Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Fallout 76

  • Facefister
    Having close to 80 hours into Fallout 76, I find all the hate threads amusing AF.
    Is it the best game in the world? No
    Does it work perfect? No
    Is it Fallout 4 online? No
    Is it fun? As long as you arent a dumb, spoiled brat. Heck yea

    Even more amusing are the 'just because you find it fun doesnt mean it doesnt suck' people. Just because you are a spoiled brat that didnt get the exactly what they wanted doesnt mean the game sucks lol.
    Calling others(which are the overwhelming majority) "spoiled brats" isn't going to bolster your "argument" in any possible way.
  • BoneShatterer
    And people wondered why Bethesda didn't develop ESO :D

    bethesda = zenimax
    zenimaxc = bethesda

    In 1999, Weaver and Robert A. Altman formed a new parent company for Bethesda Softworks known as ZeniMax Media. In an interview with Edge, he described the company as being a top-level administrative structure rather than a "parent company" for its holdings, explaining that "ZeniMax and Bethesda for all intents and purposes are one thing. Bethesda has no accounting department, we have no finance, we have no legal, our legal department [and] our financial department is ZeniMax, we all operate as one unit
    Edited by BoneShatterer on December 9, 2018 3:51PM
  • Odnoc
    I don’t even know what this means? Is FO not patched yet? The reviews are so bad I haven’t gone near it.... not yet anyways

    4- not once have they made a patch to fix anything

    The whole canvas bag thing, well, there is no excuse for that. Not defending them, they certainly released the game too early, but they have patched things, so this is misinformation.

    The game is enjoyable if they can manage to get it patched up it will be a pretty good game. Yes, I've been impacted by the bugs and I still say that. Some bug wiped out all of my C.A.M.P. when I tried to move it, so I had to spend hours regrinding all the mats to rebuild, but I still have fun playing it.

    Honestly, I can't think of any "mmo" (yes, I know it isn't "Massive" depending on a persons definition, but for lack of a better term) that hasn't been buggy, hell, even WoW had bugs that put players in god mode. ESO definitely wasn't smooth. Just give it time, or stop playing, because they're not going to have everything fixed overnight.

  • BoneShatterer
    Skwor wrote: »
    Skander wrote: »
    AngelaWasp wrote: »
    I play 76 while ESO servers are down for maintenance. I love playing Fallout 76, but the amount of lag is terrible, way worse than ESO... (using Xbox One EU with a super fast connection).

    honestly Fallout 76 isn't nearly as terrible as people make it out to be. sure it has issues, but there isn't a single game in creation that doesn't

    Unfinished product

    Copy paste of fallout 4 which is 3 years old

    Sold as "new game"

    PvP mechanic unexistent

    PvE mechanic buggy and un-fun

    Bases disappear when you log out

    Skill level is a thing

    L A G

    Want me to continue?

    It's hardly unfinished. The game is full to the brim with content, but it doesn't have an end phase because that isn't how survival games work.

    it's actually a slightly newer engine than fallout 4. it runs better than 4 does which is good in my book.

    it is a new game. it's an entirely new map with new unique locations, unique lore, and a plethora of unique monsters. i'd call that new.

    PvP absolutely exists, it's just you can't bully newer players, they have to be above a certain level before they can be slain.

    What do you mean unfun? Do you mean working together to take down larger enemies isn't fun? well gee maybe it isn't the right game for you. Or doy ou mean how they balanced the pip boy's auto aim mechanic?

    No *** bases vanish when you log out, that has been an intended feature from the get-go. it prevents players from griefing your home when you aren't online to defend it.

    you know for as many people who whine about lag, i almost never have any serious issues. maybe im just lucky.

    The whiteknight is strong with this one.

    actyually the graphic engine for FALLOUT76 is the one from morrowind.....
  • Prof_Bawbag
    Facefister wrote: »
    Having close to 80 hours into Fallout 76, I find all the hate threads amusing AF.
    Is it the best game in the world? No
    Does it work perfect? No
    Is it Fallout 4 online? No
    Is it fun? As long as you arent a dumb, spoiled brat. Heck yea

    Even more amusing are the 'just because you find it fun doesnt mean it doesnt suck' people. Just because you are a spoiled brat that didnt get the exactly what they wanted doesnt mean the game sucks lol.
    Calling others(which are the overwhelming majority) "spoiled brats" isn't going to bolster your "argument" in any possible way.

