a massive game should force people into putting most or all points into a single attribute. Its sloppy and lazy. Entire combat system needs to be redone, but let's not hold our breathes.
Salvas_Aren wrote: »Hybrid is awful.
I theorycrafted a hybrid build and came to the conclusion that there is no set that favours such a char. Even Pelinal is a crap set for building a hybrid.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »
++ this is lazy design and every pve dps use absolutely same weapon/guild skills +2-3 class skills.. i created threads with propositions to unify penetration at least to add some versatility to hybrids - results - players don't care they are ok doing the same each time on every char.
kronoso1979b14_ESO wrote: »Constantly kicked by players who are 250 cp and above. Today it was by a group of cp players who were at 800 cp and he made a rude remark because I am playing a Templar using a 2 handed weapon and a mixture of stamina and magic. Then I get booted. I asked him for advice in a build since he had a problem with my play style and got nothing. I’ll do the same here. If someone can offer to help me with a better build then I’ll post what my skills are. I’m used to world of Warcraft using a 2 handed weapon. I chose Templar because it was the closest thing to a retribution paladin.
kronoso1979b14_ESO wrote: »Constantly kicked by players who are 250 cp and above. Today it was by a group of cp players who were at 800 cp and he made a rude remark because I am playing a Templar using a 2 handed weapon and a mixture of stamina and magic. Then I get booted. I asked him for advice in a build since he had a problem with my play style and got nothing. I’ll do the same here. If someone can offer to help me with a better build then I’ll post what my skills are. I’m used to world of Warcraft using a 2 handed weapon. I chose Templar because it was the closest thing to a retribution paladin.