PSA for Gankblades

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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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You're not "Good".
It takes very little skill to properly execute an effective "gank" and 1-shot someone from stealth with little-to-no opportunity for counterplay.
You're just an opportunist reaching for low-hanging fruit, using one of the most cheesy and inherently unbalanced tactics in any PvP game.

Yes, it's "part of the game", yes it's how the NB class plays and yes, it's effective. I can't stop you from doing it, ZoS won't stop you from doing it...
But when you NB players get mouthy in PMs like you're some kind of god at this game, or some masterfully skillful player, you're only embarrassing yourself.
No one but fellow NB gankers have any respect for the playstyle, or consider it "impressive" or "skillful".
It's actually incredibly easy - thanks to the native steroids of the class, easy access to buffs, and Cloak which allows you to engage only when YOU want to, and disengage virtually at will - to run a pure damage build and 1-shot people with just a few keystrokes.
No thought to combat other than picking your one moment, no thought to your build other than pure damage.

Of all my characters, spread across all the classes, mag and stam specs, various roles for solo, small group, and large group play, healers, buffers, damage dealers, etc...
NBs are by FAR the easiest class to get kills with in just about any situation outside of a massive zerg fight.

So, go ahead and keep ganking, keep promoting the "Tank meta" everyone hates, keep pushing people away from balanced builds into "I'm sick and tired of getting ganked" builds.
Go ahead.
Just don't think it makes you good. It really doesn't.
Benthar the Unkillable - lvl 50 StamDK - AD
High Confessor Celosia - lvl 50 MagDK, AD
Aeolyndra Sunstrider - lvl 50 Magplar Support God, AD
Maldreth Angala - lvl 50 Magicka PetSorc, AD
Veldrosa Wyldwind - lvl 50 StamSorc, AD
M. Night Shatupon - lvl 50 MagBlade, AD
Vestonia Ironhardt - lvl 50 Warden GuardTank, AD
Bone Daddy - lvl 50 Stamcro, AD
Abra Kedaver - lvl 50 Magcro, AD
CP 1100+
  • GreenHere
    Wait, so... what's the PSA here? Being good at an easy play style doesn't make you good?

    Like in a larger combat sense? Or in a morality or spiritual sense, or...? Do I even have the point you're trying to make right?

    Kind of just sounds like: PSA - I hate getting ganked, everyone!
  • Maryal
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    "You're different and that's bad."
    PC EU
  • JaselUmena
    There should be threads like this one for every playstyle the game has to offer. "Tanks, you got no skill, you hide behind max mitigation and hp, with little to no way of dealing with you". Sure, high damage builds feel cheap for anything with low HP and resistances, that's what they are supposed to kill. Then they struggle against classes that can live their burst and hit back. I am no experienced player, but this is how I do things:

    -If I play low resistance characters, I am sneaking the entire time unless I want to engage someone I think i can kill. I do understand that being discovered is pretty much equal to getting stunned and killed instantly.

    -If I play a tanky character, i try to stand out to get attacked, kill back the squishies who didn't calculate their damage well enough. I also don't waste my time fighting other tanks unless I know there's backup for me.

    Then again, I just play battlegrounds, as cyrodiil is devoid of most strategy and all goes down to sheer team size, so what do I know.
  • BigBadVolk
    "The ass is similar to the opinion: Everyone has it, but no one cares about the others!"
    I'm 120 years old
  • LinearParadox
    GreenHere wrote: »
    Wait, so... what's the PSA here? Being good at an easy play style doesn't make you good?

    Like in a larger combat sense? Or in a morality or spiritual sense, or...? Do I even have the point you're trying to make right?

    Kind of just sounds like: PSA - I hate getting ganked, everyone!

    Point is very simple, and obvious. If you're gonna insist on running a gankblade, don't act like a pompus fool in PMs like you're some kind of "uber1337proplayer260noscope" clown. No one respects you or your playstyle.
    Maryal wrote: »

    Maybe... maybe... so was the NB who started ragewhispering me in IC after failing two ganks in a row on me while I was fighting a boss. There's no way he could actually solo that boss himself, but hey, he damned well better be able to profit off my hard work with just a couple keystrokes and an easy gank on an unaware opponent or he's gonna throw a tantrum. ;)
    "You're different and that's bad."

