Maintenance for the week of October 21:
• [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – October 21, 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC) - 6:00PM EDT (22:00 UTC)

Suggestion: Roleplayer - A Unique Name Plate


The idea is simple and targeted towards a unique player base within ESO - the Roleplayer. I am suggesting that any player has an option to go under the game settings and toggle a social mode for roleplaying. In turn, this will change their name plate to gold, indicating to the player-base that they are attempting a deeper level of immersion.

I believe this may help other RPers find one another in the open world, and encourage approaching one another; just like how another player may approach a quest giver. This will also give a subtle notification to those around to perhaps give them some space (e.g. Mount stacking). And in groups, that they may run just a little bit slower as they take the dungeon in.

Keep in mind, this is a toggle, and character specific.

My hope, is that if this idea is successful, that there may be new dungeon finder option - such as RP only runs; because, maybe they want to have an adventure.

*As I do not personally RP, please let me know if you have further recommendations.
  • esotoon
    Sounds like a good idea.

    I've also never understood why there isn't a separate RP channel, like there are for different languages. That way it would be easier for RPers to be able to RP without bothering non-RPers, and without zone chat interrupting the flow of their RP.
  • Unknown_Redemption
    esotoon wrote: »
    Sounds like a good idea.

    I've also never understood why there isn't a separate RP channel, like there are for different languages. That way it would be easier for RPers to be able to RP without bothering non-RPers, and without zone chat interrupting the flow of their RP.

    Would RPers want the ability to talk across the zone. distance-wise it wouldnt make sense. Unless you mean a channel with the range of /say but for RPers only?
  • esotoon
    Would RPers want the ability to talk across the zone. distance-wise it wouldnt make sense. Unless you mean a channel with the range of /say but for RPers only?

    I don't RP myself, but I would imagine a channel with limited range would be the preferable option.

    There's been a number of times I've seen hostility thrown towards RPers because the chat is also seen by non-RPers, and by the same token, it can be a little... awkward at times walking in on some RPing situations. ;) So a seperate channel would prevent both those situations and (I would think) make RPing a more pleasurable experience.

    Edited by esotoon on October 4, 2018 1:18AM
  • Sylvermynx
    It's a neat idea - if the playerbase here is less.... toxic.... to roleplayers than both WoW and RIFT were....

    I started out in WoW in 2006 on an RP server. It was.... not fun.... for any number of reasons. A simple "mistake" in your toon name could get you a lot of backchat, much of which was anything but nice. So I removed myself to Shadowsong and Icecrown, and RPd when the opportunity presented itself - not infrequent, but not that often either.

    Much the same happened in RIFT in 2013 after I quit WoW for personally good and sufficient reasons. I found that the serious RP communities in both those games were extremely intolerant, and also extremely hidebound. A lot of what went on had almost no real relevance to accepted game lore (even given that neither game had/has lore of the depth ESO does). And much of it was the sort of fallout that I simply have no patience with (eh, you know.... people raging at you in whispers etc. - I did a lot of reporting, none of which accomplished anything).

    And then there was the whole overwhelming belief in the rest of the playerbases there that roleplaying meant ERP. Ugh. I'm not against it - what people want to do is fine by me (as long as I'm not involved), but the tells.... sheesh.... and at that point people had no idea what gender I was, much less that I was an aging grandmother!

    So.... it's probably going to be a balancing act. The "you win some you lose some" kind. And well.... is there any interest from ZOS in promulgating this anyway?
  • crazy_catman21
    Lmao @templesus finally my faith in this game has been restored.
  • VaranisArano
    I'm less optimistic than the OP - I'm pretty sure that would result in roleplayers being the first to get kicked from the dungeon run the moment something goes wrong. Along with being a troll magnet.

    Edited by VaranisArano on October 4, 2018 1:59AM
  • templesus
  • Sylvermynx
    I'm less optimistic than the OP - I'm pretty sure that would result in roleplayers being the first to get kicked from the dungeon run the moment something goes wrong. Along with being a troll magnet.


    Yup. Been there done that one. There's almost no actual point of congruence between the roleplaying community, and those who.... do.... everything else.
  • Skraticus
    You know, I was just thinking this morning I haven't been seeing any RPers of late. I've been gone for a few years and just came back to the game a few days ago. Haven't seen a one. Normally I'd see at least one every time I played. I always enjoyed stumbling across their little RP sessions. Never really understood why they didn't just keep it on a /group chat but I'm glad they didn't. I always felt like they added an extra layer of life to the world, cause Lord knows most of the NPCs don't have any.

