Constantly kicked

Constantly kicked by players who are 250 cp and above. Today it was by a group of cp players who were at 800 cp and he made a rude remark because I am playing a Templar using a 2 handed weapon and a mixture of stamina and magic. Then I get booted. I asked him for advice in a build since he had a problem with my play style and got nothing. I’ll do the same here. If someone can offer to help me with a better build then I’ll post what my skills are. I’m used to world of Warcraft using a 2 handed weapon. I chose Templar because it was the closest thing to a retribution paladin.

  • Lasinagol
    Don't mix stam and mag end game...only advice I have...stick to pure stam or pure mag for dps.
    Templar's make great healing tanks...which is kinda like a paladin.
    Altmer Supremist, filthy spell slinger since Nerevar was assasinated
  • qbit
    This has never happened to me. What content are you playing? I can see this maybe in a vet dlc dungeon or trial. 🤷‍♂️
  • kadochka
    You play what you want to play. Sometimes people are just a-holes, I guess... and sure, there are builds that may be 'better', but you don't have to give in to those builds unless you want it.
    But maybe try
    if I could make another character, their name would be Cries-For-Character-Slots. AKA, I need more.

  • kronoso1979b14_ESO
    qbit wrote: »
    This has never happened to me. What content are you playing? I can see this maybe in a vet dlc dungeon or trial. 🤷‍♂️

    I was just queuing up for a veteran random dungeon.

  • El_Borracho
    Got to go with @qbit. I'm assuming this is a PVE thing. For vet trials, 2H DDs are somewhere between serviceable to frowned-upon, as they just can't hit as hard as a DW/Bow build. But to combine that with a stamina/magic hybrid, I don't know what you hoped to accomplish. For end game content, pick a skill line and stick with that.

    Poke around on Tamriel Foundry, Alcast, or search the boards here for ideas and examples. You don't have to go meta, but I have yet to see or hear of a hybrid matching a min/max type build. Hybrids are just not very good at anything in this game, especially vet DLCs and trials.
  • kronoso1979b14_ESO
    Got to go with @qbit. I'm assuming this is a PVE thing. For vet trials, 2H DDs are somewhere between serviceable to frowned-upon, as they just can't hit as hard as a DW/Bow build. But to combine that with a stamina/magic hybrid, I don't know what you hoped to accomplish. For end game content, pick a skill line and stick with that.

    Poke around on Tamriel Foundry, Alcast, or search the boards here for ideas and examples. You don't have to go meta, but I have yet to see or hear of a hybrid matching a min/max type build. Hybrids are just not very good at anything in this game, especially vet DLCs and trials.

    I haven’t played thus game that long. I started playing a couple years back and quit because people were pretty nasty to me. Then I picked it up again a few months back. I quit again because I got busy with work. So I really don’t know that much about it to be honest. It seems like the skill trees are kinda messy and thrown around.

  • dem0n1k
    Check out Alcast's build videos on youtube............. too soon? XD
    NA Server [PC] -- Mostly Ebonheart Pact, Mostly.
  • Tasear
    This story makes me how growing the problem is in the game.... :/ I mean I don't have to face it, but others have my sympathies.
  • Nogawd
    The game is full of elitist snobs, but if you are not pulling your own weight in vet runs they will call you out for it. Especially on pc where they can see damage percentage stats.

    You should know your build before entering vet runs.
  • Royaji
    The best advice I can give you - ESO is not WOW. Unless you are willing to live with it and leave anything you know from WOW behind you will find your ESO experience very frustrating and unfun.
  • Kidgangster101

    I haven’t played thus game that long. I started playing a couple years back and quit because people were pretty nasty to me. Then I picked it up again a few months back. I quit again because I got busy with work. So I really don’t know that much about it to be honest. It seems like the skill trees are kinda messy and thrown around.

    What platform do you play on? I'm a templar main and I have played all roles of it. So depending on what you would like to do I could help you out.
  • MaxJrFTW
    I've been playing ESO for a while now and the only time i've been kicked was like 2 weeks ago, because i joined a pledge on the last boss and i needed the whole dungeon. I told them to kick me so i wouldn't get the 15 min timer.

    My point is that you're not telling the whole story. Maybe your performance is inexplicably poor to the point that it forces people to kick you.

    If you're bad at a job, you'll get fired. Just saying.
    "I don't know you, and I don't care to know you."
    ―Ulrich Leland, 3E 433
  • MartiniDaniels
    Measure your dps at practice dummy, if it's lower then 25k it's too early to go to random vets as dps because you know mobs are 300-400k HP. But as was mentioned above you may go as templar tank, this is powerful and flashy thing, like all paladins like :D
  • kronoso1979b14_ESO

    What platform do you play on? I'm a templar main and I have played all roles of it. So depending on what you would like to do I could help you out.

