Please extend the event due to broken/overloaded dungeon finder

People are queuing in 4 man groups and STILL not getting dungeons to work...
  • Spark
    Please do this. I was very disappointed, since this was the event I was most waiting for!
  • Skwor
    NO please do not extend the event. Event extensions cuase more problems. Besides most had no problem, I am not convinced this was a significant issue, there is plenty of time to earn all the tickets you needed this event.
    Edited by Skwor on November 30, 2018 12:09PM
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Don't even bother with the extension. Send out boxes in a mass mail. Keep the extra crap, even.

    Tired of having to do more as a "Courtesy" because they can't get their act together.

    (You can still dungeon your heart out all you like, so other than the bonus reward, there's zero reason to extend this event.)
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Zenzuki
    SO GLAD that I already have enough tickets to get the next feather without playing this busted event!

    Mayhaps ZOS saw this issue coming beforehand and thus the reason for "double event tickets" in the previous event?!?! hmmm
    Can Open...
  • doc_ketamine
    Skwor wrote: »
    Besides most had no problem

    This is patently untrue. Anyone online in PCNA yesterday could see that thousands were having this problem. Guild chat, zone chat, forum and reddit posts ...

  • Elwendryll
    You just have to kill a boss for the tickets. The Ground Finder is only required for the Mystery Boxes.
    PC - EU - France - AD
    Main character: Qojikrin - Khajiit Sorcerer Tank/Stamina DD - since March 25, 2015.
    Guildmaster of Oriflamme: Focus on 4 player endgame content.
    Member of Brave Cat Trade, Panda Division and Toadhuggers.

    All 4-man trifectas - TTT, IR, GH
  • NocturnalSonata
    Skwor wrote: »
    NO please do not extend the event. Event extensions cuase more problems. Besides most had no problem, I am not convinced this was a significant issue, there is plenty of time to earn all the tickets you needed this event.

    If you don't consider it significant that thousands of people were unable to access content required to get the rewards advertised, then I would say you have a significant problem in regards to how you define the word significant.
  • Gnozo
    Skwor wrote: »
    NO please do not extend the event. Event extensions cuase more problems. Besides most had no problem, I am not convinced this was a significant issue, there is plenty of time to earn all the tickets you needed this event.

    Actually i am not really into the tickets more into the boxes for the chance to get 130 mounts and this cant be done atm.

    Just put the box also at the end boss and we are all fine.
  • Dont_do_drugs
    pls dont extend the event. i've had enough of those "events". one after another. and all is just timewasting grind. do daily x thousand times, kill boss x thousand times, run random dungeons thousand times, do this thousand times, do that thousand times, rage on us bcs we build event on broken stuff, to get your glimmer glitzy supercute polly pocket mount FOR FREE!!!

    i mean serious, why cant people start using their brains and see, what zos is doing with them. the content of dlcs gets smaller and smaller, so they are just sending you through a loop of infinite daily quests and other repeatable stuff so u dont recognize the low quality of murkmire (why else has it been free). stop beeing hamsters running for uninspired pseudocrown stuff.

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    "I have too admit. People leading trade guilds in this game are quite stupid. Not stupid like fools, but stupid like leaders.
    They can only bla-bla and waste gold on feeding their ego. I am disappointed."

    Egal, wie gut du Schach spielst, die Taube wird alle Figuren umwerfen, auf das Brett kacken und herumstolzieren, als hätte sie gewonnen.

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  • Datolite
    pls dont extend the event. i've had enough of those "events". one after another. and all is just timewasting grind. do daily x thousand times, kill boss x thousand times, run random dungeons thousand times, do this thousand times, do that thousand times, rage on us bcs we build event on broken stuff, to get your glimmer glitzy supercute polly pocket mount FOR FREE!!!

    i mean serious, why cant people start using their brains and see, what zos is doing with them. the content of dlcs gets smaller and smaller, so they are just sending you through a loop of infinite daily quests and other repeatable stuff so u dont recognize the low quality of murkmire (why else has it been free). stop beeing hamsters running for uninspired pseudocrown stuff.

    You know you can opt out right?

    Go do something you enjoy and stop complaining.

