rosendoichinoveb17_ESO wrote: »Just check Combat Metrics after the first boss fight. You will see the group damage and you will have a rough idea on what is the total DPS your teammates were doing. Then you can decide if you want to stay and carry them or just leave the group.
Hey, I just wanted to ask - what DPS checks are present in Dungeons? If I have, for example, 20k DPS, what content would I have a really hard time doing?
John_Falstaff wrote: »I don't think it was mentioned before, so to throw it into the pile - I believe that Domihaus in vFH puts the group on a timer with spawning adds.
GreasyDave wrote: »I think you might find direfrost hm too difficult. Though it depends on group dps and set up. But that one is a pure dps race and you are either doing more dps than she is healing or you are not.
Crafts_Many_Boxes wrote: »GreasyDave wrote: »I think you might find direfrost hm too difficult. Though it depends on group dps and set up. But that one is a pure dps race and you are either doing more dps than she is healing or you are not. do realize you can break free and negate most of her healing, right? I did direfrost HM with a potato group last week where I was doing 60% of the dps at 18K (new toon) and the other dps only broke free maybe half the time. It took like 12 minutes, but we did it.
In general, 20k is enough for anything vanilla, assuming the other dps isn't braindead. It's enough for the new dungeons as well, they're just all-around harder so people like more dps so they don't have to deal with the mechanics for as long.
kylewwefan wrote: »The ads before you get to the first boss are your DPS check. They should go away dead very very quick and be no problem at all. If your fighting this stuff for 2 or 3 or 4+ minutes, your DPS is suck. This dungeon is going to be a miserable experience. Have a nice day.
greenmachine wrote: »As far as true DPS checks I can;t think of many, Fang Lair and MHK have been said already. The last boss in Scalecaller Peak could be considered a DPS check I guess because you'll want Zaan dead before RNG can work against you. CoA II and Falkreath Hold, are DPS checks because at some point you'll run out of platforms or pillars, respectively. Similar with Bloodroot Forge, eventually the lava will cover the ground if you can't drop the boss.
Don't let that stop you from trying, though. If you can find a good group of people to run these dungeons with, you'll get the bosses down, and even the wipes will teach you a lot and the victory will be that much sweeter.
greenmachine wrote: »As far as true DPS checks I can;t think of many, Fang Lair and MHK have been said already. The last boss in Scalecaller Peak could be considered a DPS check I guess because you'll want Zaan dead before RNG can work against you. CoA II and Falkreath Hold, are DPS checks because at some point you'll run out of platforms or pillars, respectively. Similar with Bloodroot Forge, eventually the lava will cover the ground if you can't drop the boss.
Don't let that stop you from trying, though. If you can find a good group of people to run these dungeons with, you'll get the bosses down, and even the wipes will teach you a lot and the victory will be that much sweeter.
Hey, I just wanted to ask - what DPS checks are present in Dungeons? If I have, for example, 20k DPS, what content would I have a really hard time doing?
greenmachine wrote: »As far as true DPS checks I can;t think of many, Fang Lair and MHK have been said already. The last boss in Scalecaller Peak could be considered a DPS check I guess because you'll want Zaan dead before RNG can work against you. CoA II and Falkreath Hold, are DPS checks because at some point you'll run out of platforms or pillars, respectively. Similar with Bloodroot Forge, eventually the lava will cover the ground if you can't drop the boss.
Don't let that stop you from trying, though. If you can find a good group of people to run these dungeons with, you'll get the bosses down, and even the wipes will teach you a lot and the victory will be that much sweeter.
Unless I'm mistaken, Falkreath isn't even a qualifier for a dps check, as the shout that destroys pillars is based on his health percentage. The only way you'll run out of pillars is if people are goofing the mechanic and using more than one pillar per shout. Same might be true for CoA, for all I know; but I don't know, since I don't think I've ever seen him reach the fifth pad.
I duo vet dungeons with a friend who has a hard time breaking 25k on a target skeleton. A dummy. A non-moving, non-evasive, never-puts-up-fight ***. If I'm tanking & healing (aka, doing almost no damage), and they're doing their <20k damage in actual fights, we take a while -- but we get it done. I don't recall a single time it simply wasn't doable with that low dps, and I doubt you'll often find a full group of 4 that does less. (We haven't done all the vet HMs yet, though)
Most people wouldn't have the patience to run in the situation I described above, but I do it to help my friend and spend time with them. It's fun for us. I can promise you, from experience, that it's possible to do damn near everything in any dungeon with 20k-ish total group dps. Takes approximately 3 forevers sometimes, but it's doable.
I usually tell people 20k is the bar for vet dungeons dps. If you can get that on a boss in most situations, you'll be okay. Below that, and you're better off running some normals to get more CP, gear, skills, whatever you need to boost your dps up to 20k.
rosendoichinoveb17_ESO wrote: »Just check Combat Metrics after the first boss fight. You will see the group damage and you will have a rough idea on what is the total DPS your teammates were doing.
GreasyDave wrote: »I think you might find direfrost hm too difficult. Though it depends on group dps and set up. But that one is a pure dps race and you are either doing more dps than she is healing or you are not.