There really should be a way to destroy unwanted multiple items at the same time.
I've just looked at my PTS bank, which of course is inherited from the live server due to EU character copying. It is crammed with (amongst other things) Sealed Enchanting Writs which are taking up nearly 200 slots, and which I was saving for a rainy day on live. However, I do
not want a virtually full bank of live server stuff which I am not going to use in PTS.
The problem with deleting these writs (as with some other items) is the laborious process of typing out DESTROY for each and every item. Having done about 60 of the damned things so far, I am beginning to lose the will to live.
Whilst I understand that
@ZOS consider it necessary that some items are more difficult to destroy, surely there should also be a mechanism for expediently getting rid of a batch of items when they have built up in numbers in the bank or inventory. How simple can this be?
Very. For example, you can delete as many e-mails as you like by ticking boxes of those you don't need, and clicking 'delete'. They all go poof into the recycle bin.
@ZOS can you implement a similar mechanism here in ESO !!