    Firstly, I'd like to see you try and explain how you got that from what I said.
    Additionally... different, how? Different from all the numerous and playstyles I mentioned, none of which I have an issue with? You don't even properly define your terms, then try to insinuate that I'm making some baseless argument that you didn't even properly clarify.
    Just stop, I'm not taking the strawman bait.

    There is nothing balanced about being able to 1-shot people, much less being able to do so from stealth with 0 warning or counterplay, yet NBs will insist that they're somehow 'entitled' to be able to do so even though it's toxic at several different levels to the balance of the game and the community.
    Then on top of it all, they strut around like they have some great accomplishment to be proud of and throw in people's faces.
    If it wasn't so utterly obnoxious, it'd be funny.
    Benthar the Unkillable - lvl 50 StamDK - AD
    High Confessor Celosia - lvl 50 MagDK, AD
    Aeolyndra Sunstrider - lvl 50 Magplar Support God, AD
    Maldreth Angala - lvl 50 Magicka PetSorc, AD
    Veldrosa Wyldwind - lvl 50 StamSorc, AD
    M. Night Shatupon - lvl 50 MagBlade, AD
    Vestonia Ironhardt - lvl 50 Warden GuardTank, AD
    Bone Daddy - lvl 50 Stamcro, AD
    Abra Kedaver - lvl 50 Magcro, AD
    CP 1100+
  • VaranisArano
    TLDR: OP couldn't think of a snippy retort to the tells in Cyrodiil so they wrote a forum post instead.
  • GreenHere

    Point is very simple, and obvious. If you're gonna insist on running a gankblade, don't act like a pompus fool in PMs like you're some kind of "uber1337proplayer260noscope" clown. No one respects you or your playstyle.

    [*snip* to remove comments related to other people's comments]

    Fair enough. Upon rereading my comment, I want to clarify that I wasn't intending it to come off as attacking or snarky as it may have. I tend to agree, people sniping you is generally annoying and somewhat cowardly of a play style... so if some a**hat is sprinkling a s**** attitude on top of it, that's extra lame. Not sure your PSA will sway people like that, though

    On the other hand, ganking people is fun on occasion. But I don't want to do it in places like IC, where you're obviously being predatory and actively taking away from other people's fun and in-game earnings. The people who DO want to do that are not going to be reached by your PSA, unfortunately.
  • LinearParadox
    JaselUmena wrote: »
    There should be threads like this one for every playstyle the game has to offer. "Tanks, you got no skill, you hide behind max mitigation and hp, with little to no way of dealing with you". Sure, high damage builds feel cheap for anything with low HP and resistances, that's what they are supposed to kill. Then they struggle against classes that can live their burst and hit back. I am no experienced player, but this is how I do things:

    -If I play low resistance characters, I am sneaking the entire time unless I want to engage someone I think i can kill. I do understand that being discovered is pretty much equal to getting stunned and killed instantly.

    -If I play a tanky character, i try to stand out to get attacked, kill back the squishies who didn't calculate their damage well enough. I also don't waste my time fighting other tanks unless I know there's backup for me.

    Then again, I just play battlegrounds, as cyrodiil is devoid of most strategy and all goes down to sheer team size, so what do I know.

    You're not wrong, but you're not entirely right either; "super tanks", the silly-ass builds that can tank 10+ people and all that nonsense are annoying, sure, but they're basically harmless and can be ignored.

    I'm not talking about people with high damage vs low survivability, I'm talking about builds that can 1-shot.
    Put two high-damage builds against each other in a straight up fight, streamers and big PvPers do it all the time in duels and such; take for example StamSorcs, StamDens, StamDKs, MagDens, etc... they'll have high damage, and it's usually a contest of who can line up their burst on the other, but THAT'S THE POINT. You can play against that, you can try to read your opponent, you can try to counter, watch their buffs, see when they're trying to line up a delayed burst, time a dodgeroll or block, heal preemptively... there's a metagame of back-and-fourth there analogous to fencing.

