Dc on vivec goes to AD like flies on ***, even if EP has both our scrolls and gives us map incentive to take one of them back.
I saw them this morning try to take Roe, let EP keep our scroll at Alessia, and then FD black boots filled with a raid while only 5 of us take res on score evals. AD had tri keeps once and still had 80 points over our 50 lol.
I can think of only two gifs for this situation.
DC preparing for war:
DC giving up everything to EP:
In vivec I’ve watched as DC helped EP take DC‘s scrolls from AD instead of trying to get them back..idk the logic in this
Looks like a lot of people won't play unless their side is winning.
Looks like a lot of people won't play unless their side is winning.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Opposite for me. I've barely been pvping because EP's side is so boring rn Q.Q
baronzilch wrote: »
Last month it was AD nightcapping, this month seems like EP.
It also seems many AD/DC have rerolled EP this month as prime time is all EP lately.
I only play the one faction (EP) so when I log in and check the map and we are dominating, similar to you I PvE or go watch TV.
Lopsided contests are so boring, for both sides. Remember all those close DC/EP down to the last day contests in the past? Those were the days and win or lose it was way more satisfying.
I play on AD PC/NA. Always have, always will. I agree that close battles and close campaigns are far more enjoyable and rewarding, win or lose.
When you log in to your faction and you see it sink further and further into 3rd place with a 1k+ point defiect every day and at the same time one or both the other factions have your scrolls and are gating you/have you constantly at tri keeps with an enemy faction emp it kinda makes you not want to go into cyrodiil
What about actual PvP? The zergs go to a couple of areas for a reason and it isn't for stimulating PvP.
Oh, the irony. Your ball group help kill overnight NA PVP and now you're sad because it's boring.DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Opposite for me. I've barely been pvping because EP's side is so boring rn Q.Q
Oh, the irony. Your ball group help kill overnight NA PVP and now you're sad because it's boring.
I hope it was worth the lulz when you were trolling scrolls with only randoms to fight against.
When this happens, i just left the game. Umplayable... LAG terrible, bugs... nothing seems work anymore.
Joy_Division wrote: »But to the larger point. ESO PvP has always been dynamic, changing literally from hour to hour because of population and guild turnover or just from the natural flow of how the map plays. At 9:00 EP could have the entire North Red and trying to swarm Dc scrolls, but in just 30 minutes later be all the way back to just their three tri-keeps because of such over-extension. Snap shots are utterly misleading because the situation is going to be completely different in just a short while and Tuesday is going to be a very different story from Monday.