Completely false. It is exactly the opposite. Impenetrable is useful for every build, this patch, whereas previously it was less useful for shielding builds. Whoever talked to you about big items must have been talking about Infused. Infused is no longer a good PvP trait. Personally I don't think it ever was, except perhaps in magicka stacking builds, in the past.I'm also hearing that that is no longer true, and having impenetrable on more than chest and/or another big item doesn't add anything and you loose the benefits of another attribute.
Shacklebreaker + Domi / Ilambris will stack a fair amount of magicka. Shields are now capped at 40% / 50% of your health. Best get an addon that shows your shield size. Riposte gives you 1x health, so perhaps your build is balanced just right, but if not, first thing is to move CP out of Bastion and into the other defensive stars. You might also boost your defenses in the following ways:I have two heavy and the rest light (magsorc) and six are impen. Even though I do pretty good keeping shields up and use healing ward, I seem to die fast compared to other magsorcs. Wasn't sure if impen was really doing that much for me on all of those pieces. Wizards Ripo and shacklebreakers w/domihaus and ilambris monster pieces.
Shacklebreaker + Domi / Ilambris will stack a fair amount of magicka. Shields are now capped at 40% / 50% of your health. Best get an addon that shows your shield size. Riposte gives you 1x health, so perhaps your build is balanced just right, but if not, first thing is to move CP out of Bastion and into the other defensive stars. You might also boost your defenses in the following ways:I have two heavy and the rest light (magsorc) and six are impen. Even though I do pretty good keeping shields up and use healing ward, I seem to die fast compared to other magsorcs. Wasn't sure if impen was really doing that much for me on all of those pieces. Wizards Ripo and shacklebreakers w/domihaus and ilambris monster pieces.
1x Monster set that gives you resistances (Chudan, Pirate Skeleton, Lord Warden)
2x Monster set, such as Pirate Skeleton, Troll King (maybe), Blood Spawn
Defending back bar weapon
Protective jewelry trait(s)
Lightning Form
Power Surge
The extra stats on infused are absolutely trivial. Reinforced is crap compared to impen even on a heavy chestpiece (which has the highest base resistance)—link to an analysis I did on this.
Imo there are really only 2 situationally-viable alternatives to impen. Well-fitted if your build is highly dependent on rolling/mobility, Sturdy if you're heavily invested into blocking. And you still want a few impen in those cases.
But generally you can't go wrong with full impen. It's your safest best.
The extra stats on infused are absolutely trivial. Reinforced is crap compared to impen even on a heavy chestpiece (which has the highest base resistance)—link to an analysis I did on this.
Imo there are really only 2 situationally-viable alternatives to impen. Well-fitted if your build is highly dependent on rolling/mobility, Sturdy if you're heavily invested into blocking. And you still want a few impen in those cases.
But generally you can't go wrong with full impen. It's your safest best.
I firmly believe that there is a ratio or maybe a linear graph that can show at what point “extra crit resistance” becomes ineffective.
I also believe crit resistance is entirely based on the opponent(s) you are fighting & an average can be assumed based on the ~40% crit builds that are typically seen in Cyrodiil.
IE... if, hypothetically speaking(not factual numbers), you are mitigating an extra 10% critical strike dmg (the difference of going from 50% to 60% crit resist), & only 2/5 hits are crits, I would argue that by increasing your base resistances & thus mitigating the damage from all 5 attacks would be of more value.
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »If you don't put Impend on everything, the stronger players will melt you like a stick of butter...
I “feel” as if I saw almost no difference open world cp Cyrodiil 3400 crit resist vs 2800
Waffennacht wrote: »
Waffennacht wrote: »
2800= 41%
3400= 50%
It's also impen first, minor maim second, armor third in the order of mitigation. If you are getting smacked with a 15k tooltip, but they have 1.7chd, they have a 1.29/1.2chd. 15k times 1.29/1.2 = 19350/18000. Then your armor could reduce it by 10% on most builds after heavy penetration (19350x0.9=17415). Then battlespirit (17415. x0.5= 8707). You can keep going for CP and major/minor protection, etc.
And that assumes a build is stopping at 1.7chd, in CP you could see that get to 80 or 90 in some cases, and in nCP you'll see 60-70 but ALOT less impen, unless you roll trans/impreg sets.
At the end of the day, armor/battlespirit will reduce the tooltip heavily, but impen reduces the initial tooltip so your mitigation doesn't have to work overtime.
heng14rwb17_ESO wrote: »i dont use impen.
i run 32500 high resist build.