PSA for Gankblades

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  • LinearParadox

    You make a good point but I can’t always secure a kill on good players on my nb. Well not yet anyways. But my dark flare soul assault has zero counter play unless reflected or los. I use invis pots with speed anyways so I can pretend to be a Nightblade lol

    First off, the pots thing, fkin hilarious man XD
    Secondly, I never said, or meant to insinuate that NBs can always kill, etc. Just that they're best suited to killing with no chance of counterplay.
    Even though the options you listed are limited, they're still options. I'd also suggest that a reasonably tanky build or one with high enough stam could block through it and have a chance at living. Likewise a Templar could purge the Defile from Dark Flare and have a chance to block and spam healing through it. It would hurt like a bi*ch but at least they could take action to try to prevent their death. That's a far cry from spamming Break-Free and hoping you can get the game to respond before your health bar is deleted in under a second by multiple queued-up attacks and simultaneous procs.

    GreenHere wrote: »
    For fear of entirely derailing the thread by attacking NB cloak... Do you think that if sneak/cloak/invisibility was changed that we would be in a better place with this ganking problem we're discussing here?

    Personally I hate the invisibility in this game, it's crazy overpowered to completely disappear and disengage from an active fight at will. I'd love to see something closer to what the Halo series did with invisibility (or "active camouflage" I think it was called) where you were damn hard to see when perfectly still, but the more you moved the more visible you were. You could reasonably slip away in the heat of battle if you were smart and slippery, but you had to kind of work for it. Not just press one button to vanish. Or something along those lines. But I seriously doubt that sneak/invis/cloak will be looked into before 2020, if ESO even survives that long...

    Anyway, sorry for the rant... Do you think that stealth is the issue, or just the damage that can be done in a short time, or what?

    Haha no worries dude, I appreciate your input and I don't consider this derailing anything. Not sure there's anything toderail right now anyway tbh.
    Anyways, to your point, I was actually thinking about that since posting this: How could we keep the NB class relevant, and hopefully even preserve the flavor of an ambusher, without having to allow huge burst damage to make them feel relevant/useful. The conclusion I came to was, what if instead of offering them damage steroids from stealth, we gave them defensive or utility buffs upon entering combat from stealth.
    It would still give them an "Advantage" for ambushing someone, in addition to the element of surprise which is an advantage in itself, and would let them be more effective fighters rather than imbalanced burst-assassins.
    Something like three seconds of Major Protection upon entering combat for the first time, or a 100% miss chance against the next attack upon exiting cloak instead of a guaranteed crit. That sort of thing.
    I like that train of thought because, believe it or not, I don't want to see NBs destroyed with nerfs, god knows there's little enough diversity of builds in this game already, I just don't want to see 100>0 ganks all the damn time.
    Daus wrote: »
    People have complained about gankblades for years, and honestly it's not even remotely close to being as bad as it used to. I'd personally like to see their assassination passive changed so that it doesn't encourage this kind of behavior, but I'm bias as a non-stealth stamblade.

    Oh I know, you're right. Back before the stealth damage bonuses were nerfed, I briefly ran a 1-shot Onslaught gank build to help raise awareness of just how utterly busted those stacking damage bonuses were.
    Now that those bonuses have been tuned, Empower only applies to light attacks, etc... things are better than they were, but IMO they're still not where they need to be.
    JaselUmena wrote: »

    Feels like the complaint is about people hiding in large groups to launch a coordinated attack on smaller groups, which is valid, from my perspective.

    I'm gonna take issue with something OP mentioned. You are not required to have X resists to build your character, it's more like THEY, if they want to one-shot anything, will have to build an extremely frail build that will die to little more than a sneeze in their general direction.

    *Sorry for the snip once again*

    Actually I'm not complaining about Xv1 ganks, which tbh I really don't see. Even if that were the case, getting Xv1'd is usually death anyway and that's a whole different thing which, for the record doesn't really bother me. If 10 people jump me at once, it really doesn't matter if they're NBs or not, I'm likely dead. Same with multiple ults are once, etc.

    Yes the NBs are frail, but unlike other classes that fight in the open, NBs are not punished for that fraility, in fact when played efficiently, they never even have to deal with it. Their toolkit allows them to engage/disengage essentially at will.
    They get all the power of say a StamDen running full damage in Med armor, but also get to just poof when things dont go their way.
    If I'm on my MagDK and I attack someone, I'm basically committed to attacking. If I don't size up the situation, or the other guy is stronger than me, I'm dead. They win. And that's FINE. If I get outplayed, that's fine, they should win.
    NBs? Cloak and poof without recourse. :|
    And yes, people will rock-paper-scissors to counter the meta to an extent, but it's not a perfect R-P-S when rock beats scissors but TIES paper, and if paper wants to beat rock then it loses to all three if caught out and... so it's not that simple.
    Mintaka5 wrote: »
    Stealth gankers are the SCUM OF THE EARTH. No skill, all stacked bleed/poison damage.

    We all know those builds are broke AF, and these d-bags persist in exploiting it. It's not that you kill cheaply, it's that you're annoying AF in gameplay (read as ruining the game).

    While I can't honestly say I don't share your sentiment emotionally, I am trying to keep this thread at least moderately constructive, since people are actualy engaging in an open discourse. Please try to limit your posts to things that are objective rather than subjective. Thank you.
    qbit wrote: »

    I like it. Summarize it as a combination of a single word and like one short snarky sentence in the style of the popular demotivational posters. Put it up with a clever image related to the class.

    While I recognize that all playstyles have the potential to be frustrating to certain other playstyles, only the ganking playstyle removes agency from players to such an atrocious extent.
    I have many characters, and it's not uncommon for me to think to myself "I could've killed that guy if I was on X character" or sigh heavily when my DoT-based StamDK comes up against a MagPlar that just smiles and purges all my DoTs every few seconds, but it's still a FIGHT. I still have options. I don't just hear a single REEE-CHUNK into a stun and an immediate black screen. That's something completely different, something none of the other playstyles subject players to.
    Edited by LinearParadox on October 2, 2018 4:46PM
    Benthar the Unkillable - lvl 50 StamDK - AD
    High Confessor Celosia - lvl 50 MagDK, AD
    Aeolyndra Sunstrider - lvl 50 Magplar Support God, AD
    Maldreth Angala - lvl 50 Magicka PetSorc, AD
    Veldrosa Wyldwind - lvl 50 StamSorc, AD
    M. Night Shatupon - lvl 50 MagBlade, AD
    Vestonia Ironhardt - lvl 50 Warden GuardTank, AD
    Bone Daddy - lvl 50 Stamcro, AD
    Abra Kedaver - lvl 50 Magcro, AD
    CP 1100+
  • Heimpai
    Yep and tbagging someone‘s freshly lvld stamsorc while hiding at range is soo much better right? It’s not just nightblades bud
  • NyassaV
    You show no skill by using such sets and playing in such play-styles. Try other methods if you want people to think you are good
    Flawless Conqueror ~ Grand Overlord
    She/Her ~ PC/NA | I record things for fun and for info
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