    Hopefully they haven't been run off by the community. I have no doubts they probably aren't treated the best, but all the ones I ever came across were decent folk. Some were definitely more intense than others, but still all nice to strangers.
  • Mr_Walker
    Sure, it will help them stand out as targets for those who seem to feel that simply because they can be an arsehat, they are therefore obligated to be one.
  • AcadianPaladin
    I think it is a fine idea but I'd modify it a bit by working it into the existing Title system. I'd give every player the ability to select any of several titles that you don't have to earn an achievement for: Damage Dealer, Tank, Healer, Roleplayer. Perhaps some additional ones. The purpose of these titles would not be to display your accomplishments but, rather, to simply be available to any player who wants to provide info that could be helpful to others. I know my elf would happily display the title 'Healer' so others would know what to expect from her.
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Unknown_Redemption
    esotoon wrote: »
    Would RPers want the ability to talk across the zone. distance-wise it wouldnt make sense. Unless you mean a channel with the range of /say but for RPers only?

    I don't RP myself, but I would imagine a channel with limited range would be the preferable option.

    There's been a number of times I've seen hostility thrown towards RPers because the chat is also seen by non-RPers, and by the same token, it can be a little... awkward at times walking in on some RPing situations. ;) So a seperate channel would prevent both those situations and (I would think) make RPing a more pleasurable experience.

    I am all for a chat channel, but this is to highlight RPers so they can find eachother in the open world.
  • Unknown_Redemption
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    It's a neat idea - if the playerbase here is less.... toxic.... to roleplayers than both WoW and RIFT were....

    I started out in WoW in 2006 on an RP server. It was.... not fun.... for any number of reasons. A simple "mistake" in your toon name could get you a lot of backchat, much of which was anything but nice. So I removed myself to Shadowsong and Icecrown, and RPd when the opportunity presented itself - not infrequent, but not that often either.

    Much the same happened in RIFT in 2013 after I quit WoW for personally good and sufficient reasons. I found that the serious RP communities in both those games were extremely intolerant, and also extremely hidebound. A lot of what went on had almost no real relevance to accepted game lore (even given that neither game had/has lore of the depth ESO does). And much of it was the sort of fallout that I simply have no patience with (eh, you know.... people raging at you in whispers etc. - I did a lot of reporting, none of which accomplished anything).

    And then there was the whole overwhelming belief in the rest of the playerbases there that roleplaying meant ERP. Ugh. I'm not against it - what people want to do is fine by me (as long as I'm not involved), but the tells.... sheesh.... and at that point people had no idea what gender I was, much less that I was an aging grandmother!

    So.... it's probably going to be a balancing act. The "you win some you lose some" kind. And well.... is there any interest from ZOS in promulgating this anyway?

    ZOS protects RPers in ESO, which is another reason why the highlight is being suggested. If you pick on an RPer (e.g. Stationary Mount 'Jumping', toss mudballs, etc) you can get in a lot of trouble for harassing.
  • Unknown_Redemption
    I'm less optimistic than the OP - I'm pretty sure that would result in roleplayers being the first to get kicked from the dungeon run the moment something goes wrong. Along with being a troll magnet.


    Which is why it can be toggled.
  • TheShadowScout
    Personally, I would much rather have an tab for character descriptions... where roleplayers could write a bit of backstory to their characters, and othjers could... I dunno, make overblown claims about the size of their hands and other body parts?

    Sometimes I wish tho that there was an "roleplayer" title. Not one everyone can set themselves, but... one they can be granted by GMs if they send in a nice backstory for their RP characters? To weed out all the "joke names" and "I just click randomize" and "RP is for nerds!" people...
  • idk
    The best way to find other RP players is via RP guilds. Also, if ESO has a robust RP community there will be a central Enjin or other website for each platform/server where players talk OOC with areas for RP stories and more. It is also through a site like this that the RP community organizes events.
  • Sheezabeast
    Let PVErs use it when they go to Imperial City so people know they’re not looking for fights. They would still get killed but some may respect cohabitation.
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • Unknown_Redemption
    Let PVErs use it when they go to Imperial City so people know they’re not looking for fights. They would still get killed but some may respect cohabitation.

