Hey everyone. I just wanted to share my interesting observation from one of my last vet dungeon runs. It looks like "no death" achievement can be actually earned even if someone in group dies, but with certain condition.
Couple days ago I ran Banished Cells 2 with a PUG. We cleared everything up to the last boss without dying. Then things went south... Our group was completely wiped 3 times. However after discussing the strategy we managed to kill the boss on our 4th attempt and none died during that. To my big surprise I got survivor (no death) achievement for that dungeon.
This needs more testing, but it looks like this can be something that can significantly simplify getting that achievement in harder dungeons. If someone dies during the boss fight - all group should die so to reset the fight. Then try again till you kill the boss without team losses.
I tried to google topics on this issue, but everywhere people just talk about no death in general. Well, this was a discovery for me after 8 months in game, so maybe someone will find this info useful too.
Edited by StormChaser3000 on September 30, 2018 2:13PM