    That is NOT the case with gankblades where you get NO warning, NO telegraphs, NO opportunity for counterplay, and often, not even enough time to break free from the initial stun.

    That is not fair, balanced, skillful, or rewarding in any way.
    BigBadVolk wrote: »
    *Image snipped for space*

    Real mature bud ;)
    TLDR: OP couldn't think of a snippy retort to the tells in Cyrodiil so they wrote a forum post instead.

    Actually, the dirtbags Ahem, fellow players I'm referring to, block people immediately after their little whispers because, much like their unbalanced builds, the little snowflakes can't take back when they dish out ;)
    GreenHere wrote: »

    Fair enough. Upon rereading my comment, I want to clarify that I wasn't intending it to come off as attacking or snarky as it may have. I tend to agree, people sniping you is generally annoying and somewhat cowardly of a play style... so if some a**hat is sprinkling a s**** attitude on top of it, that's extra lame. Not sure your PSA will sway people like that, though

    On the other hand, ganking people is fun on occasion. But I don't want to do it in places like IC, where you're obviously being predatory and actively taking away from other people's fun and in-game earnings. The people who DO want to do that are not going to be reached by your PSA, unfortunately.

    Well, it kinda came off that way a little, although that might've been partially due to the backdrop of snarky sarcastic comments everyone else was making.

    That's exactly what they do though, and I'm sure that you're right; those types of people aren't going to be swayed by my message but, I don't know, maybe it's spiteful but, I'd like them to know that they're not all that... not to anyone that has a decent grasp of knowledge of this game.
    Benthar the Unkillable - lvl 50 StamDK - AD
    High Confessor Celosia - lvl 50 MagDK, AD
    Aeolyndra Sunstrider - lvl 50 Magplar Support God, AD
    Maldreth Angala - lvl 50 Magicka PetSorc, AD
    Veldrosa Wyldwind - lvl 50 StamSorc, AD
    M. Night Shatupon - lvl 50 MagBlade, AD
    Vestonia Ironhardt - lvl 50 Warden GuardTank, AD
    Bone Daddy - lvl 50 Stamcro, AD
    Abra Kedaver - lvl 50 Magcro, AD
    CP 1100+
  • Emma_Overload
    TLDR: OP couldn't think of a snippy retort to the tells in Cyrodiil so they wrote a forum post instead.

    Yeah, maybe... or maybe he's like me and all the nasty gankblades have already blocked his whispers >:)

    Seriously, while I'm not surprised at the scorn OP's salty post is getting, there isn't one word of it that isn't true. These guys are cowardly scumbags! Maybe my opinion is biased because I only play in the Imperial City, where clownblades are a dime-a-dozen, but I don't think these guys deserve any respect whatsoever.
  • Casul
    I got it, let’s make adept rider reflect one projectile that gets shot at you while you are mounted.
    PvP needs more love.
  • JaselUmena
    You're not wrong, but you're not entirely right either; "super tanks", the silly-ass builds that can tank 10+ people and all that nonsense are annoying, sure, but they're basically harmless and can be ignored.

    I'm not talking about people with high damage vs low survivability, I'm talking about builds that can 1-shot.

    I currently enjoy playing a dragon knight who's got capped resistances (goes above that when hp is lowered) and I have never been truly one-shot in a real pvp environment. Most similar thing I had to getting one-shot by a nightblade was them throwing in their stun when my hp was low enough to kill me afterwards.

    The problem with those builds, from what I can see, is that once they lay down their burst they no longer have an ultimate to use on you and are trying to drop your hp with light attack + surprise attack in denial. One fossilize usually gives my team enough time to kill them due to their garbage hp pools.

    I have little experience with other classes than stamina dk, tried playing nightblade as my first character (now that char became my crafter cause I don't want to get all the skyshards again) and I really could not get kills unless I picked off isolated targets who were clearly not in heavy armor. I feel nightblades are easier to counter in a real pvp environment (no CP battlegrounds) than what you present us in this thread. I dunno, just the general feeling I get.