    The DLC has been consistently decent, if repetitive. Clockwork City wasn't exactly a masterpiece either.
  • Dont_do_drugs
    Datolite wrote: »
    pls dont extend the event. i've had enough of those "events". one after another. and all is just timewasting grind. do daily x thousand times, kill boss x thousand times, run random dungeons thousand times, do this thousand times, do that thousand times, rage on us bcs we build event on broken stuff, to get your glimmer glitzy supercute polly pocket mount FOR FREE!!!

    i mean serious, why cant people start using their brains and see, what zos is doing with them. the content of dlcs gets smaller and smaller, so they are just sending you through a loop of infinite daily quests and other repeatable stuff so u dont recognize the low quality of murkmire (why else has it been free). stop beeing hamsters running for uninspired pseudocrown stuff.

    You know you can opt out right?

    Go do something you enjoy and stop complaining.

    The DLC has been consistently decent, if repetitive. Clockwork City wasn't exactly a masterpiece either.

    i DO opt out. i am not the one complaining on the forums, about give me this and that crown stuff for free. i am not even complaining about the broken group finder, i just read that stuff with entertainment - who expected something else?

    but u are also those people enabling zos decreasing the quality of the game while hunting for ridiculous hamster wheel quests and ugly kiddy mounts. after all ure nothing more than zos trained henchmen and part of the problem. u are part of the problem, why group finder still is broken, you are part of the problem, why zos gives us more and more repeatable daily quests instead of good content. instead of playing the game u "enjoy" running in a hamster wheel of repeatable quests and uninspired events just to get some free crown stuff.


    Get Stuff like this (but not this stuff)


    "I have too admit. People leading trade guilds in this game are quite stupid. Not stupid like fools, but stupid like leaders.
    They can only bla-bla and waste gold on feeding their ego. I am disappointed."

    Egal, wie gut du Schach spielst, die Taube wird alle Figuren umwerfen, auf das Brett kacken und herumstolzieren, als hätte sie gewonnen.

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  • Fleshreaper
    Zenzuki wrote: »
    SO GLAD that I already have enough tickets to get the next feather without playing this busted event!

    Mayhaps ZOS saw this issue coming beforehand and thus the reason for "double event tickets" in the previous event?!?! hmmm

    Oh yeah! Please explain how you got 8 tickets in one day. Max tickets you can hold are 12. One feather is 10 tickets. The third feather just dropped yesterday for purchase. This event is dropping 3 tickets a day per account. So, as of this morning the max number of tickets you could possibly have is 8 and 8 < 10, required for the next feather.
  • zaria
    Skwor wrote: »
    Besides most had no problem

    This is patently untrue. Anyone online in PCNA yesterday could see that thousands were having this problem. Guild chat, zone chat, forum and reddit posts ...
    Finder was totally dead, not even the some has refused the request message, more like queuing as DD for an non pledge dlc in the middle of the night.
    Lots had problems, we ended up entering Wayrest 1 outside of finder for the token and as its an easy pledge dungeon.

    Later towards the night I assume the pressure on finder was less and it started working again.
    Same last year event.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Fleshreaper
    i am not the one complaining on the forums

    Uh, but you are in fact, complaining on the forums. And you are missing the point. Having to run repeated daily quest is not getting something for nothing. I agree with part of what you tried to say, about adding rewards behind dailies to keep the DLC alive longer. And yes, the fat pig with carrot on the stick, yes they are trying to keep players, playing their game, OMG!!!! evil company. ZoS is a company that wants to make money and stay in business. If you don't like what they are doing then talk with your wallet and stop playing the game. Yes, Murkmire was smaller than most others, probably so programmers could start working on the next chapter. ZoS is trying new ideas all the time to find a good balance, that is what any company would do. Offering Murkmire as a daily login reward was testing an idea. Maybe they got the desired results, maybe not.
  • Datolite
    after all ure nothing more than zos trained henchmen and part of the problem. u are part of the problem, why group finder still is broken, you are part of the problem, why zos gives us more and more repeatable daily quests instead of good content. instead of playing the game u "enjoy" running in a hamster wheel of repeatable quests and uninspired events just to get some free crown stuff.

