I have read a couple threads in which people have posted evidence that confirms their assumptions that Elsweyr might be the next zone coming to ESO.
One of the threads:
I didn't think too much of it until I've noticed some new NPC interactions that I've never seen before over the last few days.
All of them have been about, or were hinting to, the acquisition of skooma.
For instance, there's a Breton fellow (I think he's Breton) in the outlaw refuge of Orsinium, Wrothgar standing around the edge of the cistern that asks someone if they have any skooma.
Also, there is what appears to be a male in Alinor, Summerset who asks a female Khajiit standing in the courtyard near The Gilded Fork if she has anything for a sweet tooth (moonsugar/skooma?) She replies by telling him she could help with baked sweetrolls (she seems law-abiding) or if that isn't what he's asking for that she could direct him to a guard, in which case he drops the inquiries.
I am pretty sure I will come across more of these scenarios being played out, mainly because I travel all over Tamriel for farming or whatnot.
Has anyone else been seeing these "precursors" to what may be the next zone?
"But screw your courage to the sticking-place,
And we’ll not fail."