After digging through the paragraph for the three points of light.
Sneak is nothing like Streak. With Streak in it's current form I can get pretty far away from the danger unless I am already low on magicka. With sneak in the same situation my travel distance is negligible. Might as well just forget about it. If one merely gives a moment of thought it becomes clear the idea is not workable.
Besides, there are multiple counters to Sneak that work very well. I get great enjoyment out of preventing a NB from sneaking and watching them dye trying to sneak, probably wondering why we can see them. Choosing to not use the any counters or not figuring out how to use them properly is not a reason to nerf a skill.
Snares were just nerfed heavily this year. If they are nerfed any further there is little use for them.
Gutting the defining aspect of a set is probably not the best suggestion to offer. Personally, get rid of all proc sets would be fine and we would see who can really play and who relies on PvP but that is a different story. For now we are Elder Procs Online.
I'd rather Shadowy Disguise were changed to 3 sec of on-demand Major Protection with the crit guarantee. No more spammable invisibility. Just my opinion though.
Regarding Earthgore it would be totally reasonable to remove the ground soak-up effect. The set would still be super strong.
I get you're point about cloak. but pvp this patch nothing but cc's and snares its no longer fun I want the fast paced pvp back from previous patches the speed up time nerfs where unwarranted swift was the problem not major expedition up times
Snares were just nerfed heavily this year. If they are nerfed any further there is little use for them.
I would like cloak to get the streak treatment give it a 50% cost increase for 4 seconds and the cool down will reset if you use it again within that cooldown I would like snares to be reduced somewhat since zos took away everyone's speed. I would like earthgore to be looked at because it is over performing in pvp, what I propose is cap earthgore at 6 people at a time and remove the ground affect removal part of the set and introduce another global cool down say 15 to 20 seconds that would stop the heal applying to you if its already proced on you before that would hopefully stop zergballs stacking 40 of them making them unkillable. also work the earthgore global cooldown into battle spirit so it doesn't affect pve.
1. Use Battle Spirit to disable ALL proc sets in Cyrodiil. Trials are tuned for proc sets and Cyr just has to deal with them. Take them away completely from Cyrodiil and the worn out game engine and servers have WAY fewer calculations to deal with, reducing lag, loading screens, skills not firing, bar swapping not working and disconnects. Once we can actually USE skills again, we won't need to rely on the proc sets as much anyway and people will naturally become more skilled at actual PvP.
2. Open a new CP enabled campaign that requires a minimum group size of (pick one... 8, 10, 12) for guilds and organized groups to compete in. This should drastically help relieve the pressure on Vivec, greatly reducing the lag there.
3. Rewrite the game, with real documentation, on top of a modern game engine that's actually capable of handling the large scale PvP that's been promised for the last 5 years.
regarding the complaints about earthgore. I agree 100% that something should be done about it. Personally I would remove the set entirely from the game. Your motifs to stop the zergballs aren't logic thought. The main beneficiary from earthgore are the mindless zergs of 40-50 people fighting ballgroups.