    Sure, henchmen. :*

    Hey if you have some golden ideas try pitching them instead of complaining about dailies, which have been a staple of MMOs for many years. Be constructive. Stop lashing out.
  • Dont_do_drugs
    And yes, the fat pig with carrot on the stick, yes they are trying to keep players, playing their game, OMG!!!! evil company.

    u still didnt get the point, they arent just trying to keep players playing the game.
    they are trying to keep players in the game with lowest possible effort.

    there is a difference. when u try to maximize ur win, u do not just try to maximize the people paying for something, u also try to minimize the effort/expends on that. so basically zos is testing out how low their efforts can be, by still milking the cow. the dlcs never were a thing, they dont even bother about the price. 2.500 crowns for a full dlc vs. 15.0000 crowns for one simple house or 2.500 crowns for one simple costume or mount. dlcs never were important in their cashflow, so yeh, its absolutely no biggie to just hand out a dlc for free. basically those things, which do lowest effort, like just doing another texture which has been used on mount a on mount b now makes people pay.

    and they are doing that pretty good, a lot of people buying houses for crowns, buying mounts, crates, playing and running for hamster wheel quests - the efforts on the important parts of the game, basically what makes people enjoy a game: interesting quests, interesting dungeons and endcontent, pvp, performance ist dying, while u still complain about not getting a stupid box which might have a crown horse which is basically worth nothing.

    and still u people sitting here in the forums and defending that rip off practices, defending that u are getting tricked by someone u're paying over and over again.

    Get Stuff like this (but not this stuff)


    "I have too admit. People leading trade guilds in this game are quite stupid. Not stupid like fools, but stupid like leaders.
    They can only bla-bla and waste gold on feeding their ego. I am disappointed."

    Egal, wie gut du Schach spielst, die Taube wird alle Figuren umwerfen, auf das Brett kacken und herumstolzieren, als hätte sie gewonnen.

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  • Skwor
    Skwor wrote: »
    NO please do not extend the event. Event extensions cuase more problems. Besides most had no problem, I am not convinced this was a significant issue, there is plenty of time to earn all the tickets you needed this event.

    If you don't consider it significant that thousands of people were unable to access content required to get the rewards advertised, then I would say you have a significant problem in regards to how you define the word significant.

    Group finder is not required for this event. Go solo or duo fungral groto on normal mode and you get your tickets.
    Since group finder is not required for earning tickets there is no reason to extend this event over it.
  • Tsute
    1)If these were just dailies complaining would be moot because we could always come back to them a month or a year from now. They are not. It's a limited event with the tiny possibility of getting 140 mounts so players are maximizing their chances by playing every alt. Again, limited event, limited window. Some of us are doing it just for the boxes.
    2) "suggest a solution or do something else". We are not all coders and game designers. ZOS buy a larger megaserver possibly? We broke your current one so affordability can't be the issue. Don't insult us by insinuating it's our job to solve the game's problems. My own job is considerably more taxing than that.
  • Jaraal
    Elwendryll wrote: »
    You just have to kill a boss for the tickets. The Ground Finder is only required for the Mystery Boxes.

    So, a chance for free houses, mounts, pets, and expensive motifs for each of your characters per day, versus some long, drawn out grind to get one mount that everybody and their dog will have sometime next year? Sure, let's just run the same dungeon for some tickets only.
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • reoskit
    Just gonna throw it back to when the Jubilee was extended... and everyone farmed it for so freaking long that people were exhausted by the end and hated the game. Not to mention, the motif market absolutely bottomed out.

    I'm fine with a wee bit of an extension, but damn, please not a full week.

    Also, this all assumes they'll *fix* the same issue that's been going for who knows how long.
  • Fleshreaper
    And yes, the fat pig with carrot on the stick, yes they are trying to keep players, playing their game, OMG!!!! evil company.

    u still didnt get the point, they arent just trying to keep players playing the game.
    they are trying to keep players in the game with lowest possible effort.

    there is a difference. when u try to maximize ur win, u do not just try to maximize the people paying for something, u also try to minimize the effort/expends on that. so basically zos is testing out how low their efforts can be, by still milking the cow. the dlcs never were a thing, they dont even bother about the price. 2.500 crowns for a full dlc vs. 15.0000 crowns for one simple house or 2.500 crowns for one simple costume or mount. dlcs never were important in their cashflow, so yeh, its absolutely no biggie to just hand out a dlc for free. basically those things, which do lowest effort, like just doing another texture which has been used on mount a on mount b now makes people pay.

    and they are doing that pretty good, a lot of people buying houses for crowns, buying mounts, crates, playing and running for hamster wheel quests - the efforts on the important parts of the game, basically what makes people enjoy a game: interesting quests, interesting dungeons and endcontent, pvp, performance ist dying, while u still complain about not getting a stupid box which might have a crown horse which is basically worth nothing.

    and still u people sitting here in the forums and defending that rip off practices, defending that u are getting tricked by someone u're paying over and over again.