    I play on the Playstation 4. I only want to dps and be able to heal myself if needed but still dps both in dungeons and out. Yes in wow I played a retribution paladin, but I had a medium build that provided survivability both in and out of dungeons. Granted in wow there was no stamina resource. There was just a magica resource so the stamina resource has me fumbling to adjust to find the perfect balance.
  • LeagueTroll
    Op you are constantly kicked. This imply you are way below average in term of dmg output. You are not furfulling the role as a dmg dealer. So ofc ppl want someone who can carry his own weight.
    Hybrid is plain awful for dmg dealing. Physical dmg skill all scale to max stam. Magical dmg skill all scale to max mag. Ultimates scale to whichever is higher but not sum them up.
    Honestly if you are into cp levels and never even bothered looking for a short cut, you already made the game harder than it need to be.
  • Salvas_Aren
    Hybrid is awful.

    I theorycrafted a hybrid build and came to the conclusion that there is no set that favours such a char. Even Pelinal is a crap set for building a hybrid.
  • dazee
    ZOS needs to bring back soft caps and revive the hybrid.
    Playing your character the way your character should play is all that matters. Play as well as you can but never betray the character. Doing so would make playing an mmoRPG pointless.
  • Jameliel
    This highlights the poor character design system. I've called for more attributes, but people say, "this isnt DnD". As if DnD was the first or only game to have more attributes. :/ It feels like a lazy decision to try simplifying so many attributes into only three. Combine this with overused "mechanics" such as colored circles and one shots and it leads to experiences like the OP is having. There is no reason such a massive game should force people into putting most or all points into a single attribute. Its sloppy and lazy. Entire combat system needs to be redone, but let's not hold our breathes.
  • Sylvermynx
    Jameliel wrote: »
    This highlights the poor character design system. I've called for more attributes, but people say, "this isnt DnD". As if DnD was the first or only game to have more attributes. :/ It feels like a lazy decision to try simplifying so many attributes into only three. Combine this with overused "mechanics" such as colored circles and one shots and it leads to experiences like the OP is having. There is no reason such a massive game should force people into putting most or all points into a single attribute. Its sloppy and lazy. Entire combat system needs to be redone, but let's not hold our breathes.

    Have to agree. I'm creeping up on 50 on my main - Redguard tankden, solo only - I don't do group content due to 2000 ms lag; I can deal, but I'm NOT foisting that off on others!

    So what am I supposed to do with her at 50? Stam or mag? I have NO CLUE. Serious. This is the first MMO I've played where I literally have no idea.
  • MartiniDaniels
    Jameliel wrote: »
    This highlights the poor character design system. I've called for more attributes, but people say, "this isnt DnD". As if DnD was the first or only game to have more attributes. :/ It feels like a lazy decision to try simplifying so many attributes into only three. Combine this with overused "mechanics" such as colored circles and one shots and it leads to experiences like the OP is having. There is no reason such a massive game should force people into putting most or all points into a single attribute. Its sloppy and lazy. Entire combat system needs to be redone, but let's not hold our breathes.

    ++ this is lazy design and every pve dps use absolutely same weapon/guild skills +2-3 class skills.. i created threads with propositions to unify penetration at least to add some versatility to hybrids - results - players don't care they are ok doing the same each time on every char.
  • Nord_Raseri
    get some heavy pelinal's aptitude and innate axiom and run with a nirnhoned 2h maul and sword&board in pvp and just mostly use class abilities. I do that on my templar and it's actually kind of fun. of course it helps being high cp...
    Veit ég aðég hékk vindga meiði á nætr allar níu, geiri undaðr og gefinn Oðni, sjálfr sjálfum mér, á þeim meiði er manngi veit hvers hann af rótum rennr.
  • MartiniDaniels
    Hybrid is awful.

    I theorycrafted a hybrid build and came to the conclusion that there is no set that favours such a char. Even Pelinal is a crap set for building a hybrid.

    It's interesting how buffs stack on pelinal.. for example if major brutality and major sorcery are both applied one after another :D
    Anyway you may stack ton of WD with medium armor and warrior's guild passives and it will probably worked ok on inferno staff / bow since blockade and hail are probably best damaging skills in the game.. but penetration cuts this down. Still I heard some guys created decent builds on pelinal, far from specialized on magicka/stamina but viable.
  • oXI_Viper_IXo
    I don't mean this in a rude or demeaning way, but you probably shouldn't queue up for vet content until you're totally comfortable with your build.

