MilwaukeeScott wrote: »In game, navigate to menu/help/tutorials/events/nascent indrik creation
menu/help/tutorials/events/nascent indrik evolution.
We CAN have up to 5 nascent indriks. When we evolve 1, the slot for the basic nascent indrik is unlocked.
We'll need 4 specific berries to evolve our basic nascent indrik.
There's more info in the menu!!
Aria_GuildDestroyer wrote: »What do you do if you accidentally bought two of the same feather?? Do I need to contact ZOS? I cannot sell the second same one back?
commodore64 wrote: »This seems like a lot of effort to obtain what will become a very common mount, am I wrong?
markthegreat56 wrote: »I had the Emerald Indrik feather but gave it away. Now I tried to buy a new one but it says I already have it, which I don't. How can I replace that feather?
markthegreat56 wrote: »Raisin, thank you. You solved my problem. I apparently wasn't looking in the right place for it. It's in there and collected. You made my day