    Okay, so you think everyone who doesn't enjoy playing the game the way you think they should, are brainless hamsters on the wheel. Got it! Some people like to collect things, like Motifs (personally). Yes, I realize that every single motif functions exactly the same way, they are nothing more then re-skins. It's a game meant for ENTERTAINMENT, having "cool and flashy" armor or mounts is part of that entertainment. There is a WIDE range of people that enjoy this game, they enjoy different aspects of the game. Some will like the same things you like, others will not. It's a balance. And I understand the point that you are trying to make, with maximizing their profit with the least amount of effort. I bet you try and do the exact same thing at work.
  • Dont_do_drugs
    if ure defending that practices, then u shouldnt complain about zos not able to provide u working events based on working tools, if something is broken, if ure not getting a stupid reward box, bcs that zos is givin in lowest possible effort is okay to u. superb.

    Get Stuff like this (but not this stuff)


    "I have too admit. People leading trade guilds in this game are quite stupid. Not stupid like fools, but stupid like leaders.
    They can only bla-bla and waste gold on feeding their ego. I am disappointed."

    Egal, wie gut du Schach spielst, die Taube wird alle Figuren umwerfen, auf das Brett kacken und herumstolzieren, als hätte sie gewonnen.

    Arkadius Trade Tools
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  • Hixtory
    Skwor wrote: »
    NO please do not extend the event. Event extensions cuase more problems. Besides most had no problem, I am not convinced this was a significant issue, there is plenty of time to earn all the tickets you needed this event.

    GTFO, people want their boxes. For people like you is that ZOS still do dumb *** like not fixing the last year event problems with group finder.

  • D0RID0RI240
    Skwor wrote: »
    NO please do not extend the event. Event extensions cuase more problems. Besides most had no problem, I am not convinced this was a significant issue, there is plenty of time to earn all the tickets you needed this event.

    Found the motif reseller baron...
  • xan4silkb14_ESO
    Zenzuki wrote: »
    SO GLAD that I already have enough tickets to get the next feather without playing this busted event!

    Mayhaps ZOS saw this issue coming beforehand and thus the reason for "double event tickets" in the previous event?!?! hmmm

    Oh yeah! Please explain how you got 8 tickets in one day. Max tickets you can hold are 12. One feather is 10 tickets. The third feather just dropped yesterday for purchase. This event is dropping 3 tickets a day per account. So, as of this morning the max number of tickets you could possibly have is 8 and 8 < 10, required for the next feather.

    Your deductions are poor. Simple math tells you that people could have bought the feather on the first day of this event without earning any tickets. Just because you couldn't, doesn't mean nobody could. I barely participated in CWC event due to vacation with my family and I still got the 3rd feather after earning 6 tickets in this event.

    Witches Festival was from 10/18-11/1 at 1 ticket each day = 15 max
    Clockwork City Celebration was from 11/15-11/26 at 2 tickets each day = 24 max
    Undaunted Celebration is 11/29-12/5 at 3 tickets each day = 21 max
    New Life Festival will be 12/13-1/2 at 1 ticket each day = 21 max
    81 max tickets.
    You can earn a max of 39 during the first 2 events.
    I assume you can buy multiple feathers as the plan seems to be to morph them later with berries. Speculating that you might need to get 4 feathers each time to start with the base and then morph from there, so you could buy 2 feathers during CWC and have 9 left if you earned all 24. Or you could have 12 leftover if you participated enough during the first 2 events and only purchased 1 feather each and then buy the third feather as soon as it appeared during the Undaunted event. If you earn each ticket for each day of each event, you should be able to have the Indrik and 4 additional feathers.
  • mamericus
    Confirmed. This is really happening.
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