I am not sure if it's fixed, but...
I got the first artifact, then skipped the second and went straight for the boss, the chalice is exactly where it's supposed to be back towards the pool on the right. After getting that I went back for the second artifact and was able to complete the quest.
Sheezabeast wrote: »I am not sure if it's fixed, but...
I got the first artifact, then skipped the second and went straight for the boss, the chalice is exactly where it's supposed to be back towards the pool on the right. After getting that I went back for the second artifact and was able to complete the quest.
I wanted to confirm this method workedeven reloading ui didn’t make the boss one spawn, but abandoning the quest, getting it again, grabbing first, skipping second, then going to boss room made it spawn, and the second one was available to complete it. Fix this already
Still bugged. 2 of us on ps4 just had the same problem. Don't know about other person, but doing it 1 3 2 works. Note that 3 does not vanish when you do it this way.