    I will agree to one thing, a coordinated attack from multiple people that are in stealth is a death sentence to an individual target. Being a jerk about pulling it off is also not acceptable, but do not give them a fun reaction, that just feeds the trolls.
    Edited by JaselUmena on October 2, 2018 1:02PM
  • LinearParadox

    Yeah, maybe... or maybe he's like me and all the nasty gankblades have already blocked his whispers >:)

    Seriously, while I'm not surprised at the scorn OP's salty post is getting, there isn't one word of it that isn't true. These guys are cowardly scumbags! Maybe my opinion is biased because I only play in the Imperial City, where clownblades are a dime-a-dozen, but I don't think these guys deserve any respect whatsoever.

    Precisely what I said in my last post; "Actually, the dirtbags Ahem, fellow players I'm referring to, block people immediately after their little whispers because, much like their unbalanced builds, the little snowflakes can't take back when they dish out ;)"
    Benthar the Unkillable - lvl 50 StamDK - AD
    High Confessor Celosia - lvl 50 MagDK, AD
    Aeolyndra Sunstrider - lvl 50 Magplar Support God, AD
    Maldreth Angala - lvl 50 Magicka PetSorc, AD
    Veldrosa Wyldwind - lvl 50 StamSorc, AD
    M. Night Shatupon - lvl 50 MagBlade, AD
    Vestonia Ironhardt - lvl 50 Warden GuardTank, AD
    Bone Daddy - lvl 50 Stamcro, AD
    Abra Kedaver - lvl 50 Magcro, AD
    CP 1100+
  • Strider__Roshin
    I don't have any respect for gankblades either, but this thread doesn't put you in a positive light.
  • KingExecration
    Good thing I’m a gankplar with dark flare and soul assault, so this doesn’t apply to me. Rip gankblades pride.
  • VaranisArano

    Yeah, maybe... or maybe he's like me and all the nasty gankblades have already blocked his whispers >:)

    Seriously, while I'm not surprised at the scorn OP's salty post is getting, there isn't one word of it that isn't true. These guys are cowardly scumbags! Maybe my opinion is biased because I only play in the Imperial City, where clownblades are a dime-a-dozen, but I don't think these guys deserve any respect whatsoever.

    I guess I just don't get the point of it. I mean, even if you guys could whisper them back, what's the point of telling them they aren't all that good? Just letting off some steam?

    I dont tend to PVP through whispers, so maybe I just don't get it.
    Edited by VaranisArano on October 2, 2018 1:56PM
  • oXI_Viper_IXo
    Gankers feed off of triggering people like you; you're only adding fuel to the fire with this post.
  • KingExecration
    Gankers feed off of triggering people like you; you're only adding fuel to the fire with this post.

    This person gets it. Makes me smile getting hate tells from a fat snipe or dark flare target. But hey maybe roasting us as noobs is getting something accomplished.
  • Danksta
    Daus wrote: »
    I don't have any respect for gankblades either, but this thread doesn't put you in a positive light.

    Agreed. Makes the OP look like a bad player that can't survive a gank unless they're on a "tank build". Also makes the OP look like someone who thinks all NBs are gankers, and that you have to be a NB to be a ganker.
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • LinearParadox
    JaselUmena wrote: »
    I currently enjoy playing a dragon knight who's got capped resistances (goes above that when hp is lowered) and I have never been truly one-shot in a real pvp environment. Most similar thing I had to getting one-shot by a nightblade was them throwing in their stun when my hp was low enough to kill me afterwards.

    No offense, but you're proving my point. Of course tanky builds can deal with gankers more esily, that's a big part of what's promoting this "tank meta" everyone claims to hate.
    Ganking builds, particularly NBs because they're in many ways the best at it, reduce build diversity because there's a certain point where surviving a gank is a sheer numbers game.
    In some cases, it's possible to break free, roll, heal, block, ult, etc and try to survive. But the "best" ganks are the kind where your target doesn't get a chance to react (removing agency, which is a huge issue of it's own, but that's not my current point) and it's simply a matter of; Does your build have X amount of health/resists. No? You're dead before you can break free.
    This is only exacerbated by lag, which can bake breaking free unreliable.

