Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »How can we train the dominion pugs to be as strong as ep or dc pugs?
It's simple really. Invite them to your group and treat them like people, not like npc's.
Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »Well the title says it all, ap has hit hard times on Vivec, they are getting farmed at an unsustainable rate and are bleeding pop. The only time when ap on vivec can even stand a chance is when Omni is online, this isn’t right that one guild has to carry an entire faction!we have to rally, it doesn’t matter who’s good or bad, if the queen loses ,we all lose! But most importantly.......... we have to find a way to train the ap pugs(near impossible task).How can we train the dominion pugs to be as strong as ep or dc pugs?
When it comes to Vivec AD isn't going to win. EP has the numbers. DC comes in hard at the beginning then leaves to another campaign which causes them to get pretty consistent under dog buffs for low population that carry them through any of the ad populated times. Its genius. Not to mention half of AD just sits at the gates in zone chat ensuring that even though they aren't playing, we wont get any kind of underdog bonus until its mathematically impossible with the low score one. This is something that the makers need to look into. Same with the way the map is set up, AD is at a constant disadvantage. Also going to have to agree with someone earlier up that said people need to just be nicer to the ones they pick up in groups. Show people the ropes and stop acting like they're an idiot just because they don't know where to go right away.
AD needs to be willing to listen and not just get the whole faction farmed by three people. I watched AD last night on Alessia bridge stuck and getting beaten like a drum by some EP small man players off to the side. If you wanna help AD become better as players individually, you need to host some sort of training guild. If not then start coordinating pugs in a group. I want AD to succeed and thrive, but at this point they would rather get farmed instead of get better.
trust me when I say this, form a Zerg, stay positive and upbeat in raid, and push objectives while doing more fun things in between! And move around the map fast, stay in the action, and be realistic about what your group can accomplish. If you wipe at something, go do something completely different. Get the trust of your pugs, and then you will have something pretty Damn amazing going on 😉.
My biggest piece of advice is mute ALL zone generals that don't run their own groups, and just listen to the masses and run them in a raid!
You're becoming a meme.
This is a perfect example of what I mean. Toxic players like this is what you should avoid and you and your faction will be MUCH better off. EP is and they are rolling right now! 😊
This is a perfect example of what I mean. Toxic players like this is what you should avoid and you and your faction will be MUCH better off. EP is and they are rolling right now! 😊
Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »The problem with ad pugs is that they are way to squishy to survive. Doesn’t matter if you have 24 of them, the minute they fight against any real pvp group they get crushed in seconds. They are literally walking ap.
Whenever I see someone praise DC’s strategic sense, I just have to laugh. We have some guild groups and pug wranglers that like to play the map, but we seem to have more that prefer to tower hump or farm AP at KC, and a good percentage of our soloers have zero interest in the score apparently, because they’ll endlessly mill around outside Chal killing, dying, and rezzing at the mine, all while AD holds Ash and is poking at Glade and Rayles. I don’t know if the other alliances are similar, but that’s the way I see DC lately, and it’s just gotten worse over the past few months.
Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »Well the title says it all, ap has hit hard times on Vivec, they are getting farmed at an unsustainable rate and are bleeding pop. The only time when ap on vivec can even stand a chance is when Omni is online, this isn’t right that one guild has to carry an entire faction!we have to rally, it doesn’t matter who’s good or bad, if the queen loses ,we all lose! But most importantly.......... we have to find a way to train the ap pugs(near impossible task).How can we train the dominion pugs to be as strong as ep or dc pugs?