If zos adds different khajiit furstocks as customization options, they need to remove the any race any alliance option for khajiits at minimum.
I don't understand this, why would they need to remove the Any Race, Any Alliance option for khajiit just because they've added different furstocks? It's not like all the others are banned from travelling.
Not that I think they'd ever do it anyway. The backlash from removing functionality from an upgrade people have already paid for would be massive. Besides it's highly unlikely we'd ever get to play as quadrupedal khajiit because they'd have to completely re-design all of the armour to fit them and I'm not sure they could use weapons at all.
PelinalWhitestrake wrote: »
OK, OK. Now that it's rephrased I actually agree with what you're saying.
You payed for any race any alliance for the service to use it while it was exclusive, you had all that early playtime on your out of faction races so you have gotten use out of the service. The entire upgrade is pointless in the elder scrolls "play as you want"
When you said remove ARAA for khajiit I thought you meant remove the ability for them to use it - so any new khajiit would have to be AD characters only. Not remove the restriction which is lifted by ARAA.
In that case yes I'd be fine with it, since I'm one of the people who think races shouldn't be locked into Alliances at all anyway. (Since there's plenty of examples of NPCs of all races appearing all over the world and no one seems to mind, unless it fits a quest.)
You might want to edit your post to clarify that since so far 2/2 people have misunderstood.
PelinalWhitestrake wrote: »OK, OK. Now that it's rephrased I actually agree with what you're saying.
phaneub17_ESO wrote: »I am going to scratch behind the ears of every Khajiit I see... I'll probably lose my hands and be arrested for harassing the populous but it'll be worth it!!
There's like 6 or 8 different sub-species of Khajiit. There's no way ZOS would make all of them a playable option. All the work into making unique armor models for them all, character rigging, animations. At best if they did exist they'd be NPCs.
There's like 6 or 8 different sub-species of Khajiit. There's no way ZOS would make all of them a playable option. All the work into making unique armor models for them all, character rigging, animations. At best if they did exist they'd be NPCs.
People need to remember this when suggesting new races. There will never be a non-humanoid race added that won't fit into current armor models.
This really depends if Murkmire will be a Chapter or DLC. Murkmire was mentioned by name in this chapter, and we already know that its been worked on. If its a chapter, its most likely the next one. Otherwise, I'd still rather see more of Hammerfell or the Blackwood (Layawin/Bravil) region of Cyrodiil.
And that there will never be any new races added anyway, so the point is moot.
Fan favorite Raz hints that we may see him again in Elsweyr where he will be going to visit his family. Elsweyr is the most anticipated zone aside from summerset and many people are very curious to see how the other khajiit furstocks will be like. Murkmire will probably not be the next chapter because argonians are filthy handbag... er I mean the Russian datamining site only datamined a few map cells and so may be a dlc sized map. If zos adds different khajiit furstocks as customization options, they need to make the any race any alliance option for khajiits at minimum a base game feature. It would be a bummer to have to buy a separate upgrade to play a different khajiit furstock such as ohmes to enjoy an expansion feature outside of the dominion.
Predictions for features:
Play as a different Khajiit furstock, such as ohmes
More Raz
Rune with 1h
MLGProPlayer wrote: »I'm pretty sure the different Khajiit subspecies have been retconned out of the series. We haven't seen them since TES II.
WhiteCoatSyndrome wrote: »
Incorrect. They showed up in the Keyes books; a minor character is an Ohmes (??? The furstock that looks like a Bosmer) and her brother is one of the quadrupedal forms used as mounts.
And before you ask, we know those are canon because the Sleeping Tree in Skyrim came from the floating island that plays a large part in the plot of said books.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »
That's just a fan fiction that Bethesda can disavow ar any point like Disney did with the Star Wars extended universe (while still taking concepts from it, as Disney also did).
Khajiit were just humans with tails in TES I and II because it was difficult to model a pipedal cat sprite (or because Bethesda was not very creative back then).
I'm sorta hoping for ohmes to look like anime cat girls tbh
brandonv516 wrote: »So is it pronounced Else-where?