    The result is that the majority of players are pushed toward a homogeneous build style (tankiness) in order to adapt to the minority of players (gankers) and avoid an uncommon but extremely frustrating and often-times unavoidable result (insta-death by gank)

    Which leads to asinine situations like if your StamDK and mine were to meet... I can pretty much guarantee you that'd be a stalemate until backup showed up for either side and turned it into a 1vX. I'm NOT commenting on your skill, I don't know you, haven't fought you, etc. But in terms of sheer numbers, a capped-resist build has basically no chance of killing another capped-resist build.
    Having those kinds of fights is unhealthy for the game balance.

    Daus wrote: »
    I don't have any respect for gankblades either, but this thread doesn't put you in a positive light.

    It's not about a positive or negative light. I can be the best saint or worst sinner on these forums and either way I'll get some people that agree, some that troll, some that hate me, etc.
    It's about awareness.
    Awareness is the first step to discussion, and problem-solving. The ganking playstyle is hurting this game and it needs to be looked at seriously.
    And if you're thinking to yourself "They can't remove ganking from the game, they can't just remove an entire playstyle!" Well bud... permablocking was a playstyle, it was deemed unhealthy and tossed out. Templars used to build around "Blinding Flashes" and blinds in general and that was a sort of playstyle, it was found to be unbalanced and it was thrown out.
    Sorcs stack shields... that's getting nerfed and likely canned.
    Sorcs used to have Overload builds, and many Sorc build relied on having a third bar for their playstyle... that's getting completely removed.
    THINGS CAN CHANGE, and sometimes they SHOULD.
    Good thing I’m a gankplar with dark flare and soul assault, so this doesn’t apply to me. Rip gankblades pride.
    This person gets it. Makes me smile getting hate tells from a fat snipe or dark flare target. But hey maybe roasting us as noobs is getting something accomplished.

    XD dude, if I died to that, I'd just laugh at myself. That's just raw damage, and if I can't find a way to block that or mitigate the damage from it, then it's my own damn fault. You also don't get to use a single ability to walk past people in stealth whenever you want, or disappear immediately following a gank and get away without effort.
    Lets not apple to oranges here even if they're both fruit; Killing someone with a 3 second channel is nothing like killing someone in under a second before they can even break free from your opening stun.
    Danksta wrote: »

    Agreed. Makes the OP look like a bad player that can't survive a gank unless they're on a "tank build". Also makes the OP look like someone who thinks all NBs are gankers, and that you have to be a NB to be a ganker.

    The two ganks I talked about surviving in the opening post, I was in LA on a Magplar with no shields, and was fighting an IC boss. I can survive some of them, maybe even many of them, but that's not the issue. The issue is that there's a break point, as I said above to Jasel, where skill is taken out of the equations and it becomes "Does your build have X amount of health/resists. No? You're dead before you can break free."

    I don't think that "all NBs are gankers, and that you have to be a NB to be a ganker." But NBs are uniquely suited to it and are generally the only ones I see capable of pulling off that "1-shot" style gank that is the main issue here. They're also easily the safest to do it with, being able to stay undetected with ease, and having a whole bag of trick to get back out scott-free after a failed gank, resulting in a nearly risk-free playstyle that's not found anywhere else than NBs.
    Edited by LinearParadox on October 2, 2018 2:38PM
    Benthar the Unkillable - lvl 50 StamDK - AD
    High Confessor Celosia - lvl 50 MagDK, AD
    Aeolyndra Sunstrider - lvl 50 Magplar Support God, AD
    Maldreth Angala - lvl 50 Magicka PetSorc, AD
    Veldrosa Wyldwind - lvl 50 StamSorc, AD
    M. Night Shatupon - lvl 50 MagBlade, AD
    Vestonia Ironhardt - lvl 50 Warden GuardTank, AD
    Bone Daddy - lvl 50 Stamcro, AD
    Abra Kedaver - lvl 50 Magcro, AD
    CP 1100+
  • RedRook
    But when you NB players get mouthy in PMs like you're some kind of god at this game, or some masterfully skillful player, you're only embarrassing yourself.


    Some people are ****s. Most people are ****s occasionally. Salty nightblade who PMed you isn't the ambassador for all of Nightblade-kind - or even all of ganker-kind - just somebody being a ****. It happens.