    It's people like that guy who do more damage to gaming than the nay sayers. Bethesda will learn nothing from their mistake and continue on their merry way if we all just lay down and say nothing. Take Ubisoft, they were releasing utter garbage for a while and were rightly slated for it and it was obviously starting to affect them. Assassin Creed Odyssey is Ubisoft back to listening to their customer base and learning from their mistakes. Without that criticism we'd have still been getting rushed Assassin Creed Unity-esque offerings.
  • Odnoc
    It's hardly unfinished. The game is full to the brim with content, but it doesn't have an end phase because that isn't how survival games work.
    Fact, it's a sandbox survival game, that is how they work.

    it's actually a slightly newer engine than fallout 4. it runs better than 4 does which is good in my book.
    Fact, it is a newer engine

    it is a new game. it's an entirely new map with new unique locations, unique lore, and a plethora of unique monsters. i'd call that new.
    Fact, it's new maps/monsters/locations/ect

    PvP absolutely exists, it's just you can't bully newer players, they have to be above a certain level before they can be slain.
    Fact, I've PvPed

    What do you mean unfun? Do you mean working together to take down larger enemies isn't fun? well gee maybe it isn't the right game for you. Or doy ou mean how they balanced the pip boy's auto aim mechanic?

    No *** bases vanish when you log out, that has been an intended feature from the get-go. it prevents players from griefing your home when you aren't online to defend it.
    Fact, it even talks about this somewhere

    you know for as many people who whine about lag, i almost never have any serious issues. maybe im just lucky.
    Fact, they've experienced little lag. I can't say the same, but doesn't mean their experience is different..
    Skwor wrote: »
    The whiteknight is strong with this one.

    Calling people out on their misinformation does not make them a whiteknight. They actually made mostly factual statements, only one was subjective, unlike a lot of these posts, do you prefer fiction?
    Edited by Odnoc on December 9, 2018 3:48PM
  • Myrm
    I play FO76 on XB1X, and have just been finished a session in which I was playing it for the past 2.5 - 3 hours. I haven’t experienced any lag or crashes at all in this session (and, if I am honest, I haven’t experienced much in crashes/lag at all since purchasing it). Perhaps it’s because I tend to avoid areas where there are lots of players, though from my obersvations I haven’t seen many players congregating in one area. I tend to see most players spread out across the map.

    I don’t think it’s fair to call others “spoilt brats” simply because they dislike (or indeed, like,) the game. I did read all the negative criticism before buying it, but I stubbornly still purchased it anyway >.< I really am enjoying the game so far and have not experienced many of the negtives that others have.
    PC & Xbox (EU)

    I am employed as a member of Emperor Palpatine's Imperial Royal Guard. (Class of 2017, Yinchorr)
  • BoneShatterer
    Having close to 80 hours into Fallout 76, I find all the hate threads amusing AF.
    Is it the best game in the world? No
    Does it work perfect? No
    Is it Fallout 4 online? No
    Is it fun? As long as you arent a dumb, spoiled brat. Heck yea

    Even more amusing are the 'just because you find it fun doesnt mean it doesnt suck' people. Just because you are a spoiled brat that didnt get the exactly what they wanted doesnt mean the game sucks lol.

    the "hate threads" you speak are actually REAL PEOPLE who paid REAL MONEY, som4eetimes a hgue amount of money since the power armor edition was 250+ bucks, and also happens to be respected game tester and critics who are entitled to have their own pointof views but... hey you're right they are haters who arent players of mmos and sandbox npcs....they never bought the game and they never played it like you did amirite? their 1080 and i7 6th generationa nd above are the cause why the game is bad amirite?
  • IronWooshu
    Skander wrote: »
    AngelaWasp wrote: »
    I play 76 while ESO servers are down for maintenance. I love playing Fallout 76, but the amount of lag is terrible, way worse than ESO... (using Xbox One EU with a super fast connection).

    honestly Fallout 76 isn't nearly as terrible as people make it out to be. sure it has issues, but there isn't a single game in creation that doesn't

    Unfinished product

    Copy paste of fallout 4 which is 3 years old

    Sold as "new game"

    PvP mechanic unexistent

    PvE mechanic buggy and un-fun

    Bases disappear when you log out

    Skill level is a thing

    L A G

    Want me to continue?