    Yep, I would toggle it on in certain situations too.
  • Unknown_Redemption
    idk wrote: »
    The best way to find other RP players is via RP guilds. Also, if ESO has a robust RP community there will be a central Enjin or other website for each platform/server where players talk OOC with areas for RP stories and more. It is also through a site like this that the RP community organizes events.

    The idea is to create an overworld RP experience.
  • Mayrael
    I don't RP but I fully support the idea of name plates, separate chat and if needed separate forum section, because why not?

    Edit: it's already here, told you I don't RP.
    Edited by Mayrael on October 4, 2018 7:33AM
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • nemvar
    I never got roleplaying in a MMO. If I want to RP I either do it in a RP game, like DayZ (mod) or SS13 or with some friends and a d20.

    But that might just be me being an old man and yelling at clouds.
    To weed out all the "joke names" and "I just click randomize" and "RP is for nerds!" people...

    RP is for nerds tho.
  • Darkhorse1975
    Im for anything that has a good chance of better supporting and promoting the RP community. Im not an avid RPer but have participated in a few events (the most memorable being a member of a RP guild that specialized in RP event security, arresting/fighting RP villains or running off zone griefers/trolls). I always enjoy stumbling upon RP activites: it really makes the zones come alive!
    Edited by Darkhorse1975 on October 4, 2018 7:14AM
    Master Craftsman!
  • idk
    idk wrote: »
    The best way to find other RP players is via RP guilds. Also, if ESO has a robust RP community there will be a central Enjin or other website for each platform/server where players talk OOC with areas for RP stories and more. It is also through a site like this that the RP community organizes events.

    The idea is to create an overworld RP experience.

    Well, if you get the backing of the RP community via whatever means they are centralized in ESO,, enjin or whatever, you would probably have greater chances of bringing about change. Ofc, I am assuming there is a large RP community in ESO still.
  • Unknown_Redemption
    Mayrael wrote: »
    I don't RP but I fully support the idea of name plates, separate chat and if needed separate forum section, because why not?

    Thank you.
  • Unknown_Redemption
    Im for anything that has a good chance of better supporting and promoting the RP community. Im not an avid RPer but have participated in a few events (the most memorable being a member of a RP guild that specialized in RP event security, arresting/fighting RP villains or running off zone griefers/trolls). I always enjoy stumbling upon RP activites: it really makes the zones come alive!

    It does, and I want to see ESO as a game for everyone - because I selfishly want to see the game strive.
  • Elwendryll
    You shouldn't want to show the world that you're a RPer. You'll just get more disturbance than ever. Join a RP guild. A separate channel is indeed a good idea, because it prevents each part of the community from disturbing the other one.
    PC - EU - France - AD
    Main character: Qojikrin - Khajiit Sorcerer Tank/Stamina DD - since March 25, 2015.
    Guildmaster of Oriflamme: Focus on 4 player endgame content.
    Member of Brave Cat Trade, Panda Division and Toadhuggers.

    All 4-man trifectas - TTT, IR, GH
  • TheShadowScout
    nemvar wrote: »
    I never got roleplaying in a MMO...
    Well, there are MMOs and then there are MMORPGs like... Elder Scrolls Online!
    So, technically... people are -supposed- to roleplay here, and everyone who doesn't is a piece of [censored, censored, oh, so much censored] :p;):trollface:
    nemvar wrote: »
    RP is for nerds tho.
    I am aware.
  • idk
    nemvar wrote: »
    I never got roleplaying in a MMO...
    Well, there are MMOs and then there are MMORPGs like... Elder Scrolls Online!
    So, technically... people are -supposed- to roleplay here, and everyone who doesn't is a piece of [censored, censored, oh, so much censored] :p;):trollface:

    RP in the context OP created this thread is very different than the RP in MMORPG.
  • Perwulf
    Sorry to break it to ya but it'll be a crown store exclusive under services costing around 1500 crowns per title for each characters.
    "Monsters doesn't exist, we create them"
  • TheShadowScout
    idk wrote: »
    nemvar wrote: »
    I never got roleplaying in a MMO...
    Well, there are MMOs and then there are MMORPGs like... Elder Scrolls Online!
    So, technically... people are -supposed- to roleplay here, and everyone who doesn't is a piece of [censored, censored, oh, so much censored] :p;):trollface:

    RP in the context OP created this thread is very different than the RP in MMORPG.
    I am aware of that as well. Just sayin, its silly to say "I don't get people wanting to roleplay in an MMORPG"... I mean, its right there in the designation, right? ;)
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