Revert Update 20?

Well we have gotten update 20 on all platforms, everyone is informed now. We have all gotten to see how this patch has effected things. Do you feel these changes are for the better or is this patch taking the game in the wrong direction and should be reverted? (with the exception of templar, I understand they got much over due love this patch)

Revert Update 20? 194 votes

Keep Update 20
47% 93 votes
Revert update 20 (Keeping the buffs to templar though)
41% 80 votes
10% 21 votes
  • Elwendryll
    What do you actually expect from this thread? There are buffs, and nerfs. Some people complain, others are happy, the game is fine, a revert of a full update won't ever happen
    PC - EU - France - AD
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  • Elsonso
    [Referenced post has been removed.]

    In any case, keep update 20. Always onward. Never look back! :smile:
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on November 10, 2018 9:00PM
  • VaranisArano
    Since ZOS let it go live, its not going to get reverted. Either quit, learn to live with it, or hope for ZOS to adjust stuff from this new baseline in future quarterly updates.
  • ZOS_GregoryV
    Greetings all,

    We have removed a few posts for being nonconstructive. However, in the mean time, we will leave this thread open so members of the community can voice their opinion and views as to how they feel about Update 20. Just keep in mind that all posts are to be kept civil and constructive. So let's try to stray away from baiting and flaming other members.

    Thank you for your understanding,

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Rain_Greyraven
    I like question.
    "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”

    ― Robert E. Howard

    So you want to be a game developer? Here is the best way to go about it.
    Soul Shriven
    They need to give us stam sorcs our third bar back. No one uses the new overload in pve or pvp.
  • Taunky
    Not happy with the Sorcerer changes but it is what it is, I'm optimistic for the future.
  • WuffyCerulei
    I've been doing just fine with this patch. The shield change isn't that bad.
    For the love of Kyne, buff sorc. PC NACP 2100+Star-Sïnger - Khajiit Magicka Sorc - EP Grand Overlord - Flawless Conqueror vMA/vBRP/vDSA no death/vHel Ra HM/vAA HM/vSO HM/vMoL HM/vHoF HM/vAS +2/vCR+3/vSS HMs/vKA HMs/vVH/vRG Oax HM/vDSR
  • Lylith
    OJCOMMANDO wrote: »
    They need to give sorcs our third bar back. No one uses the new overload in pve or pvp.

    fixed that for you.

  • AbysmalGhul
    This wasn't a bad update. I noticed it's a little harder to sustain on my sorcerer for some reason....but other than that B)
  • Chicharron

    I'm sorry, I could not resist doing this meme.


    Seriously speaking, I do not think that the opinion of the same people in the forum can be taken as a basis to say that this update is bad, the forum is not even 1% of ESO, I think that is exaggerated too much with this.
    Edited by Chicharron on November 10, 2018 9:56PM
  • Katahdin
    Since ZOS let it go live, its not going to get reverted. Either quit, learn to live with it, or hope for ZOS to adjust stuff from this new baseline in future quarterly updates.


    Its not going to be reverted. There may be adjustments but they are not going to reverse it at this point.
    Youve already started a bunch of threads about it. Posting 100 more threads is not going to change anything.

    So deal with it or dont, your choice.
    Edited by Katahdin on November 10, 2018 9:55PM
    Beta tester November 2013
  • themaddaedra
    There are things i'm loving (like being able to actually play my magplar since eternity) and there are things that i'm salty about (sorcerers losing overload bar without improvements to existing bars) but bit down and bit up it's always been like that. When i think about these updates i just read forums and think about what i'd do if i was ZoS. It's a complete minefield lmao.
  • frostz417
    Revert this update. Delete everything about it. Worst update ever
  • Fishoscandi
    If this would ever happen, why would only templars keep buffs? :)
    Fishoscandi - Orc NB
    Cookie of Dough - Dunmer Templar
    Smells Like Tree Spirit - Bosmer Sorc

    EU PC

  • dpencil1
    As a pet sorc, I am not happy with losing the 3rd bar from overload or having my shield cut from 20k to 7k. For me, the solution would be:
    1. Make pets need only 1 skill slot
    2. Increase the shield size cap by 10% (50% from Empowered and 60% from Hardened)
    3. Make Bastion add shield size over the health cap.

