Odd behavior. did that person actually retreat behind the wall and happened to reveal you when he walked near you?
Ragnarock41 wrote: »Keep in mind that just because an enemy can't see you, doesn't mean he can't hear you.
Ragnarock41 wrote: »Keep in mind that just because an enemy can't see you, doesn't mean he can't hear you.
When you're stealthed and cloaked? That makes no sense man.
Mister_DMC wrote: »Lol that's funny, I know him and he posted a confused pic in discord. He's a former top tier PvE player that's swapped to PC to enjoy the glory of the master race. I'm gonna say that he doesn't cheat so I'm betting you just got smoked by a really really good player.
Natsu_Otsusuki28 wrote: »Man, that salt is real lmao. Please go ahead, post the video and expose me. I didn't think i wrecked you that bad but i guess I did. At least get some details right, i didn't even have dawnbreaker on either of my bars, i sure wish i did now because i would have loved to one shot that squishy toon. Second, i feared you out of stealth while you were peaking the flag we were capturing. Word of advice, next time you try to stealth, make sure someone didn't see you before you went stealth. Third, it's BG's everyone dies. Thanks DMC, you da man.
Natsu_Otsusuki28 wrote: »Man, that salt is real lmao. Please go ahead, post the video and expose me. I didn't think i wrecked you that bad but i guess I did. At least get some details right, i didn't even have dawnbreaker on either of my bars, i sure wish i did nowbecause i would have loved to one shot that squishy toon. Second, i feared you out of stealth while you were peaking the flag we were capturing. Word of advice, next time you try to stealth, make sure someone didn't see you before you went stealth. Third, it's BG's everyone dies. Thanks DMC, you da man.
Natsu_Otsusuki28 wrote: »Why don’t you expose me if you’re so sure? Either that or you can actually learn how to pvp so you don’t get wrecked by someone who honestly sucks at pvp 😂😂😂. Stay salty, I’ll be back in there tomorrow 😘
Natsu_Otsusuki28 wrote: »I’m just hear to enjoy the salt. Like I said, I honestly suck at pvp. I just raid. You can’t stand losing a fight so you throw insults at people and then play the victim when confronted. Again, stay salty. People like you make bg’s interesting.
Natsu_Otsusuki28 wrote: »I’m just hear to enjoy the salt. Like I said, I honestly suck at pvp. I just raid. You can’t stand losing a fight so you throw insults at people and then play the victim when confronted. Again, stay salty. People like you make bg’s interesting.
Dude if you REALLY are the player in question, then actually coming in here to confront the OP in an inflammatory manner just makes me believe the OP even more over you.
You sound like a genuine cheater lashing out at being called out.
Wow a PVE raider cheating in Battlegrounds for what? Lol, love how there are so many accusations of cheating/exploiting in this game's PvP community & it's usually made by the people who don't know how to the play the game. "aNiMatioN canCeLing iS chEatIng" being an example.
Is this why so many AD players crouch right in front of you? Do people really think that they can't be seen before they stealth or as they stealth?Dude if you REALLY are the player in question, then actually coming in here to confront the OP in an inflammatory manner just makes me believe the OP even more over you.
You sound like a genuine cheater lashing out at being called out.
...I don't know why a cheater would come out in public and paint a target on his/her back like this. Also if this video proof (if there even is any) actually shows the individual cheating, most likely will have ZOS act. If they don't then OP was wrong.
But I guess if the player doesn't get suspended/banned, then people with their ever so infallible logic will say that the person is definitely still cheating and ZOS doesn't want to do anything about itsounds really familiar. Willing to bet real money that it wasn't "wallhacks".
Or is there something that allows you to see people through walls while they sit in stealth?
I was in a BG fight, stealthed behind a thick wall completely away from an enemy's position. All of a sudden he breaks off and runs straight to me and hits dawnbreaker DIRECTLY ON THE SPOT I WAS STEALTHED ON (and it was not a corner btw).
Has anyone ever witnessed or experienced something like this before? There was no angle/corner he could've seen me from. There was no way he saw me even with detect pots because I was never in his line of sight in the first place... What the actual hell...
I would share a video but will not s due to ZOS's policy on naming/shaming.
Wow a PVE raider cheating in Battlegrounds for what? Lol, love how there are so many accusations of cheating/exploiting in this game's PvP community & it's usually made by the people who don't know how to the play the game. "aNiMatioN canCeLing iS chEatIng" being an example.
Is this why so many AD players crouch right in front of you? Do people really think that they can't be seen before they stealth or as they stealth?Dude if you REALLY are the player in question, then actually coming in here to confront the OP in an inflammatory manner just makes me believe the OP even more over you.
You sound like a genuine cheater lashing out at being called out.
...I don't know why a cheater would come out in public and paint a target on his/her back like this. Also if this video proof (if there even is any) actually shows the individual cheating, most likely will have ZOS act. If they don't then OP was wrong.
But I guess if the player doesn't get suspended/banned, then people with their ever so infallible logic will say that the person is definitely still cheating and ZOS doesn't want to do anything about itsounds really familiar. Willing to bet real money that it wasn't "wallhacks".
I came here to get advice, to seek an answer to what i witnessed, in hopes of people responding and telling me.. O yeah thats normal that happens or something.
But some of the responses... Do people just get on the forum to attack each other for fun these days?