    Couple questions... what CP are you? What sets are you using? What skills?
    Edited by oXI_Viper_IXo on December 23, 2018 3:44AM
  • FinneganFroth
    I don't mean to be rude, but I just randomly kick a player every time I do a dungeon regardless of their build, class, or race.
  • bharathitman
    By looking at what you posted, I am assuming that you are under CP 250 and considering the fact that you are using a two hander with a 'mixture of stamina and magicka abilities' your DPS (damage per second) must be between 10-15k. It would be really unfair for you to get kicked from normal dungeons and 'easy' veteran dungeons. But when it comes to certain veteran dungeons which are considered a step up in terms of difficulty (II dungeons), if you as a DD fail to kill the boss in a certain amount of time then it gets increasingly difficult for your other team mates to run the show and hence the kick.

    'Play what you want' works as long you don't do difficult content with it
  • LeagueTroll

    ++ this is lazy design and every pve dps use absolutely same weapon/guild skills +2-3 class skills.. i created threads with propositions to unify penetration at least to add some versatility to hybrids - results - players don't care they are ok doing the same each time on every char.

    Hybrid doesn’t make the game more fun. With hybrid all you get is 7 dot rotation 8 sec per cycle with light attack in between. And cycles over and over.

    All capable dd will be either dual wield + bow or destro staff + bow. Because bow = massive dots. Dw is double enchant and destro is 1 additional dot + range.

    Potato will still be potato because they keep dots up.

    Edit: ‘they don’t keep dots up’
    Edited by LeagueTroll on December 23, 2018 9:38PM
  • shack80
    The newest dlc dungeons basically need all 4 to contribute and if u aint delivering damage or dying all the time then call me a snob but I dont want to spend 1+hour in a dungeon. Find ppl to help you with your build outside the dungeons. Random groupfinder aint the dd or tanking school.
  • Jeremy
    Constantly kicked by players who are 250 cp and above. Today it was by a group of cp players who were at 800 cp and he made a rude remark because I am playing a Templar using a 2 handed weapon and a mixture of stamina and magic. Then I get booted. I asked him for advice in a build since he had a problem with my play style and got nothing. I’ll do the same here. If someone can offer to help me with a better build then I’ll post what my skills are. I’m used to world of Warcraft using a 2 handed weapon. I chose Templar because it was the closest thing to a retribution paladin.

    Welcome to the Elder Scrolls Online. People who play this game have itchy trigger fingers when it comes to kicking other players. In fact; the function is abused on this game more-so than any other MMORPG I've ever played. One reason I think this game would be better off if they just removed it all together.

    I've never played a DPS Templar - but there is a set that looks interesting for players who may want to try a mixture of stamina and magicka abilities called Pelinal's Aptitude. So may want to look into that. Otherwise, I see nothing wrong with playing as a 2 handed Templar. I've played with plenty of Templars who wielded a 2-handed weapon and did just fine.

  • DMuehlhausen
    dem0n1k wrote: »
    Check out Alcast's build videos on youtube............. too soon? XD

    No, because it's a good place to start. I use one of his healing builds and it gets me through anything I go in to.
  • NordSwordnBoard
    Constantly kicked by players who are 250 cp and above. Today it was by a group of cp players who were at 800 cp and he made a rude remark because I am playing a Templar using a 2 handed weapon and a mixture of stamina and magic. Then I get booted. I asked him for advice in a build since he had a problem with my play style and got nothing. I’ll do the same here. If someone can offer to help me with a better build then I’ll post what my skills are. I’m used to world of Warcraft using a 2 handed weapon. I chose Templar because it was the closest thing to a retribution paladin.

    @kronoso1979b14_ESO , you're stepping inn the right direction. You decided even if the other players were probably wrong or jerks, you should check your own ideas to be sure it's not you. If you are doing vet dungeons below 160 CP, they could be kicking you for another chance at that BSW Inferno, gear etc. that you can't provide/trade for at your level.

    Having a sensei is the best case scenario, and guilds can provide that or instruction/explanation. Learning with people like yourself and doing content with them will rejuvenate some of the fun parts of the game by removing the performance anxiety.
    Having the math and other game equations explained to you about your specific type of build by someone who gets it is the best.

    Questioning people who tell you what to do is smart; if they don't understand what they're telling you to do don't waste more time with them. People who understand the game usually have no problem or even enjoy enlightening others and helping them get better. However, they might not be willing to do it on the spot at the 4th try to beat the Planar Inhibitor.

    Just keep an open, but critical mind and you'll do fine.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
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