<No sarcasm> Thanks for the house....However

Non sub here. This is the first house I have invested in due to the fact as a non sub were cut deeply in limits. Not worth the money or time grinding something to have myself feel like I am paying a huge price for a "gimped" version.

I like the free house. Its definitely VERY good looking, and well sized. I wanted somewhere where I can simply place the trophies from the dungeons I have completed <Both trophy and busts since they both look very unique and are points of progression>.

I placed every non DLC trophy - Then placed all non DLC bust - Moved on to DLC. Placed two trophies, and bam hit limit. Its a pity especially since the game keeps adding new DLC dungeons which means MORE to the limit. I get why the theory of ESO+ housing get subs, but for me at this point I feel more like dropping housing till it changes. The same reason I didn't buy a house when crowns were on double sale.

At least make some things like trophies/busts not count toward the limit if you continue to add progression trophies to the game?
  • Jayne_Doe
    Trophies/busts are in their own category, so they don't count toward the regular furnishing limit. Still, though, without ESO+, you'll never be able to fit all your trophies/busts in any home, including the notables. They've increased the collectible furnishing cap twice, now, to accommodate new DLC, but only ESO+ members can take full advantage as only when it's doubled will it allow you to place all.

    I'd rather have all that space that's set aside for collectibles be available to me to use for regular furnishings. I don't do dungeons, so I don't have any trophies/busts to display. Sure would be nice to have that 100 extra slots I get with ESO+ (or whatever that cap is now - I don't really pay attention to it since I don't utilize it).
  • idk
    I would suggest just placing the busts in your situation since they are more significant than the trophies, unless I have that backwards.
  • Aria_GuildDestroyer
    I heard the issue with the item cap is because of console and their server limitations. Why can't PC be allowed a higher cap? Arguments I have heard basically say it's because it is unfair to console players, and it would be a slap in the face. I think that's a pretty *** argument. PC already comes with perks, like less lag, better frames, add-ons (which is HUGE). If consolers are upset about it then switch to the master race.

    Are there any other reasons aside from console envy that explain the furniture cap? ZOS would stand to make more money by increasing the item cap as well!
    Wabba-Jacked GM ~ completes end-game trial content.
    PC - NA
  • kind_hero
    Sometimes less is more.

    My suggestion is to add only the trophies you like. I might use the places in the walls that look like they were made for placing busts, but even so, I won't add trophies in all of those spots. Some variety is better than having a wall full of them.
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
  • phaneub17_ESO
    ESO+ Trial comes twice a year now, you can wait for those weeks to push the limit the houses have and they will stay there after the Trial has ended, you just can't add more and removing them won't allow you to put them back if its over the regular limit.
  • Grimm13
    I heard the issue with the item cap is because of console and their server limitations. Why can't PC be allowed a higher cap? Arguments I have heard basically say it's because it is unfair to console players, and it would be a slap in the face. I think that's a pretty *** argument. PC already comes with perks, like less lag, better frames, add-ons (which is HUGE). If consolers are upset about it then switch to the master race.

    Are there any other reasons aside from console envy that explain the furniture cap? ZOS would stand to make more money by increasing the item cap as well!

    There has been a suggestion to separate the outside from the inside of houses so that each has their own count. Passing through a door as a zone would not be bad.

    I could even see an addition in that you could purchase a upgrade zone door to additional rooms. You get to place the zone door where you want like a furniture item. These additional rooms would also have their own item count.
    Edited by Grimm13 on October 11, 2018 1:15PM

    Season of DraggingOn
    It's your choice on how you vote with your $

  • Azriael2
    That's pretty neat idea, I like it. But oh well, maybe in next 10 years..
    "Rise, red as the dawn."
  • joaoppecurto
    I dont care about the limit. I only did half the normal dungeons, and only have 1 bust. When I get more and get past the limit, I will only put the most badass-looking ones. I'm sure the benefits of ESO+ are many, but only buy the dlcs. Non paying/ESO plus subs should be very grateful for this free big house.
    Edited by joaoppecurto on October 11, 2018 11:50PM
    PC EU: 900+ CP
    9 chars:
    Indrik Lady, Breton Magden - lvl 50 - Main and Grand Master Crafter
    + 4 chars - lvl 50 - daily writ crafters
    + 4 chars - lvl 50 - stamblade pvp, stamblade solo ww, dk tank, necro healer

    On PC Since: 05/28/2018; RIP PS4 account
  • Gilvoth
    i have been asking for a small 1 room underground house. i dont want a huge mansion.
    even made a few threads asking for it long time ago.

    i hope it happens for us stealth thief type players.
  • karekiz
    I dont care about the limit. I only did half the normal dungeons, and only have 1 bust. When I get more and get past the limit, I will only put the most badass-looking ones. I'm sure the benefits of ESO+ are many, but only buy the dlcs. Non paying/ESO plus subs should be very grateful for this free big house.

    That logic is stupid. Yup. Just stupid.
    Edited by karekiz on October 12, 2018 12:15AM
  • Clansman2013
    I have ESO+ and the 10 item limit for "special" items like mounts and pets is stupid. I want to make a stable for all my mounts and a zoo area for pets, but nope...
  • Myyth
    I tried to give my mansion to my pets since I have no use for it.
    So i start placing my pets in the grand hall.

    I get to the 5th pet and hit the limit.

    This huge giant house with so much space and i can only place 5 pets.
    Oh well guess somehow there is only room for 3 cats, one pig and a goat :neutral:
  • yodased
    You want to know why the limit is there?

    Port into a 700/700 house with max items in one area. 9999 ping, 2-3 fps and you will have items loading in fuct order causing interactable things to break.

    For instance, put throne on carpet. No prob. Phase in and out of house and throne loads before carpet, throne now on solid ground. Carpet loads in after and clips throne, making it not useable. Hit f5, click on throne and it will be fine, because you moved it up the layer profile.

    I doubt its console limitation, its more on the rendering engine.
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
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