    It's hardly unfinished. The game is full to the brim with content, but it doesn't have an end phase because that isn't how survival games work.

    it's actually a slightly newer engine than fallout 4. it runs better than 4 does which is good in my book.

    it is a new game. it's an entirely new map with new unique locations, unique lore, and a plethora of unique monsters. i'd call that new.

    PvP absolutely exists, it's just you can't bully newer players, they have to be above a certain level before they can be slain.

    What do you mean unfun? Do you mean working together to take down larger enemies isn't fun? well gee maybe it isn't the right game for you. Or doy ou mean how they balanced the pip boy's auto aim mechanic?

    No *** bases vanish when you log out, that has been an intended feature from the get-go. it prevents players from griefing your home when you aren't online to defend it.

    you know for as many people who whine about lag, i almost never have any serious issues. maybe im just lucky.
    Yeah disagree, the game is bad. It's a bad MMO so people call it a Survival Game but there are way better Survival games out there than Fallout 76 which are bad like Conan, then you have pretty decent options like Arc.

    Why lie to yourself like the game is fine when their are clearly better survival games and MMO's out there which are still bad but better then Fallout 76.

  • BoneShatterer
    It's hardly unfinished. The game is full to the brim with content, but it doesn't have an end phase because that isn't how survival games work.
    Fact, it's a sandbox survival game, that is how they work.

    it's actually a slightly newer engine than fallout 4. it runs better than 4 does which is good in my book.
    Fact, it is a newer engine

    it is a new game. it's an entirely new map with new unique locations, unique lore, and a plethora of unique monsters. i'd call that new.
    Fact, it's new maps/monsters/locations/ect

    PvP absolutely exists, it's just you can't bully newer players, they have to be above a certain level before they can be slain.
    Fact, I've PvPed

    What do you mean unfun? Do you mean working together to take down larger enemies isn't fun? well gee maybe it isn't the right game for you. Or doy ou mean how they balanced the pip boy's auto aim mechanic?

    No *** bases vanish when you log out, that has been an intended feature from the get-go. it prevents players from griefing your home when you aren't online to defend it.
    Fact, it even talks about this somewhere

    you know for as many people who whine about lag, i almost never have any serious issues. maybe im just lucky.
    Fact, they've experienced little lag. I can't say the same, but doesn't mean their experience is different..
    Skwor wrote: »
    The whiteknight is strong with this one.

    Calling people out on their misinformation does not make them a whiteknight. They actually made mostly factual statements, only one was subjective, unlike a lot of these posts, do you prefer fiction?[/quote]

    facts VS reality
    facts its a survival game.....7days to die is survival.... arkk..... conan exile... real life is survival... fo76 is just cat vomit poured into your gaming bowl with 1 spoon of cow feces layered above and someone stamped survival with a toothbrush over it
    fact new monsters = no copy pasting from previous bethesda//zenimax game titles like fo2 fo 3 fo4 tes2 tes 3 tes 4 tes 5 is NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN CALL NEW
    fact we all pvp'd = yeah and pvp sucsk if you cant kill *** or if your ennemy is freagging riddle across the board with god mode bug on him and cant die or get his char erased because bethesda wont do anything to fix this. OH you can also edit your character stats IN THE FREAKKING FO4 FOLDER!!!! hence making you a freaggin god at level 1
    fact no bases vanish when youlog out... then why did i have to rebuild my camp 5 times so far if the game does that to prevent my camp from being destroyed by other players?
    fact the engine is newer... HELL NO!!! i cant run 4k on the game my fps goes down so fast i feel liek im getting nauseous and by the way THE GRAPHIPC ENGINE FOR FO76 IS THE ONE USED IN FREAGGING MORROWIND!!!! I WAS PLAYING MORROWIND ON A GODS DAMN PENTIUM 3 and that technology is almost from 20 freakking years ago!!!!!!!!! dont say 20 years is freakking recent in technology.

