The first choice is probably the best possible outcome. What I imagine will actually happen, is that ZOS will offer homogenized racial morph choices for all classes, keeping maybe one or two unique passives for each that don't have a bearing on character sheet stats. Then a specific set of morphs will become BiS for each role and people will be able to play whatever race they want. So you'll have more aesthetic diversity but less actual build diversity. If were lucky there won't be an OP combination that makes the game cancer somehow.
At worst ZOS removes all unique abilities, completely stripping classes of any identity. Unforeseen combinations of racial passives are combined to make on BiS combo and this is pointed out on PTS but ZOS ignores it and lets it go live and we suffer through it for several months before a half assed fix is put in place. Life goes on as usual. This is also very possible.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »They're probably going to nerf Argonian, Altmer, Dunmer, and Redguard into uselessness. Buff the rest. And nerf Nords just for kicks (it wouldn't be a ZOS patch without one completely head-scratching change).
New meta probably going to be Breton for magicka DPS and heals. Khajiit for stamina. Imperial for tank. Gotta sell those race change tokens.
Where's the "Terrified everything will go wrong" option?
Sylvermynx wrote: »@kadochka - yeah, no clue on that either. I suppose it must be something on tv? I don't DO tv. Never have....
Execute Order 66 was given to kill the jedi... in this case to kill the racials... or its just there for the meme