    This wouldn't give back everything I had before the patch, but it would be a reasonable compromise. ...I'm also still holding out hope that some day pets will benefit from spell damage, but that's a bit off topic.
  • Elsonso
    frostz417 wrote: »
    Revert this update. Delete everything about it. Worst update ever


    Your forum profile says you joined June of this year. If that reflects when you joined the game, you should probably know that Update 20 is not the worst update ever. Compared to how Update 14 was received, Update 20 is dang near the best thing that ever happened to ESO. I think it also compares very favorably to Update 2 and Update 6. I may be forgetting a couple between 6 and 14. The world can only end so many times before they all start to blur together!

    However, I will grant you that it is the worst update this quarter. Also, the best one! :smile:
  • theyancey
    Forward, always forward
  • sorcmag01
    Move forward, 20 will not be reverted anyways. Glad Templar got some love.
  • weedgenius
    Ruined my magden. Please give my wings back and my arctic blast. PLEASE
    Edited by weedgenius on November 10, 2018 11:03PM
    PS4 NA
    Better Homes & Gardens
  • Sylvermynx
    I'm okay with it. Finally got to playing my sorcs a bit. I never used shields anyway (PVE only thing I play....) and aside from being a bit squishier (I have to use both pets most of the time now), it's not too bad.

    Warden isn't "better", but it's not all bad either. I'm not having any trouble killing stuff with either class at this point. My other magicka girls are okay as long as they don't get swarmed.

    It'll be fine eventually after I get used to it all fully. Of course, at that point something else will probably change!
  • idk
    Has any game reverted an complete update? I cannot think of this happening before.

    It would essentially be Zos saying they have absolutely no clue and should not be working in this industry. I really do not think those that Zos are willing to take such a step.
  • Tandor
    I'm perfectly happy with the update.
  • TheValar85
    It should be reversed. The sorc shiled nerf made it the whole class basicly usless unleass you play as stam sorc. But because of this mag sorces are basicly death due to teh lacking of survival abilities in pve and pvp.
    It never outshined healers or tanks so the reason was a clear BS when the nerf hitted.
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
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    My Smiling Emperor Profile Picture:
  • AbysmalGhul
    I can live with an 8k damage shield. I haven't noticed any difference....
    Edited by AbysmalGhul on November 11, 2018 12:11AM
  • frostz417
    frostz417 wrote: »
    Revert this update. Delete everything about it. Worst update ever


    Your forum profile says you joined June of this year. If that reflects when you joined the game, you should probably know that Update 20 is not the worst update ever. Compared to how Update 14 was received, Update 20 is dang near the best thing that ever happened to ESO. I think it also compares very favorably to Update 2 and Update 6. I may be forgetting a couple between 6 and 14. The world can only end so many times before they all start to blur together!

    However, I will grant you that it is the worst update this quarter. Also, the best one! :smile:

    I played for 2 years. Granted I have just recently made my forum account
  • ImmortalCX
    OJCOMMANDO wrote: »
    They need to give us stam sorcs our third bar back. No one uses the new overload in pve or pvp.

    If you get your third bar back, then I think my NB should get a third bar.

    I think it would be great having a third bar.
  • Spearpoint
    Many changes during this patch got their own "Developer Comment".

    That's a fine feature, but I wonder why not all the changes got this comment added to it within the Patch Notes.
    Any official explanation would be well appreciated!

    There must be a reason for each spesific change, and I would very much like to see this adressed through such a comment.

    For instance, I simply cannot wrap my head around the logic of changing Arctic Blast.. :(
    The morph was PERFECTLY fine as it was, and it's current state simply threw away the main reason for making tanking (while actually dealing some damage as well) with a Frost Warden fun.

    Honestly, Polar Wind would benefit from being changed to adding a stun more than Arctic Blast. I get that Magwardens needs a stun.. But there're already so many ways of healing allies through Green Balance Skills, and even Vigor.

    The essence of Arctic Blast now is that you need a target to heal yourself. Even Vigor makes more sense at this moment :o

    So in turn, when Arctic Blast now gets replaced by Vigor, Warden Tanks also loose 500 Physical and Spell Resistance due to the Frozen Armor Passive; not a very good fundation for a tank.

    PS: I love the changes to Housing, but I also miss the great visuals of Arctic Blast now that it's retired :'(


    This is my two cents. And my wish for Christmas this year is to Arctic Blast changed a second time <3
    Would love to hear what others think about this :/
    Arinwyn ~ Cute Wood Elf Archer
    Wardena ~ Frost Wardeness [Died alongside Arctic Blast]
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    Lol Brb

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  • Sygil05
    No chance that the changes will be reverted, but the Sorc changes were garbage. ZOS really needs to think about balancing the class as a whole, rather than tinkering with one critical aspect of their playstyle.
  • pod88kk
    I really enjoy this patch, for once I'm the hardest hitter in my raid team
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