You’ve convinced me that NMG is one of the most under appreciated PvP sets. It actually works decently well with DW on stamplar if you go for a dagger and axe instead of sword. Medium is still a pretty big challenge against skilled players though (for me). Incoming snipes hit real hard too. Had to opt for lady mundus for extra protection.
Nice Rhage...nice...
caeliusstarbreaker wrote: »
Sounds like someone I make dk builds for... hmmmmmm
I do a templar medium tank, now i need test with u guys (Rattle+Shudam+Impregnable - MAG Reg 2.4 <---- questionable; spell 2.4 <---- seems not so bad, crit, low 30%). Have a problem, 'penetration'. Hard fight against DKs/Stamplars. Today i test in a guy, only 800 per hit (puncture). I like heavy (light set, im my point of view, its to experienced players). I try that Build from Ari'a, amazing build to magplar, but i dont survive 2 secounds.
caeliusstarbreaker wrote: »
Do you mean you’re in medium armor on a magplar, or you are sort of tanky? Your max mag is likely too low with that set up. Spinner and shackle breaker in heavy with Valkyn skoria should be good. Also make sure your weapons are gold quality.
Just to comment, im working in Arya's set, but that set is extremlly HARD to use, need a LOT of experience. He is perfect with that set against small groups or solo.
Thank you Iskra! Yeah I wouldn’t recommend the build for everyone. Try light shacklebreaker+bright throat with protective jewelry. It’s a very accessible build that performs well all around. You’ll have damage sustain and survivability. Or heavy shackle plus spinners as Rhage suggested.
Very entertaining as always (especially the first clip of the thread and the music in general).
That psijic ulti might be the solution to snares on a stamina toon without any way to kite.
Keep the vids coming!
What I'm unable to get about 2H/S&B Stamplar is the lack of reliable, on-demand major expedition. I've been backbarring bow on all my stam toons since Murkmire landed.
Looks to me like you were using stam+immov+speed, though? How do you cope with the low uptime?
How are you liking using sword and board ulti offensively? I feel like being able to jab with no risk could be strong. Covers one of the challenges of Templar when heavily outnumbered. Red and I have actually been wanting to try sword and board ulti on magplar to do just that, but I’ve never actually used the skill ever.
How are you liking using sword and board ulti offensively? I feel like being able to jab with no risk could be strong. Covers one of the challenges of Templar when heavily outnumbered. Red and I have actually been wanting to try sword and board ulti on magplar to do just that, but I’ve never actually used the skill ever.