He is right about the tanks though.
You are not going to kill a tanky build while he meditates, the 30% damage reduction on top of the already high tankiness ensures that. It's even worse when they got other defensive tools running, especially when they are of the non-depelting time (i.e. no shield). At the same time the regenerate more resources than they used prior. Afterwards they just go back to permablocking and heal up to full in 1 or 2 globals.
It's less viable on light and medium armor builds, b/c the 1500 hps is not off-setting the damage you take - even with major protection active.
you could always just outdmg someone healing with meditate? i mean it´s 1500 heal/s which gets halved in pvp...
Amdar_Godkiller wrote: »you could always just outdmg someone healing with meditate? i mean it´s 1500 heal/s which gets halved in pvp...
Smart players will cast all their hots first then meditate with major protection. It's very easy to meditate with 5K hots on top.
This is a legitimate issue. I think CC immunity should not apply to bashing channels. It completely removes the risk/reward nature of them.
He is right about the tanks though.
You are not going to kill a tanky build while he meditates, the 30% damage reduction on top of the already high tankiness ensures that. It's even worse when they got other defensive tools running, especially when they are of the non-depelting time (i.e. no shield). At the same time the regenerate more resources than they used prior. Afterwards they just go back to permablocking and heal up to full in 1 or 2 globals.
It's less viable on light and medium armor builds, b/c the 1500 hps is not off-setting the damage you take - even with major protection active.
Sure but that´s a general problem with tank builds - however how much of a problem is it really - those builds do nothing but tank. They´re otherwise useless.
Asking for a nerf to meditate bc it overperforms on "useless" builds is somewhat questionable.
I don´t see many light or mediumarmor builds utilize the skill and if they do it´s certainly not op.
Darkenarlol wrote: »
wait for no cc immune meditate and bash?