    Choice of playstyle doesn't automatically indicate skill level, or courage either. Individuals vary.
  • KingExecration

    No offense, but you're proving my point. Of course tanky builds can deal with gankers more esily, that's a big part of what's promoting this "tank meta" everyone claims to hate.
    Ganking builds, particularly NBs because they're in many ways the best at it, reduce build diversity because there's a certain point where surviving a gank is a sheer numbers game.
    In some cases, it's possible to break free, roll, heal, block, ult, etc and try to survive. But the "best" ganks are the kind where your target doesn't get a chance to react (removing agency, which is a huge issue of it's own, but that's not my current point) and it's simply a matter of; Does your build have X amount of health/resists. No? You're dead before you can break free.
    This is only exacerbated by lag, which can bake breaking free unreliable.

    The result is that the majority of players are pushed toward a homogeneous build style (tankiness) in order to adapt to the minority of players (gankers) and avoid an uncommon but extremely frustrating and often-times unavoidable result (insta-death by gank)

    Which leads to asinine situations like if your StamDK and mine were to meet... I can pretty much guarantee you that'd be a stalemate until backup showed up for either side and turned it into a 1vX. I'm NOT commenting on your skill, I don't know you, haven't fought you, etc. But in terms of sheer numbers, a capped-resist build has basically no chance of killing another capped-resist build.
    Having those kinds of fights is unhealthy for the game balance.

    It's not about a positive or negative light. I can be the best saint or worst sinner on these forums and either way I'll get some people that agree, some that troll, some that hate me, etc.
    It's about awareness.
    Awareness is the first step to discussion, and problem-solving. The ganking playstyle is hurting this game and it needs to be looked at seriously.
    And if you're thinking to yourself "They can't remove ganking from the game, they can't just remove an entire playstyle!" Well bud... permablocking was a playstyle, it was deemed unhealthy and tossed out. Templars used to build around "Blinding Flashes" and blinds in general and that was a sort of playstyle, it was found to be unbalanced and it was thrown out.
    Sorcs stack shields... that's getting nerfed and likely canned.
    Sorcs used to have Overload builds, and many Sorc build relied on having a third bar for their playstyle... that's getting completely removed.
    THINGS CAN CHANGE, and sometimes they SHOULD.

    XD dude, if I died to that, I'd just laugh at myself. That's just raw damage, and if I can't find a way to block that or mitigate the damage from it, then it's my own damn fault. You also don't get to use a single ability to walk past people in stealth whenever you want, or disappear immediately following a gank and get away without effort.
    Lets not apple to oranges here even if they're both fruit; Killing someone with a 3 second channel is nothing like killing someone in under a second before they can even break free from your opening stun.

    The two ganks I talked about surviving in the opening post, I was in LA on a Magplar with no shields, and was fighting an IC boss. I can survive some of them, maybe even many of them, but that's not the issue. The issue is that there's a break point, as I said above to Jasel, where skill is taken out of the equations and it becomes "Does your build have X amount of health/resists. No? You're dead before you can break free."

    I don't think that "all NBs are gankers, and that you have to be a NB to be a ganker." But NBs are uniquely suited to it and are generally the only ones I see capable of pulling off that "1-shot" style gank that is the main issue here. They're also easily the safest to do it with, being able to stay undetected with ease, and having a whole bag of trick to get back out scott-free after a failed gank, resulting in a nearly risk-free playstyle that's not found anywhere else than NBs.

    You make a good point but I can’t always secure a kill on good players on my nb. Well not yet anyways. But my dark flare soul assault has zero counter play unless reflected or los. I use invis pots with speed anyways so I can pretend to be a Nightblade lol
  • GreenHere
    For fear of entirely derailing the thread by attacking NB cloak... Do you think that if sneak/cloak/invisibility was changed that we would be in a better place with this ganking problem we're discussing here?

    Personally I hate the invisibility in this game, it's crazy overpowered to completely disappear and disengage from an active fight at will. I'd love to see something closer to what the Halo series did with invisibility (or "active camouflage" I think it was called) where you were damn hard to see when perfectly still, but the more you moved the more visible you were. You could reasonably slip away in the heat of battle if you were smart and slippery, but you had to kind of work for it. Not just press one button to vanish. Or something along those lines. But I seriously doubt that sneak/invis/cloak will be looked into before 2020, if ESO even survives that long...