    oh slight edit on my part: i7 6700, 16 gig ddr3 geforce 1070 8 vram vr ready 4k ready and i cant freakking run that gods wrec=tched hellspawn above normal quality without getting seasick BUT BEFORE YOU ADD ANYTHING... i can play any recent mmos, rpg fps sim or what ever the ***** you can think of at very high to ultra quality without any issues
    Edited by BoneShatterer on December 9, 2018 4:33PM
  • BoneShatterer
    Odnoc wrote: »
    I don’t even know what this means? Is FO not patched yet? The reviews are so bad I haven’t gone near it.... not yet anyways

    4- not once have they made a patch to fix anything

    The whole canvas bag thing, well, there is no excuse for that. Not defending them, they certainly released the game too early, but they have patched things, so this is misinformation.

    The game is enjoyable if they can manage to get it patched up it will be a pretty good game. Yes, I've been impacted by the bugs and I still say that. Some bug wiped out all of my C.A.M.P. when I tried to move it, so I had to spend hours regrinding all the mats to rebuild, but I still have fun playing it.

    Honestly, I can't think of any "mmo" (yes, I know it isn't "Massive" depending on a persons definition, but for lack of a better term) that hasn't been buggy, hell, even WoW had bugs that put players in god mode. ESO definitely wasn't smooth. Just give it time, or stop playing, because they're not going to have everything fixed overnight.

    wow 99% of the bugs fixed within months of release

    EQ 99% of the bugs fixed within the first months of realease exept for shadows of luclin, where vashir aka the ancestor race of khajit looks like hulk hogan but hairless + bald cat face

    SWG = any bugs found were fixed within months too

    SWTORsame thing

    AION same thing

    BDO same thing

    GW GW2 same thing

    FF11 same thing

    ff14 same thing

    eso....5 years now ..mailbox not working properly cant get a gm to system *** up and not recognizing original email for a specific account, i got emails in my folders proving this fact

    FO76...50+ gig patch 2 bugs fixed.... but for the rest....give us money then maybewe did say maybe day we will think about probably considering the idea that it owuld be a good thing to start thinking about a way to fix the damn bugs in a near future if we have time to consider it as possible doable idea...thats if we do have the time because its possible that we may have to postpone this concept since there are always new challenges. BUT in the meantime we encouraged you to see how well we protect your private informationby showing to other user where you live and whos bank you deal with and what your digits are. *apu voice starts* thank you have a nice day *apu voice over*

    [EDIT] before raging on me about the mailbox and other various unfixed issues that could be fixed vie free slave market aka modding community...
    >>>>> a finished game AND functionnal game should NOT REQUIRE THE USE OF SLAVES AKA MODDERS TO FIX WHAT SHOULD BE WORKING PERFECTLY !!!!! a mailbox system has been alive since everquest came out 20 years ago and since then ONLY BETHESDA//ZENIMAX have actually managed to not get this to work and yet has blamed players for what they dont fix. <<<<<<<
    Edited by BoneShatterer on December 9, 2018 4:19PM
  • JD2013
    I am quite enjoying my time in Appalachia.

    Game has its problems for sure, but it's a grand world filled with some cool, stuff. I never was one for the outrage machine.

    ESO got that level of hate at release, too.
    Edited by JD2013 on December 9, 2018 4:58PM
    Sweetrolls for all!

    Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

    PC Beta Tester January 2014

    Elder of The Black
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    @TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • Odnoc
    Odnoc wrote: »
    I don’t even know what this means? Is FO not patched yet? The reviews are so bad I haven’t gone near it.... not yet anyways

    4- not once have they made a patch to fix anything

    The whole canvas bag thing, well, there is no excuse for that. Not defending them, they certainly released the game too early, but they have patched things, so this is misinformation.

    The game is enjoyable if they can manage to get it patched up it will be a pretty good game. Yes, I've been impacted by the bugs and I still say that. Some bug wiped out all of my C.A.M.P. when I tried to move it, so I had to spend hours regrinding all the mats to rebuild, but I still have fun playing it.

