Requesting ZOS official response - Does Store Summerset Digital Standard Edition include Morrowind?

Trying to get an official ZOS answer as every time this question is asked here and on Reddit, multiples answers are always given and often conflict.

This is for strictly the ESO Store and no other vendor source.

The The Elder Scrolls® Online Standard Edition says up front it has base game + Morrowind as separate items.
Includes The Elder Scrolls Online base game and the Morrowind® chapter

The Summerset Digital Standard Edition says base game and no mention of Morrowind.
Includes The Elder Scrolls Online base game.

Buying questions are asked numerous times a week on other forums and the ESO Store web page descriptions are not uniform in text or layout and many of us never want to give prospective players/customers bad information.

Thank You

  • Taleof2Cities
    You should be able to infer the answer by just looking at the price.

    The Elder Scrolls® Online Standard Edition is base game and Morrowind only ... $19.99.

    It does not include Summerset.

    The Summerset Digital Standard Edition is the base game and Summerset only ... $39.99.

    It does not include Morrowind.

    Remember they moved Morrowind to DLC status so that is sold separately in the Crown Store.

    Edited by Taleof2Cities on November 16, 2018 2:05AM
  • SpAEkus
    That's probably true, but there are too many people that keep posting that the base game includes Morrowind when replying to purchase questions (Morrowind native to all copies of the base game), which is why I posted to get a ZOS quotable link.

    It would make it easier if ZOS would just make both listings the same format and text. And just say it succinctly that the Base Game does not/no longer includes Morrowind natively. Making the current listing more of a bundle than anything else. Or just removing it completely and going back to Base game listing only and lowering the price since the change to DLC.

    And then we still have the possibility of older Base + Morrowind native from other vendors, unless ZOS has actually turned off that install option, but I wouldn't think they could do that unless they pulled the listings from the vendors.
    Edited by SpAEkus on November 16, 2018 2:34AM
  • idk
    The Summerset edition does not say it includes Morrowind which is the first clue. It seems very clear.

    Morrowind was included with Summerset as a pre-order bonus and those that purchased it early and did not already have it got it immediately.

    As the first reply indicates, the edition that includes Morrowind would clearly not includes Summerset and the cost, plus description, seem pretty clear.
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