    Anyway, sorry for the rant... Do you think that stealth is the issue, or just the damage that can be done in a short time, or what?
  • Strider__Roshin
    People have complained about gankblades for years, and honestly it's not even remotely close to being as bad as it used to. I'd personally like to see their assassination passive changed so that it doesn't encourage this kind of behavior, but I'm bias as a non-stealth stamblade.
  • JaselUmena
    GreenHere wrote: »
    Anyway, sorry for the rant... Do you think that stealth is the issue, or just the damage that can be done in a short time, or what?

    Feels like the complaint is about people hiding in large groups to launch a coordinated attack on smaller groups, which is valid, from my perspective.

    I'm gonna take issue with something OP mentioned. You are not required to have X resists to build your character, it's more like THEY, if they want to one-shot anything, will have to build an extremely frail build that will die to little more than a sneeze in their general direction.

    Like, he mentioned I prove his point that people are moving towards tanky builds, which I didn't really do, I just happen to enjoy playing DK and taking favorable match-ups (vs things with light or medium armor). Running full divines and 3k weapon damage maul with capped defenses is what I came up with to deal with one V one situations where the enemy has higher damage but sacrificed their defenses to do so. If they want to dent my character, they can do so, but I can definitely slap them back.

    Favorable match-ups: Ambush attackers (at close range), Middle armor, Light armor damage dealers (at close range), some heavy armor builds that are damage oriented.

    Neutral: High defense tanks / High defense healers.

    Bad match-ups: Anything able to stay at range and deal significant damage, most werewolves.

    Imo, everyone has good and bad match-ups, and if a playerbase shifts to accomodate a particular playstyle that can be countered somehow, it is likely the "counter" will be the next big thing. Once people realize that tank + heal bot = stalemate, some people will switch back to something able to kill the tanks, and then people will run other stuff to kill the tank killers. If you want a tip, in a normal pvp environment (battlegrounds), crouch to avoid being the primary target of hidden enemies. If your damage is good enough, you can jump them when they attack your teammates and probably win the fight.
  • Narvuntien
    I never said I was good... in fact I am a gankblade because I am bad (or rather I have 300 ping)
  • qbit
    JaselUmena wrote: »
    There should be threads like this one for every playstyle the game has to offer.

    I like it. Summarize it as a combination of a single word and like one short snarky sentence in the style of the popular demotivational posters. Put it up with a clever image related to the class.
  • Mintaka5
    Stealth gankers are the SCUM OF THE EARTH. No skill, all stacked bleed/poison damage.

    We all know those builds are broke AF, and these d-bags persist in exploiting it. It's not that you kill cheaply, it's that you're annoying AF in gameplay (read as ruining the game).
  • BooPerScOOper
    Gankers feed off of triggering people like you; you're only adding fuel to the fire with this post.

    Exactly. AND he's going to have a rough time with his toons listed in his siggy
  • qbit
    Regarding salty hate tells: I used to play a lot of online poker years ago. As much time was spent on it as ESO now. I would play at high stakes tables with $100 buy-ins no limit.

    You know what really really upset people when they hate-chatted you? You keep telling them you can’t read or respond to them because you’ve disabled chat.

    They were already on tilt so bad they couldn’t see through the obvious troll. It infuriates then even more as they demand an explanation as to how you’re reading and responding to them. You just respond back that you’ve turned char off.

    But the idea back then was to upset them more after they lost a lot of real money.

    One time I was observing a table with $2000 buy-ins. Holy smokes who has that kind of play money? Chat at that table was interesting, to say the least. One guy must have been super rich because he would go all in constantly as if he was at a play money table. Or like a $5 buy-in table. But it was hundreds if not thousands of dollars per hand. One dude went off about how this is his job and he can’t make money with (censored) people like that playing at HIS table. Dude never responded to anyone. Just kept bluffing everyone out of hands over and over. Taking pot after pot.

    Lol. I guess it could be worse. Try disabling chat? Or just respond with a smiley emoji when they hate yell at you?
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