    Honestly, I can't think of any "mmo" (yes, I know it isn't "Massive" depending on a persons definition, but for lack of a better term) that hasn't been buggy, hell, even WoW had bugs that put players in god mode. ESO definitely wasn't smooth. Just give it time, or stop playing, because they're not going to have everything fixed overnight.

    wow 99% of the bugs fixed within months of release

    EQ 99% of the bugs fixed within the first months of realease exept for shadows of luclin, where vashir aka the ancestor race of khajit looks like hulk hogan but hairless + bald cat face

    SWG = any bugs found were fixed within months too

    SWTORsame thing

    AION same thing

    BDO same thing

    GW GW2 same thing

    FF11 same thing

    ff14 same thing

    eso....5 years now ..mailbox not working properly cant get a gm to system *** up and not recognizing original email for a specific account, i got emails in my folders proving this fact

    FO76...50+ gig patch 2 bugs fixed.... but for the rest....give us money then maybewe did say maybe day we will think about probably considering the idea that it owuld be a good thing to start thinking about a way to fix the damn bugs in a near future if we have time to consider it as possible doable idea...thats if we do have the time because its possible that we may have to postpone this concept since there are always new challenges. BUT in the meantime we encouraged you to see how well we protect your private informationby showing to other user where you live and whos bank you deal with and what your digits are. *apu voice starts* thank you have a nice day *apu voice over*

    [EDIT] before raging on me about the mailbox and other various unfixed issues that could be fixed vie free slave market aka modding community...
    >>>>> a finished game AND functionnal game should NOT REQUIRE THE USE OF SLAVES AKA MODDERS TO FIX WHAT SHOULD BE WORKING PERFECTLY !!!!! a mailbox system has been alive since everquest came out 20 years ago and since then ONLY BETHESDA//ZENIMAX have actually managed to not get this to work and yet has blamed players for what they dont fix. <<<<<<<

    Not sure what games you've played, but I've played WoW, EQ, EQ2, AION, GW2, and NONE of those games had 99% of the bugs fixed a month after release. And how do you even quantify how many were fixed? Do you think 100% of bugs were known a month after release to say 99% were fixed? How long could people glitch to GM Island in WoW? At least a year after release.
    Hell, even ESO I still see people running on their mounts, and how long has that been a bug?

    And as far as patch time, there is a big difference between most of those games and FO, they were exclusively PC at launch. Much easier to patch when you're limited to one platform.
    Edited by Odnoc on December 9, 2018 5:14PM
  • Myrm
    I am new to ESO and I too have noticed people running on the back of their running mounts. It ‘s wierd!
    PC & Xbox (EU)

    I am employed as a member of Emperor Palpatine's Imperial Royal Guard. (Class of 2017, Yinchorr)
  • Odnoc
    Having close to 80 hours into Fallout 76, I find all the hate threads amusing AF.
    Is it the best game in the world? No
    Does it work perfect? No
    Is it Fallout 4 online? No
    Is it fun? As long as you arent a dumb, spoiled brat. Heck yea

    Even more amusing are the 'just because you find it fun doesnt mean it doesnt suck' people. Just because you are a spoiled brat that didnt get the exactly what they wanted doesnt mean the game sucks lol.

    the "hate threads" you speak are actually REAL PEOPLE who paid REAL MONEY, som4eetimes a hgue amount of money since the power armor edition was 250+ bucks, and also happens to be respected game tester and critics who are entitled to have their own pointof views but... hey you're right they are haters who arent players of mmos and sandbox npcs....they never bought the game and they never played it like you did amirite? their 1080 and i7 6th generationa nd above are the cause why the game is bad amirite?

    Critics are only an authority to those that listen. Personally I find 95% of the time, their opinion differs from mine, so what they think is really irrelevant to anyones subjective opinion. Most "respected game tester and critics" get the game for free anyhow. They are entitled to have their opinion too, just like other REAL PEOPLE who paid REAL MONEY and think the game is fine for just being released.

    And there is more to a game than graphics. Also, yeah, they can have an i7, and it will cause a game to suck if that is what they're relying on for game play, you need much more than a good CPU.
  • ZOS_Bill
    As this thread is not related to the Elder Scrolls Online, the discussion will be closed. Posts made in General Discussion need to be related to ESO.
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