Gold Grinding in Public Dungeons

  • Finviuswe
    Abigail wrote: »

    I didn't mean to imply dolmens are the only thing I do. My day includes some gathering, quests, delves, public dungeons, a WB or two, and maybe soloing a group dungeon if I'm feeling good. I also have a small but regular income from guild traders. But I still do dolmens a lot because I can easily combine gathering and gaining xp (I'm not at max CP). Dolmens also give me a fair amount of desirable purple jewelry that I sell and/or decompose for mats. My 5K per hour included only the armor equipment that I sell directly to merchants. In truth, my average hourly income amounts to a good bit more.

    PVP included anywhere in that schedule?

    If not then why?
    Edited by Finviuswe on December 3, 2018 8:57AM
  • Abigail
    ESO_GOD wrote: »
    PVP included anywhere in that schedule?

    If not then why?

    I'm 70, have rheumatoid arthritis and a severe case of essential tremor that's exacerbated by stress. There was a time when I was an okay player, but those days are long past.

  • Finviuswe
    Abigail wrote: »
    ESO_GOD wrote: »
    PVP included anywhere in that schedule?

    If not then why?

    I'm 70, have rheumatoid arthritis and a severe case of essential tremor that's exacerbated by stress. There was a time when I was an okay player, but those days are long past.

    Nor does it have to be.

    I mean I really relate with what you're saying.
  • Abigail
    ESO_GOD wrote: »
    Abigail wrote: »
    ESO_GOD wrote: »
    PVP included anywhere in that schedule?

    If not then why?

    I'm 70, have rheumatoid arthritis and a severe case of essential tremor that's exacerbated by stress. There was a time when I was an okay player, but those days are long past.

    Nor does it have to be.

    I mean I really relate with what you're saying.

    I suppose there's also a certain psychological component; meaning, age and having emerged victorious in several other ways have tempered my competitive spirit in the context of video gaming.
  • Jameliel
    Jameliel wrote: »
    If 60-70k gold was both doable and sustainable everyone would do it. Like most claims of " X/ hr by doing this" its greatly over inflated in optimal conditions with optimal gear. If it was a great way to get gold everyone would do it. You can still probably make 5 numbers an hour.... but its not going to be 60k plus as claimed. Probably closer to 10k or 20k with a lot of work.

    Or you can do what all of us rich people do and sell stuff to people who grind mobs until their eyes bleed. Realistically the best way to start out making gold is by learning to steal. Stealing is a bit of an artform. You wont make anything until you train it up and learn where to steal and who to steal from. Then you make 15k-20k in about 30 minutes per character from treasure. But the treasure is not the real treasure. That is pocket change. The real treasure is the stuff you find instead of treasure.

    A good steady source of income is writs as well. At max level all the daily writs except jewelry will earn you 4k. It takes 5 minutes or less if you do the writs in the right place. You will also get some ornate and intricate items which can be sold . If you can do 15k stealing in 25 minutes( and its totally possible to do consistently) and do all writs that is 20k in 30 minutes for every character you have.

    As i said that is pocket change the real money is in the other stuff, the stuff you sell to players. You also need to be in a good trade guild in a hub. You get in a good hub and you can sell volcanic rocks to an Ashlander, trees to a Bosmer or a fur coat to a Khajiit.

    You learn what to sell and how to acquire it. Then you can spend your time in game spending your money instead of earning it like me. Last full trader week. 1.3 million gold and those items that made me 1.3 mil.... i didnt spend 26 hours acquiring them...or 13 hours, not even 10 hours. I spent about 6-7 hours acquiring them.

    Or you can grind gold on mobs all day. Sometimes its better to be the fry cook instead of the hedge fund manager though. I cant think of any time in which its better to be a fry cook, but i am sure there is some circumstance that never happens in which that is true.

    It's absolutely possible to earn 60k plus per hour. Just selling skyreach runs is at minimum 60k per hour. Up to 80ish if people charge 5k per run. I'm not a capitalist, so many people can attest I charge 4k. Farming can get you 50k plus an hour if you follow a good route in several locations. There are many ways to earn a lot of gold per hour in this game. Stealing is one of the slowest ways to make gold in eso in my experience. It's ok as a lowbie starting out, but quickly turns into a waste of time unless you enjoy it.

    Skyreach is a breeze with the proper setup. Takes about 4-5 minutes a run max. Besides the 4-5k per run, you get tons of materials from deconning + purple jewelry. One of the easiest ways to earn 60-80k+ per hour besides merchanting.
  • KaiDynasty
    This is one of those ways.
    You can: grind gold in public dungeons, grind mats in overland (and sell the raw mats so you don't have to rely on rng to get tempers), try to be lucky and grind for a specific item that cost a lot (an example was the inferno staff of spell strategist, it dropped in costs but i think it still sell for a good amount)
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